2001 Congratulations, the Builder has completed developing a Grain Farm, and you have completed Episode 1. \n\nAs your Empire expands in future episodes, you will want to continue using your Builder to increase the amount of Grain, Meat, and other resources available to your capital city. Developing natural resources will be an important activity throughout the game. 2002 Congratulations, the Engineer has completed building road that connects a Grain Farm to the capital city. That Grain will be automatically transported to the city where it will be eaten by industrial workers.\n\nYou can verify that the Grain farm tile is connected in two ways: hold the cursor over the tile and look at the help text that appears in the top right of the screen. It will show that "Max Transport" has gone from 0 to 1. You could also info-click on the tile to get a detailed report about the tile. Note that you did not have to build road all the way into the Grain Farm tile --just being adjacent to road is sufficient.\n\nAs your Empire expands in future episodes, you will want to continue using your Engineer to connect the developments made by the Builder. 2003 Congratulations, your Explorer just discovered a hidden mineral deposit, and you have completed Episode 3. \n\nContinue to use your Explorer each turn to look for valuable resources in your homeland. Don t forget that prospected minerals are not usable until the Builder develops them.\n\nIn the early part of the game, the most important mineral resource to locate is iron ore. Processed iron (cast iron) is used by the Builder and the Engineer, and is also used to build military and naval units.\n\nLater in the game, copper, tin, and coal will be important as well. Eventually, you will send an Explorer to prospect and explore in the New World.\n 2004 Congratulations, your Builder and Engineer have completed the goal of connecting two more developments to the capital. You have the start of a good road network.\n\nThere are certain types of resources which are especially important at the beginning of the game. As you continue with this tutorial, keep your Builder and Engineer busy developing and connecting terrain tiles that produce Timber, Iron Ore and Wool, which are important for industry, and Grain and Cattle, which are needed to feed the industrial workers. \n\nThe developments which you have made so far are all level 1 developments, which means simply that they produce one unit of resources (such as timber, or grain) every turn. Later technologies will permit the Builder to work on the same terrain tiles again increasing the resource output of the development on the tile. Technologies will also lead to improved roads capable of transporting these additional resources to the capital city. \n 2005 Congratulations, you have produced Lumber, Cast Iron and Fabric, thus completing Episode 5.\n\nThe Builder uses Lumber and Cast Iron each time he develops a tile. The Engineer uses Lumber and Cast Iron each time he builds road. You will use Fabric in the next Episode, to recruit new laborers into the city. \n 2006 Congratulations, you have your industrial workers set to make Fabric, Lumber and Cast Iron every turn, as long as the resources are available. You have completed Episode 6. \n\nIn the next episode, you will learn how to transport resources which are too far from your capital to be quickly reached via road. \n 2007 The Engineer has completed building the port, which concludes this episode. \n\nNow that you have two ports (your capital and the one just constructed) your Engineer may build roads connected to either one. \n\nHowever, keep in mind that the resources gathered from roads connected only to the new (non-capital) port must be moved by ship from the port back to the capital city. As you will learn in the next episode there are advantages to land transport. \n\nIt will be a good idea later in the game to connect all your ports (on the same continent) with roads to the capital. For now, ports are an efficient way to gain distant resources. \n\n 2008 Congratulations, you have succeed in transporting at least four units of resources by ship. You have completed Episode 8. \n\nIn future episodes, as your Empire expands into other continents, you may develop several separate land transport networks joined only by ports. This type of expansion requires the construction of a much larger fleet since these resources must be moved by ship to the capital. Ships are also used for other purposes including trade, controlling the seas, and exploration.\n\n\n 2009 Congratulations, your ship has uncovered the coastline of the New World. You have completed Episode 9. \n\nGenerally, it is a good idea to keep one ship exploring until the entire coast is mapped. Some find it convenient to order their ships while using the zoomed out map.\n\nSend your Explorer to search the interior of these new lands. He exposes all the tiles around him. The New World contains exotic resources not found in the Old World, such as Cotton, Tobacco, Silver and Diamonds. \n 2010 Congratulations, your ship or Explorer has uncovered a tribal capital. This makes it possible to conduct diplomacy and trade with this tribe for the first time. Continue exploring to find the other tribal capitals.\n\nThe next episodes introduce diplomacy and trade. The episodes use the Old World for the demonstration. Keep in mind, however, that these same strategies for trade and diplomacy apply to those tribes whose capitals you have located.\n 2011 Congratulations, by building a Consulate and granting a trade subsidy, you have become the favored trade partner of a Minor Nation. \n\nThe inter-dependency of trade and diplomatic success will be a recurring theme during your rule. The long term purpose of diplomacy is getting other countries to choose to join your Empire. But the short term goal is to gain a steady trade supply of the resources that the other nation produces. \n\nOnce you have become the favorite trading partner of a minor nation, you can count on trade offers each turn. This is especially useful at the beginning of the game when your own nation has not yet developed its transport network.\n 2012 Congratulations, you have successfully sold a material and bought a resource. You have completed Episode 12. \n\nAs the game continues, you should complete as many trades as possible with minor nations with whom you have Trade Consulates. Each of those trade deals improves relations between your Great Power and the Minor Nation. \n\nYou now know the two methods--transport and trade-- of gaining resources (or materials) for production. Generally you should purchase resources that are in short supply in your own country. Buying materials on the market is often a bad idea because of the high costs. It is wiser to rely on your own production to turn resources into materials.\n 2013 Your new military unit is stationed at your capital city. You have completed Episode 13. \n\nYour new military unit will come up in the unit cycle after the civilians. The best thing to do with it at this point is give it orders to defend the capital (click the right-most unit order button on the toolbar).\n\nThis first unit is merely the beginning of your military buildup. (Even pacifist nations must have strong defense forces.) The next episode covers the uses of naval and military forces to expand your Empire .\n\n\n 2014 Congratulations, you completed Episode 14. Your force of 3 new Pikemen is garrisoned at the capital. \n\nThis force should be able to conquer a province in the New World. In the next episode, you will use your navy to establish a beachhead in the New World, so that you can send in the troops. 2015 Congratulations, you have established a landing zone, or beachhead, in the New World. In the next episode you will send troops into the province with the beachhead.\n\nThe fleet maintaining the beachhead is safe enough for now, because the tribes have no naval forces to threaten it. However, if you were fighting another Great Power, your ships could be intercepted. In that case it would be necessary to send enough force to protect your fleet from hostile ships.\n\n 2016 Congratulations, your attack on the New World province was successful. You have completed Episode 16. That province is now part of your Empire. It appears as your color on the diplomacy map. \n\nYour civilian units can now develop this new territory in the same way they have been developing your home country. An important first step is the construction of a port. Roads built out from this port gather the commodities of your new province. \n\nSome commodities, such as sugar and tobacco, are only available in the New World and are essential for the long term development of your Great Power. You should keep a garrison in the New World to protect your conquests.\n 2017 Congratulations, your research efforts and patience have been rewarded: you have completed the discovery of a new technology. \n\nEach new technology expands the capabilities of your Empire, provided that your economy is developed sufficiently to take advantage of the new opportunities. In a game of Imperialism II, you must balance your technological growth with the growth of the infrastructure required to benefit from a new technology.\n\n 2018 It is the year 1650. Now that have completed the tutorial and learned the rudiments of running an Empire, the time has come for you to assume your rightful place as full monarch. 2101 Your country is still rural and undeveloped. While the people may be surviving by living off the land, they are not producing anything that could be used by large scale industry, nor are they producing enough food to feed the industrial work force in your capital.\n\nTo get terrain tiles to produce useful quantities, you must develop them with the Builder. When a Builder develops a tile, a small structure appears. You will see that the tiles adjacent to your capital city are already developed. \n\nWhen you close this window, a smaller window will appear. At the top it provides feedback on your last action. The lower text helps prompt your next action. 2102 Welcome to Episode 2. You are getting a new unit, the Engineer, and access to the unit cycling buttons on the toolbar.\n\nDeveloped resources are of no use unless they are transported to the capital city. The main function for the Engineer is to build a road network connecting developed resources to the capital city, where they can be used for industry or trade.\n\nResource tiles are considered "connected" if they have a road going through them, or are adjacent to a tile that has road in it. Resource tiles adjacent to the capital city or to other ports are also connected.\n\nClick the question mark button on the lower right of the Main Map screen for explanations of road networks and of how to use the unit cycle buttons shown in the toolbar. \n\n 2103 Welcome to Episode 3. You are getting a new unit, an Explorer. \n\nHills, mountains, swamps and deserts may conceal valuable minerals. The Explorer prospects these areas, searching for minerals. Once minerals are located, the Builder can construct a mine. 2104 Welcome to Episode 4, in which you will continue to work with your Builder and Engineer.\n\nTiles developed by your Builder produce resources each turn. Your Empire gains those resources if the development is connected to the capital city by road. 2105 Welcome to Episode 5. You are getting access to the Industry button on the ribbon toolbar. The Production panel in the Industry Orders screen is used to make materials.\n\nThe resources your Empire gains each turn are used to produce materials. For example, Timber is processed into Lumber, and Iron Ore is converted to Cast Iron.\n\nLumber and Cast Iron have many uses, for example the Builder uses them for all developments, and the Engineer uses them to build roads. Wool is turned into Fabric, which is needed to recruit labor and later, to build sailing ships.\n\nAdditionally, materials may be sold to other nations for a profit. 2106 Welcome to Episode 6. You are getting access to a new button on the Industry Orders screen. \n\nAll production of materials requires labor. As the game progresses your Empire requires more and more labor. The Labor Panel is used to recruit more peasant laborers and to improve the quality of the laborers later in the game.\n\nWith the additional Peasant labor, you will be able to make three materials at a time. 2107 Welcome to Episode 7. You will be putting your Engineer to work in a new activity.\n\nSometimes resources you need are so far from your capital that the expense and time required for road construction make building a port a better option. Like roads, ports collect resources from any tile on or adjacent to the port s location. They also collect fish from the ocean and rivers, which helps feed industrial workers.\n\nSince items gathered by a port can move over water, it is not necessary for ports to be connected by road to the capital. If you do eventually connect a port, however, some of the commodities it picks up will move over land. 2108 Welcome to Episode 8. You are getting access to the Transport button on the ribbon toolbar. \n\nThe roads built by your Engineer have been transporting resources every turn automatically. \nLand (or road) transport is shown with green slider bars on the transport screen.\n\nUnlike road transport, transport of resource by sea (from a port) must have ships assigned to it. The transport screen is used to give these orders. Each type of commodity that can be moved by water is represented by a blue colored slider bar on the transport screen. \n\nUse the arrows at the ends of the slider bars to control how much of a commodity your ships will move. 2109 Welcome to Episode 9. You are gaining control of your navy, and getting access to the Zoom button at the top left of the toolbar.\n\nYour ships are presently all assigned to the home fleet (stationed in the harbor), where they are available for transport orders. In this episode, you will order one ship to move out on the open seas, beginning the exploration of the New World. 2110 As an Old World ruler, one of your duties is to bring civilization to the tribes of the New World. Of course, if your country makes a few profits at the same time it seems only fair. \n\nYou cannot trade with a Tribe until you have discovered its capital. Tribal capitals along the coast can be discovered by ship.\nYou must send the Explorer to the New World to discover inland capitals. 2111 Welcome to Episode 11. You are getting access to the Diplomacy button on the ribbon toolbar. \n\nDiplomatic actions are used to gain influence in other countries without war. This leads to advantages over the other Great Powers when conducting trade. By building a long term peaceful relationship you may eventually convince other countries to join your Empire. 2112 Welcome to Episode 12. You are getting access to the Trade button on the ribbon toolbar. \n\nThrough trade your Empire makes profits selling materials, and gains additional raw resources from other lands. As the favored trading partner of a Minor nation, your Great Power gets the first opportunity to buy its products. 2113 Welcome to Episode 13. You are getting access to the Units button on the Industry Orders screen. \n\nIt s a good idea to develop defensive forces, and order them to defend each of your provinces. It is especially important to defend the capital. If the capital is conquered, you lose. \n\nYou can build military units, as well as civilian workers and ships, using the unit building panel in the Industry Orders screen. Consider building a knight or a pikeman. These are two of the more effective units early in the game.\n 2114 Welcome to Episode 14, in which you will prepare an assault force.\n\nAlthough conquest is not the only viable option for exploiting the New World, the Tribes are a handy target for learning to command an invasion. \n\nThe nations of the Old World tend to be too powerful to be successfully attacked early in the game. However, a small but strong force should be able to conquer a New World province. 2115 Declaring war is a prerequisite to battle in the Old World. However, the Great Powers play by different rules in the New World, and no declaration is required.\n\nOverseas invasion is carried out in 2 steps: beachhead and attack. In this episode you will carry out the first step, establishing a beachhead where your troops will land. \n 2116 As you may recall, overseas invasion is carried out in 2 steps: beachhead and attack. Now that you have established a beachhead, in this episode you will carry out the second step, attacking. 2117 Welcome to Episode 17. You are getting access to the Technology button on the ribbon toolbar. \n\nNew technologies increase your abilities and efficiency in every aspect of developing an Empire. As the game progresses, all the Great Powers will research and discover new technologies, attempting to gain advantages over their foes. \n\nThis is the last episode of the tutorial. \n 2118 Welcome to Episode 18, the final episode of the tutorial. \n\nOne of the basic challenges in the early part of a game of Imperialism II is feeding your population. You need to be bringing in one unit of food (grain, livestock or fish) every turn for each army regiment, ship, and industrial worker group.\n\nYour goal for the remaining turns of the tutorial is to make sure that by the time the tutorial ends in 1650, you are transporting in enough food every turn to feed your people. Unlike previous episodes, this one will not end when you achieve the goal. You will be allowed to continue playing until 1600.\n 2119 Review of the Tutorial Episodes:\n\n#1 - Building a land transport network\n#2 - Discovering minerals\n#3 - Developing resources and feeding the people\n#4 - Processing resources into materials\n#5 - Building a labor force\n#6 - Building ports\n#7 - Transporting resources by ship\n#8 - Discovering the New World\n#9 - Exploring the New World with the Explorer and by ship\n#10 - Conducting diplomacy\n#11- Trade: buying cheap resources and selling expensive processed materials\n#12 - Building military units\n#13 - Developing an effective army\n#14 - Establishing a beachhead\n#15 - Invading the New World\n#16 - Researching technology\n#17 - Feeding the people, 2201 " Grain fields, shown with a yellow-gold color, are sites for farms.\n" When you hold the mouse over a tile where the Builder can work, you will see a hammer cursor.\n" The Builder takes 2 turns to develop a grain farm.\n" Toolbar information for the Builder:\n--icons show what types of resources the Builder can develop. \n--subscripts show how many tiles in your country produce that resource and still need to be developed\n" Click an icon on the toolbar to center the map on a tile that contains that resource and could be developed.\n" Click the Builder in the toolbar to center the map on the Builder again.\n" Move the cursor to the edges of the screen to scroll the map.\n" To close this window, click the small gold box in the top left corner. \n 2202 " The unit pictured in the toolbar is selected and ready for work. It will also appear on the map with a flashing white outline (currently hidden by this window).\n" The Engineer builds roads from where he is into the adjacent tile.\n" The Engineer takes 1 turn to build road through most tiles, except hills, mountains and swamps, which take 2 turns. \n" It s a good idea to continue using the Builder to develop more Grain Farms and other natural resources.\n" Click the question mark button on the lower right of the Main Map screen to bring up the Help briefing for this episode. It contains further explanations of the very important concepts of road networks and knowing which tiles are connected. \n" The Help briefing for this episode also discusses the unit cycling buttons in the toolbar.\n 2203 " The Explorer can look for minerals in tiles where you see an eye cursor.\n" If any tiles adjacent to your capital city contain minerals, they are already explored and developed.\n" Look at the help text at the top right of the screen to see the name of the type of terrain under the cursor. \n" Info-click on a space (right click, or shift click) for a more complete description of everything in the space. 2204 " Developments are connected by road if their tile is adjacent to or on a tile with a road in it, and if the road extends unbroken back to the capital city. \n" Look at the help text at the top right of the screen to see the if a tile is considered connected to the city. \n" If the Explorer has found minerals relatively near the capital, it is a good idea to develop them with the Builder and connect them with the Engineer.\n" You can cancel or confirm a unit s orders by clicking on the working unit. 2205 " Click the factory button on the toolbar to bring up the Industry Orders screen (it looks like the button in the picture above).\n" You don t have enough labor to build all three materials in one turn. You will need to set orders for two items, then change your orders the next turn.\n" The blue banner at the top of the Industry Orders lists all the resources and materials currently available to your Empire. \n" To produce Cast Iron, you will need to move the feedback window (click and drag on the bar at the top). 2206 " Click the hammer icon at the top of the Industry Orders screen to access the Labor Panel.\n" It makes the most sense to recruit new peasants in sets of two, because production of one unit of material requires the labor of two peasants. \n" Don t recruit too many Peasants: you have to feed them all.\n" Click the question mark button on the Main Map or Industry Orders screen for further help with this episode. 2207 " The Engineer must first deploy (move without working) to the site for the future port. He can build the port on the next turn.\n" The cursor for deploying is a green arrow.\n" If you put the Engineer to sleep in a previous episode, click on him to wake him. He will then come up normally in the unit cycle.\n" To build a port, hold the cursor over the tile where the Engineer is standing. The cursor will look like a hammer. The framed area shows the adjacent tiles, which would be connected to that port. 2208 " Click the carriage button on the toolbar to bring up the Transport Orders screen (it looks like the button in picture above). \n" On the Transport Orders screen, automatic road transport is shown by green in the slider, while ship transport is marked with blue in the slider.\n" Ship units will appear on the map docked in your capital harbor. Ships left in the harbor are available for transport orders. You will not be allowed to move ships out of the harbor during this episode. 2209 " Ships can move to sea zones where the cursor appears as a ship s wheel.\n" Use the magnifying glass button on the toolbar to switch to the zoomed out map, where sea zones that the selected ships can reach are highlighted\n" Ships are grouped into fleets. Each fleet is represented by one ship icon on the map.\n" Any ship ordered to leave your home port will no longer be available for transporting resources. \n" As you approach the coastline, you will first see just the very edge. You need to come closer and reveal more of the land to satisfy the goal of this episode. 2210 " To explore inland, send your Explorer to the New World (by clicking on an exposed tile in the New World when he is selected).\n" Moving a ship around a concealed continent reveals its entire coastline.\n" If you put the Explorer to sleep in a previous episode, wake him up by clicking on him, or by typing  w to wake all units. \n" Click on the mini-map in the toolbar to quickly scroll from the Old World to the New World. \n 2211 " Click the scroll button on the toolbar to bring up the Diplomacy Orders screen (it looks like the button in the picture above).\n" Steps to becoming the most favored trade partner:\n1. Choose a Minor Nation to court\n2. Establish a trade consulate with that nation\n3. Give that nation a trade subsidy\n (more details are given in the Help briefing)\n" The name of the most favored trade partner of a country is displayed when that country is selected on the Diplomacy map while the Information overlay is displayed. \n" Click the question mark button in the top right scroll knob on the Diplomacy Screen for more help with this episode.\n" Your country is always selected when you bring up the Diplomacy Orders screen.\n" The world is divided into Great Powers and Minor Nations. In the Old World, Minor Nations are called Neutral States. In the New World, they are Tribes. 2212 " Click the coins button on the toolbar to bring up the Trade Orders screen. (It looks like the button in the picture above.)\n" Materials are listed at the top of the Trade Orders screen, resources are shown in the bottom half.\n" Make sure you have enough ships available to both buy and sell.\n" You can find out what resources a Minor Nation sells using the "information" panel on the Diplomacy Orders screen or by investigating the terrain around the capital on the map.\n" Enter a "B" buy bid on the resources sold by the Minor Nation.\n 2213 " You can reach the Units panel by clicking on the flags icon in the top banner on the Industry Orders screen.\n" If you have been playing effectively, all your industrial labor will have been assigned to producing materials. However, because Peasants who are working cannot be drafted into the army or navy, you will need to reduce your materials production orders to make a Peasant available for drafting. \n" Just as each Peasant unit represents a large group of Peasant workers, each military unit constructed represents a regiment.\n 2214 " You probably don t have enough labor at the start of this Episode to build 3 Pikemen, and even if you did, you probably don t have enough labor left over to keep working on industry. You will need to recruit more peasants using the labor panel.\n" All units and peasants need to be fed. As you expand your workforce, it is crucial that you also expand the amount of food (grain, livestock, fish) you are transporting into the city.\n" When the unit you built last episode comes up in the unit cycle, give it orders to Defend your capital. 2215 " Fleets must be in a sea zone adjacent to the province to be invaded before the landing site can be established.\n" When a group of ships is selected, a cannon cursor indicates a landing site mission.\n" The larger the fleet used, the more land units you can send on the attack next turn.\n" To make success more likely, look for a New World province whose force size is shown as two tents, rather than three tents.\n" When your Pikemen come up in the unit cycle, just click the  No orders this turn button. You will use them next turn. 2216 " Sending your 3 Pikemen on this attack is a good idea.\n" When your army comes up in the unit cycle, use the minimap to quickly scroll the map over to the province where you see the invading Fleet at the shore.\n" If you previously gave your Pikemen orders to defend, they will not come up automatically in the unit cycle. Click the garrison tents where they are defending to select them. \n" Since the capital city is a port, units encamped there may attack into the overseas province with your landing site.\n" To order the attack, hold the cursor over the target province. It will look like a set of crossed swords. Click on the province. A red attack arrow on the map confirms that the attack is ordered.\n" The battle will take place after you click the  End Turn button.\n 2217 " Click the compass in the ribbon toolbar to bring up the Technology Orders screen.\n" Although you can select which technologies to research manually, you should turn on computer control for the technology orders until you are familiar with the game. \n" Successful research is announced at the beginning of a new turn. The exact moment of success is unpredictable.\n" While you are waiting for your technology research investments to bear fruit, concentrate on building your transport network, developing more resources, and building up your labor force. \n 2218 " Use the Builder to develop more Grain Farms and Cattle Ranches, and use the Engineer to connect those developments to the city by road.\n" The Labor panel in the Industry Orders screen shows a summary in the lower left of how many workers, regiments and ships you have. Add them up to total up food needs. \n" Hold your cursor over the icons of grain and fish and livestock in the right hand scroll of the Industry Orders screen  the help text in the top right summarizes how many units of each are needed, and how many are currently being transported in. 2219 Here is a short list of game elements for you to explore when you play your next game as a full monarch:\n\nMilitary  Tactical battle\nDiplomacy  Declare war, use treaties and grants\nIndustry  Train up a more effective workforce\nMerchant unit  buy land in the New World\nEspionage - use Spies to advance technology research\nPiracy - seize rivals transport and trade goods and ships\nMultiplayer  play over a local network or use the Internet\nVictory - gain control of the Old World, through war or diplomacy\nPreferences - customize the game play and difficulty settings\nFeedback  use the status and roster screens which can be accessed from the Information button on the Main Map toolbar\n\n\n 2290 Sidebar: About Automated Orders\n\nYou may delegate many of your responsibilities as monarch to your assistant (also known as the computer).\n\nWhen this is possible, a button appears on the ribbon at the top left of the screen, which you can toggle between human and computer control. \n\nUsing the assistant is an excellent way to learn. The right way to use it is to click the button so the computer sets the orders, then go in and adjust the orders to achieve your particular short term goals (such as the tutorial episode goals). \n\nAs you become a more experienced ruler, you will find it more efficient to set all orders personally. 2292 You may want to try the tutorial again before moving on to the regular game. \n\n(In the full version of the game, there is no time limit on the tutorial). 2293 It s 1650.\n\nAlthough you have not completed the tutorial, time has run out. 2294 You have learned the basics of playing Imperialism II: Age of Exploration. You are ready to start a playing a regular game, perhaps on Introductory or Easy. 2295 You have learned the basics of playing Imperialism II: Age of Exploration. When you have the full version, you will be ready to start a regular game. 2296 Congratulations, you have researched a new technology and completed the tutorial. \n\nEach new technology expands the capabilities of your Empire, provided that your economy is developed sufficiently to take advantage of the new opportunities. In a game of Imperialism II, you must balance your technological growth with the growth of the infrastructure required to benefit from a new technology. 2297 Clicking this button delegates some of your responsibilities as monarch to your assistant (also known as the computer).\n\nUsing the assistant is an excellent way to learn. The right way to use it is to click the button so the computer sets the orders, then go in and adjust the orders to achieve your particular short term goals. 2298 Clicking this button delegates some of your responsibilities as monarch to your assistant (also known as the computer).\n\nUsing the assistant is an excellent way to learn. The right way to use it is to click the button so the computer sets the orders, which gives you an idea of some sensible orders. Then go in and adjust the orders to achieve your particular short term goals (such as the tutorial episode goals). \n\nIf you leave the computer assistant in control, your adjusted orders will be carried out for one turn only, then next turn, the computer assistant will make all new orders. \n\nSo turn the automated assistant off if you want your changes to be used for more than one turn. 2299 Welcome to the demo version of Imperialism II: Age of Exploration.\n\nOnly the tutorial is available in this version. The tutorial consists of 17 episodes. In the full version, there is no turn limit on the tutorial, but there is one in this demo version. Even if you haven t completed the tutorial, the game will end after 75 turns, in the year 1650.\nClick the scrolls on the table to begin the tutorial. 2300 \n 2328 Although the first successful internal combustion engine was invented in 1860 by Lenoir, practical applications were not developed until the close of the century. Diesel patented his engine in 1892, and in 1893 both Karl Benz and Henry Ford built their first motorcars.\n\nPractical oil and gasoline burning internal combustion engines permit the recruiting of Armored and Mechanized regiments and the upgrading of older units to these modern types. Additionally, Drillers may improve Oil wells to Level III, producing six units per turn. 3000 \n 3011 \nYour civilian units work to expand the pool of available resources on the Terrain Map. \n\nProspectors look for minerals in barren hills and mountains. Later, they can search for oil. \nMiners open mines after the minerals are found.\nFarmers improve the output of fruit, grain, and cotton.\nForesters improve the output of timber\nRanchers improve the output of livestock and wool.\n\nUnlike these units, Engineers are used to connect the resources to a transport network so they may be used to feed your workers and supply your industries. If a terrain tile is within one tile of a connected rail depot, a port, or the capital city, the resources in that tile are available to the transport network. 3012 \nWhenever a civilian is selected you will see a white flashing outline around him, and his picture will be shown in the toolbar. \n\nIn the toolbar you see a picture of the selected civilian along with information about him. On the map you see your civilian units, a variety of terrain, towns, and defensive military encampments (small tents). \n\nThere are nine types of terrain that always supply a resource: fertile hills(wool), plantations(cotton), open range(livestock), farms(grain), orchards(fruit), hardwood forest(timber), dry plains(grain), ranches(horses), and scrub forests(timber). The last three types cannot be improved to produce more than one unit per turn.\n\nThere are two types of terrain that might conceal mineral resources: barren hills(coal or iron), and mountains (coal, iron, gold, gems).\n\nSome of the other types of terrain on the map become valuable later in the game, like deserts and tundra.\n\n 3013 \nAs you move your cursor across the map it will alter according to what will happen if you click in that location. You can safely experiment because any order you give can be canceled at no cost. \n\nOnce you give an order to a civilian a question mark will appear when you place the cursor over the ordered unit. Click on the unit and a dialog box informs you what he is doing and lets you cancel or confirm his orders. \n\nYou can be sure a civilian is working when the unit animates.\n 3014 \nCursors tell you what will happen if you send your civilian to that terrain tile. For most units, a hammer cursor appears over tiles where that unit could move and do work. \n\nThe Prospector has a special cursor, an eye that appears over places he can search for minerals. The Engineer also has a special cursor, the railroad track cursor which appears over tiles to which he could build rail. When the hammer cursor appears over the Engineer, it indicates that he could construct a depot, port or fort in his current space.\n\nIf you see a green arrow, the civilian can move there, but he will accomplish no work this turn.\n\n 3015 \nYou may cycle through your units using the next unit button on the toolbar (a small arrow). \n\nIf you wish to select a civilian unit without waiting for it in the cycle, move the cursor over a unit on the map. When the cursor becomes a small hammer with a flag, click to select the unit. \n\nThis allows you to select units that are not currently in the automatic cycle, or to command units in a different order than presented by the cycle.\n\n 3021 \nIn the middle of the toolbar, the higher row of four buttons takes you to transport, industry, trade, and diplomacy. Each of these four buttons highlights every turn until you have visited that screen. \n\nThe lower row of four buttons provides orders for the selected unit on the map. The toolbar includes a mini-map of the world. \n\nIn the top row a microscope button takes you to the technology interface. \n\nHot text in the upper right reminds you of button functions when the cursor is over a button.\n 3022 \nWhen a civilian unit is working he is animated on the map. Most work, with the exception of rail building and prospecting, takes three turns.\n\nOn the map, you will know your worker is finished when he returns to the unit cycle for orders. A flashing white outline around the unit on the map tells you he is selected and ready for a new command.\n\nIf a worker is deployed (using a green arrow cursor) he does no work during the turn and appears in gray scale and non-animated. Units told to sleep also look like this. \n\n 3023 \nAlthough units may be commanded by clicking on the map, the four unit buttons can be convenient as well. \n\nThe first button disbands a civilian and sends the worker back to industry. This is useful if you have nothing more for the civilian to do. For military units this button brings up the details of a group of regiments. \n\nOther unit buttons include: the later button (an arrow), which continues to the next unit in the cycle; the done button (an X), which ends the turn for the selected unit; and the sleep button, which removes the selected unit from the cycle next turn.\n 3024 \nTransport, industry, trade, and diplomacy screens do not need to be visited every turn. When something in the world situation has changed, you will need to change your orders on one or more of these screens. Generally, the industry screen requires the most attention of the four. \n\nYou will receive warnings from your ministers if the situation on one of these screens desperately demands new orders. Eventually highly successful rulers need to learn when to visit these screens before the situation is urgent enough to generate a warning from the ministers. \n 3025 \nThere are two shortcuts for moving units without scrolling across your nation or the world. \n\nThe mini-map in the upper right portion of the toolbar permits you to jump to any part of the world. This is useful for moving civilians, military, and naval units. \n\nAdditionally you can find a place for the civilians (with the exception of the Engineer) to work by clicking one of the miniature terrain tiles near the bottom of the toolbar. This will center the map on the next tile where they can perform work.\n\n 3031 \nThis screen represents the industrial might of your Empire. Here you order production, using the labor of workers to produce raw resources into materials such as steel or lumber, and to produce the materials into goods such as armaments or furniture. \n\nClick on the warehouse in the upper center of the screen to see how much of each commodity is now available. The warehouse display is divided into different Production Economies.\n\nClick on the six factories and mills on the lower half of the screen. This is where you order industrial production. As you move the sliders on these pop-up screens, the commodities used by the factories and mills are deducted from the warehouse.\nThese production dialogs may be left open when you leave the screen, and can be relocated anywhere on the screen. \n\nIf you use items in one production dialog and later decide you want those items elsewhere you merely change your commands. The order in which you open the production dialog boxes is irrelevant.\n\n 3032 \nBy moving your cursor across the screen you can find the name of each building in the hot text at the upper right. \n\nThe trade school and the capitol building manage and develop the industrial workers who provide labor for the city. On the left border of the screen you see the workers in your city now, with the total amount of labor available represented by the arm icon shown above them. \n\nThe food processing center provides a means of preserving some of your food in case of fresh food shortfalls. The workers eat food every turn. The amount of food demanded each turn appears on the right border. At the beginning of the game you own a stockpile of canned food that the workers will eat if insufficient raw foods are provided.\n\nThe railyard is used to construct transportation to allow more resources to reach your industry. The armory, university, and shipyard allow you to build more units. \n 3033 \nClick on one of the factory buildings to bring up a factory production dialog. In this box you see a production equation explaining what this factory can do.\n\nTo order production at a factory click on the arrow to the right of the slider until the maximum amount of production (capacity) is reached, or until you run out of a necessary item. You can change your mind and reduce or eliminate production by clicking on the other arrow. \n\nAll materials have multiple uses, so it is not always the right decision to produce all the goods you can.\n 3034 \nA production equation referring to labor (represented by the icon of a bicep) appears on each production dialog, and on some of the other building screens as well. The workers displayed on the left border of the screen supply the labor for these centers. \n\nAn untrained worker (gray smock) supplies one point of labor per turn. Trained workers (light blue smock) supply more labor (two per turn); expert workers (dark blue smock) supply the most (four per turn).\n\nBy training a worker in the Trade School--the dark red building to the left of the screen-- you increase the amount of labor he provides each turn. He won't be able to work during the turn he is trained. Training costs paper and money.\n\nYou control migration to your industries through the capitol building in the middle of the screen. New untrained migrants come from the rural districts of your empire in response to your expenditure of food and consumer goods. Be careful not to increase your population faster than your food supplies warrant.\n 3035 \nEach of the four large sections on the warehouse display summarizes one of the economies in the game. \n\nThe top section, for example, shows on the left side the amount of stored cotton and wool. These are the raw resources in the textile economy. Next you see the amount of fabric; the material in the textile economy. Finally, you see the amount of clothing; the end product--or finished good--in the textile economy. \n\nWith the exception of food, there are two industrial buildings associated with each economy. The mills produce materials out of resources; and the factories produce goods out of materials.\n 3041 \nGreetings, your Excellency. As the ruler of a burgeoning Empire you enjoy a vast amount of power over political, military, and economic affairs. These Briefings will be presented to help you learn the interfaces through which you issue your commands. 3042 \nYou may reopen a Briefing, or reach the Imperialism help menu through the help and information button in the upper right corner of most screens. \n\nYou can take advantage of hot text messages on most screens by placing the cursor over objects or pictures. \n\nWhen you want to know more about something, right mouse click on it. Often, more information is available. 3043 \nThe world of Imperialism consists of provinces ruled by governors. To win you must obtain the support of a majority of governors. \n\nThe world-wide Council of Governors nominates two Great Powers for possible victory every 10 years. To be nominated your country must expand its industry and economic clout. Once there are two nominees all the governors in the world vote for one of the two, or abstain from voting.\n\nOwning, conquering or colonizing a province provides automatic support if your country is nominated to win. \n\nIf your country is nominated, governors in other countries may choose to support you due to your diplomatic or military successes. Generally, provinces owned by Great Powers consider military threat when deciding to vote. Minor Nation owned provinces, on the other hand, are more interested in the diplomatic prestige of the nominated Great Powers.\n\nYou might choose to play aggressively in one area of the world, and peacefully in another. A combination of military and diplomatic strategies will generally garner support the most quickly. 3044 \nThe computer icon at the top of the toolbar on the map screen takes you to the game control menu. You should save your game every six turns or so. This menu also lets you enter the preferences screen. Here you set controls for animations, sound, music, tactical battles, and other options. 3045 \nAs you give orders to your industry, traders, diplomats, civilian workers, and military, the rulers of other empires do the same. Your orders can be canceled at any time prior to clicking the End Turn button at the bottom of the toolbar on the map screen. When you click this button and the turn ends, the orders of all Great Powers are carried out simultaneously. 3051 \nOn the bid and offers screen you tell your merchants which commodities to try to buy and sell when the world market convenes after the end of the turn. \n\nThere are no guarantees on the world market. Your empire might need coal, for example, and have plenty of money, but if no other country is offering coal you will not be able to buy any. Likewise if no other country is bidding on the commodities you offer, you will not be able to sell them.\n\nUse your powerful industries to take advantage of the minor nations: buy their cheap raw resources and sell them back expensive finished goods. \n\nConsider changing the bids entered if there is something in particular you wish to buy. You should decide what to attempt to buy based on what resources you lack. \n 3052 \nEach commodity traded on the market is pictured to the left of the screen. At the top of the column are goods, followed by materials, with resources at the bottom. \n\nHot text will remind you of each commodity's name. Information on the screen includes the current world price and the amount you have available in your stockpile. \n\nNear the top of the right wooden border is a number under a ship icon. This represents your merchant marine. With rare exceptions, you are unable to buy and sell more total items in one turn than this number.\n\nYou may also occasionally see other icons appear in the border areas. When this occurs it means your industry or your workers have a particular demand for that item. \n 3053 \nAt the beginning of the game you should immediately begin to buy commodities, especially resources. \n\nTo bid (attempt to buy) a commodity click on the left-side brass slider in the same row as the desired commodity. You will find these sliders in the Orders column of the screen. When the slider appears it will have the word "bid" written on it.\n\nYou are limited to four buy bids in any turn. Additionally, if you decide to offer something for sale, you will not be able to bid on the same item in the same turn. \n\nYou can change your bids at any time until you end your turn. If you leave this screen and return later your bids will be saved.\n 3054 \nAfter the end of the turn, traders from every nation convene at the world trade market. Before trading begins, all the possible deals are compared and placed in order. \n\nEach offering country ranks the bidders in an order which is determined by the price the bidder would pay, and the strength of the diplomatic relations between potential buyer and seller. You can offer to pay extra (above the world price) using the diplomacy screen. \n\nThen the real trading begins, as the trade round for each commodity is conducted. Trade deals are presented one at a time in order to each potential buyer. Items from an offering nation are offered to their first place bidder, followed (if any remain unsold) by an offer to their second place bidder, and so on.\n\nTraders present offer sheets to you and you will accept or reject the offered commodities. You receive an additional Briefing at that time.\n 3055 \nAt the beginning of the game, prices of all commodities are at set values. Generally resources are valued at $100, materials at $300, and goods at $900. \n\nPrices are recalculated every turn prior to deals being offered. If demand outstrips supply, the price rises. If there is a glut, the price falls.\n\nThe new world price is used this turn and appears on the bid and offers screen next turn as a basis for next turn's calculations. \n 3061 \nAs your industries and infrastructure grow you will begin to need more money for expansion. Generally, great powers such as your empire make money by selling goods (armaments, hardware, furniture, and clothing) to the less developed world. \n\nIt is a good idea to establish a plan dividing the goods you produce between those for selling, and those for expanding your own population or military.\n 3062 \nThe goods available are listed in the top rows of the bid and offers screen. When you offer an item for sale a slider appears allowing control over quantity offered.\n 3063 \nOffers to sell are controlled by a brass slider to the right of the orders column. Once the slider is out, you control the quantity offered using the slider. \n\nWhile you are limited to four bids, you may offer as many different commodities as you like. The quantity you may offer is limited both by the amount you have in stock in the warehouse and by the merchant marine number. \n 3064 \nYour merchant marine carries cargo only for foreign trade. Merchant marine does not affect transport capacity within your empire. \n\nConstruct merchant ships in the shipyard to increase the amount of merchant marine. Each completed merchant ship adds more cargo space to your total merchant marine number.\n\nYour merchant marine can be intercepted by hostile great powers and in the event of war it is wise to protect it. Any undamaged naval vessels stationed in port will act as escorts for merchant marine during that turn's trade deliveries. \n\nIf your merchants are intercepted and taken or destroyed, the deals you made that relied on those merchants for pick-up or delivery will be canceled. \n 3071 \nUsing the diplomacy screen you may learn about and interact with the other nations in the world. The tabs at the sides of the lower part of the screen determine what actions you will take. \n\nIt is important to recognize that the advantages of diplomatic activity occur with the passage of time. The other countries in Imperialism are impressed by consistent and stable policies. You can only build friendly relations if you adopt a coherent strategy and stick to it. \n\nWhenever you open this screen you will begin on the information tab, a large blue I. With this tab selected, you cannot take diplomatic actions. Instead you will be learning about other countries and the world diplomatic situation.\n\nThe tabs on the right hand side lead to action interfaces. Here you may set trade policies, provide grants to the leaders of other lands, and make diplomatic overtures such as non-aggression pacts. \n\nAt the beginning of the game, your options are limited. In most games you should begin by building Trade Consulates. 3072 \nWith the information tab selected you see four small symbols in the center of the lower part of the screen. Each of these symbols leads to different information: diplomatic status (such as treaty, war, or peace); relationship, (a measure of hostility or friendliness); and trade policies. \n\nThis information will change according to which country is selected on the map. Your nation is selected by default. Click the map to change the selected country. \n\nClicking on the tab directly beneath the information tab lets you know which powers are winning the game. Approximately every ten years, a world council of governors meets, nominates two great powers, and then votes to determine if one power enjoys the support of a majority of governors. \n\nAt the beginning of the game the council has not yet met.\n 3073 \nThe three tabs to the right of the screen are all used for giving orders. However, at the beginning of the game the top tab--diplomatic overtures-- is most useful to you. On this screen appear seven color coded scrolls.\n\nTo make a diplomatic overture, first select one of these scrolls, then click on the nation you select for the overture. A small symbol appears on the map within the borders of that nation. \n\nBecause you already have embassies with great powers, you cannot establish trade consulates with them. Embassies include trade consulates within them. You can always declare war on anyone you wish.\n\nIf you want to cancel an overture click on the icon that appears in that nation. It will disappear. Nothing is final until you end your turn. Overtures you make this turn take effect next turn. Some overtures may be refused by other nations, but trade consulates and declarations of war cannot be refused.\n 3074 \nTrade Consulates cost $500, but provide substantial benefits for the price.\n\nThe most immediate benefit is the right to set trade policies such as subsidies to encourage trade. Trade policies are set using the tab with the ship icon on the right side of the screen.\n\nOnce a new trade consulate is established in a nation, each completed trade deal between your Empire and this nation causes an improvement of your diplomatic relationship. If relations improve enough, some of the council votes of the other nation might go to you. Eventually, their leaders could decide to join your Empire peacefully. \n\nA trade consulate also allows the later construction of an embassy. Embassies, although quite costly, offer even greater control over diplomacy. 3075 \nA declaration of war must be made before any hostile action is taken. You cannot invade other's provinces, blockade their ports, or sink their fleets until you declare war. Lands you conquer always vote with you if you are nominated by the Council for victory.\n\nOn the other hand, wars harm your diplomatic relations with other nations who are friendly to the country you attack. The penalties will be greater when you attack countries who have reason to believe you are friendly, such as a signed non-aggression pact.\n 3081 \nAs the Industrial Revolution barrels ahead, new discoveries become available to all Great Powers. Technological advances provide you a chance to improve the capabilities of your industry, agriculture, or military.\n\nFew nations can afford to retool their industries to take advantage of every technology as soon as it is invented. The strategy lies in selecting which technologies to invest in, deciding which are most beneficial for your situation. \n 3082 \nThe Technology Investment screen displays small pictures of both the technologies you have invested in, and those still available for investment. As new technologies become available, they will appear at the top of the list. By the end of the game, there will be several pages to view.\n\nClick the picture of a technology to view detailed information on the inventor and history of the discovery.\n\nThe other columns provide information about the technology, including the benefits of investing in it.\n 3083 \nClick on the purchase button to invest in a new technology. You may cancel your purchase at any time prior to the end of your turn. \n\nYou will receive an announcement about the new technology when the research is completed.\n\nNo purchase buttons are shown at the start of the game because no new technologies have become available yet.\n 3084 \nAvoid purchasing new technology until you can use it. \n\nFor example, there is little benefit gained in purchasing the spinning jenny, which permits farmers and ranchers to increase cotton and wool production, unless you have already built a farmer and/or a rancher and improved your production up to the maximum amount without the spinning jenny.\n 3101 \nYou should set your policies towrds other countries based on three geopolitical factors. \n\nFirst, use the trade information icon on the Diplomacy screen to determine which other countries produce the most valuable resources.\n\nSecond, view the world map on the Diplomacy screen to determine which countries geographic location should factor into your strategy.\n\nThird, use the relationships icon on the Diplomacy screen to learn how other countries feel about each other. You should set similar policies towards countries that like each other. 3111 \nOnce you have trade consulates your diplomatic controls expand. You are able to establish embassies, and set trade policies with the trade consulate nations.\n\nThe trade policies tab is used to grant trade subsidies to the nations where you have trade consulates. This will encourage those nations to trade with you first. As each trade deal is made relations between your country and the Minor Nation will improve further.\n\nThe diplomatic overtures tab is used to establish embassies.\nEmbassies immensely increase your diplomatic options and pave the way for eventual peaceful investment in and colonizing of the Minor Nation.\n\nOnce you have an Embassy you may use the grants tab to offer money to the other nation s leaders. These bribes lead to rapid improvement in relations. It is best not to question how this money is spent. 3112 \nOn the information screen (select the tab with the blue I) you see small white square with a green $ in nations with trade consulates. \n\nTo learn about the commodities these nations produce select the small ship at the bottom center of the screen, and then click on one of the nations showing your trade consulate icon. You see a list of major exports.\n\nAs you become more friendly with this nation you will gradually be able to rely on deliveries of some or all of these commodities. You can increase the likelihood of trades by granting these nations trade subsidies.\n 3113 \nSelect the large tab on the right side with the ship icon. This takes you to your trade policies screen. Here, you grant trade subsidies to favored trading nations. \n\nSelect the amount of the subsidy you wish to provide by clicking on the green circle. Then click on the nation you wish to subsidize. You see a small green circle confirming the subsidy. To cancel the subsidy, click on this icon. \n\nA subsidy provides a percent change to the world price on all commodities traded with that nation. If you are selling, the percent change will reduce the price. If you are buying, the price you pay will increase. \n\nNations are much more likely to trade with you when they receive these subsidies.\n 3114 \nThe granting of a trade consulate to a minor nation gives you the right to build an embassy there. Although you may not be able to afford it now, embassies are extremely valuable.\n\nUse the overtures (scroll) tab on the right side to establish an embassy. Click on the embassy scroll and then the nation selected for the embassy. A small diplomat's hat will appear confirming the order.\n\nIt costs $1000 to build each embassy. Embassies permit full-fledged diplomatic relations including granting foreign aid, pacts and other treaties, and the possibility of armed intervention if the minor nation is invaded.\n\nOnly those minor nations with embassies will ever consider joining your Empire voluntarily.\n 3115 \nGenerally, select a few minor nations for diplomatic action. They should produce resources you are interested in, and offer useful geographical advantages for your long range plans. \n\nRapidly establish trade consulates and embassies in these nations, and try to maintain friendly relations with other nations that these selected nations like. If you start a war, do so far away from your trading partners.\n\nYour goal is to become the favorite great power of a minor nation. Once you are the favorite great power, you have a good chance of eventual peaceful control of their country.\n 3121 \nYou have ended your turn and the world market is now open. You now receive offers from nations selling the types of commodities that you tried to buy on the bid and offers screen. \n\nAfter each offer is acted upon by you (the potential buyer) any commodities remaining unpurchased are passed on to other nations that bid on those commodities.\n\nOf course you might not be the first buyer in line. The offers you see may already have been passed up by other nations acting ahead of you.\n 3122 \nThe offer sheet appears on the left side of the desk. It provides simple information on the current offer. \n\nTo obtain more information about the market, click on the small tabs on the trade book. As the tab is selected the trade book opens to a two page display which supplies details on the world market in that commodity. \n\nThe left page lists the nations offering to sell the commodity and the quantity each one is offering. The row of small flags beneath the offering nation s name shows the order in which the nation will offer the commodity to the various bidders.\n\nOn the right page is a list of bidding nations with the amount of merchant marine each currently has available. A Great Power with no remaining merchant marine cannot accept any deals regardless of their position in line.\n 3123 \nClick on the picture of your Foreign Minister to learn his recommendations and to view details of your country s needs. \n\nThe first click on the picture brings up the Minister s opinion about whether the current offer should be accepted, and why. The second click on the picture changes the displayed advice to provide more exact details on your Great Power s stockpiles and need for commodities.\n\nAs you become a more experinced trader, you will probably find the details more useful than the Minister s recommendation. 3124 \nThe trade book is an informational tool. The only orders you can give are on the offer sheet itself. \n\nAs each offer is presented, you can accept any number up to the amount offered, as long as you have merchant marine available to pick up the items. Change the number in the box and then click the accept seal shown on the offer sheet. To reject a deal, click the reject seal. \n\nIf you decide that you have purchased enough cotton, for example, check the box "done buying this commodity". You will be presented with no more cotton offers this turn.\n 3125 \nA basic strategy of trade is wise use of your merchant marine. As each offer is accepted, the amount of merchant marine remaining this turn goes down, as displayed by the number beneath the ship icon.\n\nCommodities are always traded in the order shown on the bid and offers screen and in the tabs on the side of the trade book. \n\nThis means that if you desperately need iron, for example, you may need to stop accepting all the wool you can get, to reserve some of your limited merchant marine for the iron coming later.\n\nYou should use the trade book (iron tab) to look at the market in iron. If one of the nations selling iron shows your flag as its top bidder, you will definitely receive an iron offer this turn. You should save some merchant marine for it.\n 3131 \nUse the Transport Ledger to determine which resources will be transported from the countryside to the industry of your nation. \n\nTo increase the number and quantity of items shown on this screen, use your Engineer to build more railroads, depots and ports and other civilian units to increase the output of the terrain tiles.\n\nIt can be a good idea to build your new depots or ports near the towns in each of your provinces. These towns can develop industrial output of their own once connected to the transport network.\n\n 3132 \nThe Transport Ledger displays sliders showing the amount to be transported this turn of every commodity currently available.\n\nUnder some of the sliders you may see a red or green line. A green line means that industry has a demand for that item and the demand is being satisfied by the amount shown on the slider. A red line indicates an unsatisfied demand from industry.\n\nOn the lower right of the page is a colored bar showing the total transport capacity (freight cars and barges) you are using and the total you have available. This number is a limit. The total amount shown on all the sliders can never be more than the amount of transport capacity you have.\n\nHot text in the upper right of the screen helps you identify these displays.\n 3133 \nGiving orders on the transport ledger involves making the best use of your limited transport capacity.\n\nUsually at the beginning of the game, you will have enough transport capacity to move all your resources. This will not be true for long. You will need to produce more transport capacity using the railyard on the industry screen.\n\nWhen the available commodities outnumber the total transport capacity, you will need to choose how to allocate transport capacity.\n\nUse the arrows at the ends of the sliders to lower the amount of one item, or to raise the amount of another item that is desperately needed by industry.\n 3134 \nYou may find yourself short of one type of food (such as fruit) and with extra of another type (such as grain). This is common at the beginning of the game.\n\nConsider transporting extra food. Industrial workers who demand a food you are short on can still survive on the unwanted extra food, even though they will refuse to work on that turn. The alternative is starvation and the permanent loss of the worker.\n\nIf you don't need the extra food for the workers, it can be made into canned food on the industry screen. Canned food is useful as a food reserve and for encouraging migration from the countryside to serve your industry.\n 3135 \nConsider the needs of industry, and the resources already available (shown on the transport ledger) when planning the next task of your Engineer civilian. \n\nWhenever possible, site new ports and rail depots so that their one tile radius includes several commodities that you will find useful. Avoid constructing new depot whose radius overlaps the radius of old ones.\n\nAlthough ports are more expensive than depots, it is often a good idea to build one on a coast distant from your capital. This port can provide a quick entrance to an entire new region, saving a great deal of time that would be spent building railroads across the whole country.\n 3141 \nThe basic strategy of industry is to balance three variables as closely as possible: labor, industrial capacity, and arriving resources and materials. If you use valuable assets building up one of these three, but not the others, those assets are wasted until the other variables are also expanded. Your growth rate is highest when all three increase at the same rate. \n\nLabor increases using money and paper in the Trade School, and using canned food, furniture, and clothing in the capitol building.\n\nIndustrial capacity increases using steel and lumber to expand each mill or factory individually.\n\nThe amount of arriving resources grows as you develop your transport network, increase your transport capacity, develop trade partners, and build additional merchant marine.\n\n 3142 \nEach production dialog box displays the production equation for that factory or mill. Red Xs near an item in the equation indicate shortages which prevent further use of an industry this turn. \n\nEach industry has a listed capacity referring to the maximum amount of the end product that can be made in one turn. For example, even if you have plenty of iron, coal, and unused labor, you will not be able to produce more than 2 units of steel per turn in a capacity 2 steel mill. \n\nAnimations of the factories and mills on the screen let you know that they are in operation without requiring you to click on the center and view the dialog.\n\n 3143 \nWhen you decide to expand the capacity of an industry click on the gold button in the upper right part of the production box. You will see an expansion dialog. You are informed of the cost of the expansion and asked to confirm or cancel. \n\nAll industry expansions require lumber and steel. If you do not have sufficient materials for expansion you will be forced to cancel. When you have ordered expansion a build icon will appear in the production box and scaffolds will be placed around the building. Next turn the expansion will be completed. \n\nIf you decide to use the lumber and steel for something else, expansion orders can be canceled by re-entering the expand screen on the same turn you ordered expansion.\n\n 3144 \nThe Railyard is a special industrial center for building transport capacity out of lumber and steel located near the top right of the screen.\n\nAs your mills, factories, and population expand you will see the need for more resources each turn. Transport capacity is the amount of resources you can bring to industry in one turn. From the transport screen you control how your transport capacity is used, but to increase the overall amount you must use the railyard. \n\nThe railyard is limited only by the amount of labor, lumber, and steel you want to dedicate to increasing transport. Otherwise, it functions just like other industries.\n\n 3145 \nThe six industrial centers continue to draw resources and materials from the warehouse and produce new commodities each turn at the level you set, as long as the resources and labor are available.\n\nThis means you need to visit these centers only when you have expanded the industry and want to increase production, or you need the materials, resources, or labor elsewhere and want to decrease production.\n\nEven if resources fall below requirements the industry remembers the amount you ordered, and in subsequent turns will attempt to fulfill the original demands. However, when the production box is opened, even if the orders are not changed, the production demand automatically re-sets to the level shown in the slider.\n\nOrders in for the railyard, food processing, capital, trades school, and all three unit construction sites are not saved to the next turn.\n\n 3151 \nThree buildings on the Industry screen are used to build units: the Shipyard, for building navies; the University, for building civilians; and the Armory, for building land forces. \n\nUsing the cursor and the hot text to the upper right, you can locate each of these centers.\n\n 3152 \nEach unit production center displays the cost of the unit to be constructed and the amount of those items currently available. You also see information about the functions or quality of the units you could order constructed. \n\nWarships tend to cost more in commodities such as lumber or armaments, but both civilians and military regiments actually deduct workers from the labor force. Civilians, in fact, are most expensive because they always require an expert worker.\n\n 3153 \nOrdering a new unit is simple--just click on the right arrow under the picture of the unit to be constructed. If you have the required money and commodities you will see a number 1 appear under the unit's picture. If you don't have the commodities in stock, the items you lack will be shown in red text. \n\nAs with other orders, you are free to change your mind. Click the other (left) arrow under the unit to cancel the order and restore the items to the stockpile. The new units will be built when you end the turn and they will appear on the map next turn.\n\n 3154 \nBe cautious about building too many units at the beginning of the game unless you have a specific plan or need that requires the construction. Each worker deducted from the city must be replaced through migration and training or your labor supply will decline. Even ships have a hidden cost. Each unit of lumber put in a warship means less lumber for industrial expansion. \n\nYou must balance the need for new units against the need for economic expansion. \n\n 3155 \nYour defense minister monitors the growth of other empire's military and naval muscle. He will provide warnings of threatening moves. \n\nWhen you see these warnings you must be ready to expand your forces rapidly. This means stockpiling arms and cash so that laborers can be conscripted into the army immediately. \n\nRemember that you can recover from any disaster except the loss of your capital city. Defense forces should be concentrated there if you suspect you are weaker than other empires or if there are large enemy fleets off your coast.\n\n 3161 \nThis screen appears whenever another country makes a diplomatic overture that requires a response from you. You may receive offers of peace when you are at war, offers of alliances and pacts from other great powers, and offers from minor nations to intervene in a war on their behalf.\n\n 3162 \nInformation presented on the offer sheet beneath the map informs you of the type of offer your Foreign Minister received.\n\nWhile looking at the sheet, the map provides geographic information about the countries involved. For more information use the Blue "i" tab on the left of the offer sheet. Once you have brought up the "i" tab you obtain information on this screen by selecting various countries and using the icons in the lower-middle part of the screen.\n\nMost of this information is similar to what you obtain when conducting diplomacy. However, during this offers phase you are able to see small icons on the map representing all the current diplomatic offers of all the Great Powers.\n\nThis information should aid you in advance planning. For example, while considering an offer of alliance from one power, you can look at the map and see that you will receive an offer from another power as well.\n\n\n\n\n\n 3163 \nThe only orders you can give with the diplomacy offers are to accept the offer or to reject it. Clicking on one of the two seals advances you to the next offer or the next screen. Be especially alert for offers which have consequences reported on the sheet.\n\nConsequences of alliances or intervention may be wars, or the unintended breaking of another alliance.\n 3164 \nAlliances are only made between Great Powers. Pacts, while they can be accepted by minor nations, will never be offered by them. A Minor Nation is always glad to receive a pact from Great Power.\n\nWhen you offer to a non-aggression pact you are making a promise not to declare war on that nation. This means that as long as you keep your word, you will be unable to attack that nation in any way. Of course, you can break the pact and declare war but the diplomatic cost of war (mainly penalties involving world opinion) are much more severe when you break a pact.\n\nAgreeing to an Alliance is more serious. You are making a promise to declare war on any great power that declares war on your ally. The ally is making the same promise to you. Should you refuse declare war and uphold the alliance, severe diplomatic penalties apply. However, if the ally is the aggressor, not the defender, you may decide not to support the ally and suffer no penalty.\n\n 3165 \nWhen a Minor Nation has been attacked by a Great Power its leaders often seek a friendly Great Power to declare war on their enemy and protect their nation. This action by a Great Power is called intervention.\n\nYou receive offers to intervene only if you are the Great Power with the best relationship to the attacked Minor Nation and only from a Minor Nation in which you have an embassy.\n\nIf you accept the offer to intervene, you pay all normal penalties for declaring war on the Great Power. However, the benefits of intervention are significant. You immediately acquire the Minor Nation as a colony. You gain control over all their armed forces and can deploy more regiments to defend their provinces. \n\n 3171 \nWhether you resolve battles on the tactical battlefield, or with strategic combat resolution, all battle results are reported here.\n\nYou can review these results again during your next turn by clicking on the question mark button in the upper right corner, and then clicking on the battle report button. \n\n 3172 \nThe Battle Report screen provides results on all the battles you fought this turn. The area under the map displays the location of the battle, the forces of the winner and the loser, and lets you know which units, if any, were killed.\n\nGreen map icons represent a victory, while red means defeat. The flashing icon is the location of the currently displayed battle. 3173 \nYou can cycle through your battles, if you see more than one, by clicking on the arrow buttons at the bottom of the screen, or by clicking directly on the icons on the map. \n\nYou see more information on a battle by clicking on the large wooden 'i" button in the center of the page. This brings up detail on the two forces which fought the battle.\n\n 3181 \nFighting on a tactical battlefield gives you the best chance for a crushing victory over your enemies. This option may be turned off using the preferences screen at any time during your turn. Once you enter the tactical battlefield, you are committed to fighting there, but you may choose to let your Defense Minister handle the battle for you.\n\nOnce both sides have deployed their forces the battle is fought in a sequence of unit turns based on the initiative rating of the individual units. This means that several of your units might act before any of the enemy regiments; or, that the enemy forces might all act before you can. Generally, cavalry acts before infantry, and infantry acts before artillery. However, these rules are modified by the experience rating of the regiments and the qualities of the leaders on each side.\n\n 3182 \nThe toolbar displays the active regiment and the regiment's selected target. Near these unit pictures you see any medals won by either of the units. These medals measure the regiment's experience.\n\nOn the battlefield you see an area of small pips showing the radius of potential movement of the active unit. If a pip is green, it means that no enemy can fire into that tile presently and that the active unit can move there without any fear of immediate damage. A red pip means that enemy units can fire into that space.\n\nEach regiment's display on the battlefield includes a damage bar. The green portion of this bar tells you roughly how many of the regiment's troops are able to fire. As the regiment is fired upon part of the troops perish (red on the bar) and part of the troops decide to flee (yellow on the bar)\n\nIt is likely that the morale of the regiment will break before total destruction occurs. When the entire bar turns yellow and red, the regiment can only run or surrender.\n\n 3183 \nBecause the order of movement and firing on the battlefield is based on initiative, regiments must act or not act when they get the chance. Often it is useful to avoid firing on your turn, preserving that regiment's fire for opportunity fire during an opponent's move. \n\nWhen one of your regiments is selected you fire by placing the cursor over an enemy in range and clicking. You see the cursor change to a crosshairs if the target is in range, and to a red X over a crosshairs if out of range.\n\nYou move an active regiment by clicking on a green or red pip on the battlefield. Because the enemy can fire during your move there is no way to take a move back. However, you can move in multiple steps clicking each time a little bit nearer to the enemy. There is no reason that an active unit has to move its entire distance all at once.\n\nAn active cavalry regiment stays active until you click on the unit itself to end its turn or until it has fired its weapons and used its entire movement. Infantry and Light Artillery cannot move after firing, but can move and then fire. Heavy Artillery cannot both move and fire in the same turn, but light artillery can. \n\n 3184 \nFor the most part you command your regiments on the battlefield using the cursors and clicking on the map. The three wooden toolbar buttons provide additional options.\n\nThe top button is a targeting shortcut. When one of your regiments is active, click repeatedly on this button to cycle through all enemy units in range. This reduces the amount of scrolling you need to do.\n\nThe middle button ends the turn of an active unit. If you choose to reserve your fire or to move only part of your movement points, you can click here to advance the game to the next active unit. You may also click directly on the active unit.\n\nThe lower button orders all of your forces to retreat. You should click here only if the battle is lost and retreating might save the lives of some valuable regiments.\n\nAt the very bottom of the toolbar is a picture of your defense minister. Clicking here permanently turns control of the battle over to him.\n\n 3185 \nThe best way to conduct an attack is concentration of force against a small number of defenders. Use light cavalry and light infantry to draw fire from stationary defenders, and then move in your heavy forces and destroy the line of enemies one by one. Use your artillery to weaken the better enemy defenders before your best pieces close with them.\n\nOn defense, even though you benefit from entrenchments, you must fight actively. Try to hit attacking artillery with light cavalry and reserve your artillery to hit the enemy grenadiers and heavy cavalry when they get close enough. Be willing to retreat and save your men for a counter-attack unless you are defending your capital. \n\n 3191 \nThe Council of Governors meets approximately every ten years to vote on potential winners of the game. The first step in this process is the nomination of two great powers. The Council Makes this determination largely on the basis of industrial might.\n\nOnce two great powers are nominated the governor of each province votes for one of the two nominees or else abstains. At the beginning of the game most governors will abstain unless their own country is one of the nominees.\n\nAs the game continues fewer governors will abstain. When one great power receives the votes of over half of the total provinces that power wins the game.\n\n\n 3192 \nThe first screen depicts the council meeting hall. Here you witness the nomination of the two leading great powers. \n\nOn the second screen of the meeting you witness the voting of the council. Votes are entered on the ledger at the bottom and shown by small flags on the map. The votes come in order of the strength of that governor's support. For instance, if your great power is nominated you will notice your own home provinces voting for you first. As the process continues more reluctant governors elsewhere in the world may join your tally.\n\n 3193 \nSince you do not directly control the votes of governors in your provinces, it is not possible to give orders on the Council of Governors Screen. \n\nYou are guaranteed the support of all owned provinces if your great power is nominated. However, if two other great powers are the nominees, governors of your provinces decide to vote or abstain based on the performance of the rulers of the nominated great powers.\n\nTo ensure that your nation is nominated, you need to develop a lead in industrial strength. To obtain maximum support once you are nominated you need military success, diplomatic success, or a mixture of both.\n\n\n 3194 \nThe tally of votes provides information on different categories of votes earned by the two nominated powers. This provides information on the strengths and weaknesses of your foes according to world opinion.\n\nThe first category shows the total provinces in the homeland of the great power plus those provinces conquered militarily since the game began. Since all provinces in this section automatically vote when their nation is nominated this category provides exact information on the size of the two top powers and on their past military successes.\n\nThe second category colonies represents the total number of provinces colonized by the nominated great power. Since all provinces in this section automatically vote when their nation is nominated this category provides exact information on the size of the colonial empires of the top great powers and on their past diplomatic successes. \n\n 3195 \nThe tally of votes provides information on different categories of votes earned by the two nominated powers. This provides information on the strengths and weaknesses of your foes according to world opinion.\n\nThe third category on the vote tally votes from other great powers is a measure of the military potential of the top great powers. the governors of provinces controlled by great powers will add their votes to the tally out of fear.\n\nThe fourth category votes from minor nations is a measure of the diplomatic strength of the top two great powers. Governors in provinces controlled by minor nations consider the diplomatic strength of the great powers when deciding to vote or abstain.\n\n 3211 \nAt the end of every trade offers phase, before the new turn begins, the Deal Book is displayed. If you want to look at the Deal Book again during your turn, it may be brought up through the Help and Information dialog.\n\n\n 3212 \nThe Deal Book lists all your country's trades, as well as potential deals that did not happen because you rejected them or ran out of merchant marine. It also provides an end of turn summary, called the bottom line, that reports your profits or losses for the turn.\n\n 3213 \nEventually your overseas profits add to the positive side on the bottom line balance sheet. Overseas profits are money you make when another country sells something, or mines some gold or gems. \n\nThe only way to earn this beneficial bonus is by purchasing land in a Minor Nation with a Developer and then increasing production of the land with your other civilian units. \n\nThe profits produced by the lands you develop are split between your Great Power, and the nation where the land is located. 3214 \nSometimes you may spend too much money and end a trade offers phase in the red. The Deal Book informs you of this fact and lists your borrowing limit. If you go over this limit you will receive a warning about a forced sale of your warehouse stockpile. The prices paid during a forced sale are quite low and it is a good idea to avoid it if you can. Additionally, you cannot purchase anything during your turn, nor can you give orders that require an expenditure, as long as you are too far in debt.\n\nOn the other hand, there is nothing wrong with borrowing as long as you stay within your credit limit. In fact, since the world banking community likes to have your country in debt, every time you borrow and then repay the money your credit limit for the future increases. Credit limit also depends on the industrial output and income of your Great Power.\n 3221 \nWhen a land garrison is selected, the encampment of the garrison shows a flashing white outline. The units in this garrison appear in the toolbar display. The first step, using the toolbar, is to select the regiments you want. You are selecting units for movement orders; it is not necessary to give regiments orders to stay behind and defend. Units remaining at the end of the turn will automatically defend the province from attack.\n\nThe toolbar arrows do not permit you to select particular regiments of a single category. If you want to make a more specific selection of forces you can use the Garrison Book. This is necessary, for instance, if you want a particular veteran regiment of Heavy Cavalry, among several present in the garrison, to conduct an attack.\n 3222 \nThere are two ways you can move your selected army on the map in your own provinces. The cursor shows the type of movement a click on a given province would order. \n\nIf you want to move to an adjacent friendly province, click on that province with the marching soldier cursor. \n\nIf you want to move the selected army further, but still in friendly territory, click with the train cursor which appears over the distant friendly province. Your total amount of transport capacity limits the number of military units you can move by train in one turn. You increase the number you can move by building more transport capacity in the railyard on the Industry screen. Moving regiments does not in itself use capacity already assigned to transport resources.\n 3223 \nTo enter a province you do not own, you must first declare war on the owner of the province. On subsequent turns, any adjacent units may attack. You cannot attack unless your forces are adjacent to the target province. The attack is made by clicking on the target province with the crossed swords cursor.\n\nWhen you have ordered the attack a large red military arrow appears in the enemy province. To cancel the attack click on the military arrow with the question mark cursor.\n 3224 \nThe most dangerous movement is an attack across the water. Superficially, this seems exactly like an attack on an adjacent province. Once your fleets establish a landing site, you select land forces and use the crossed sword attack cursor to order them to move directly across the seas to the enemy province. \n\nHowever, on the turn that this movement is ordered, your land forces are extremely vulnerable to hostile fleet interception. Any enemy fleets entering or present in the sea zone with the landing site automatically intercept and battle the landing fleets. If any of your ships are sunk, some of your land forces may be drowned. 3225 \nThe first military command button, which appears as a flag, brings up a detailed book on the selected garrison. You may also view this book by clicking with the blue question mark cursor directly on the garrison encampment.\n\nThe garrison book shows the state of the selected garrison, including the names, the health, and the medals of each regiment. By clicking on the picture of a unit you may select or unselect it individually. As you select a unit its notation changes from "Defending" to the notation "Available" which means that the regiment can be ordered to move or attack when you click on another province. Notice also that the toolbar numbers of selected units change as you select units on the Garrison Book screen.\n 3231 \nWhen a fleet is selected the ship icon shows a flashing white outline. The ships in this fleet appear in the toolbar display. The first step, using the arrows in the toolbar, is to select the ships you want to command. You select ships for movement or mission orders. \n\nNormally, all the ships are selected by default. If you want only a portion of your ships to perform a mission or move, you can control which ships are selected with the arrows in the toolbar next to each ship type. \n\nWhen you give movement orders, the ships not contained in your selection remain behind. The toolbar arrows do not permit you to select particular ships of a single category. If you want to make a more specific selection of forces you can use the fleet book. 3232 \nOnce you have made a selection of ships using the toolbar or the fleet book, use a map cursor to command it. The map cursors allow you to assign your selected fleet in four different ways: movement to another sea zone plus three kinds of missions. \n\nTo move the fleet, click on a new sea zone with the ship's wheel cursor. This cursor does not appear in the fleet's current sea zone. If the new zone is out of range you see a red slashed circle cursor; you cannot move the fleet that far in one turn. \n 3233 \nIn its current sea zone a fleet can patrol, attempting to intercept all hostile ships, by using the telescope cursor. A fleet can blockade a designated port, using a ship with a red X cursor, by clicking near the port when that cursor appears. Both of these commands are used against enemy forces. A blockade has greater chance of success against ships that enter or leave the selected port. A blockade does not seek other ships in the sea zone, but hostile patrolling fleets can intercept your blockaders. \n\nBoth blockades and patrols can result in battle against hostile warships or in interception of merchant ships. When merchants are intercepted the intercepting forces can sink or capture the merchant ships. Additionally, it is possible to capture the cargo being carried. These details are summarized in the battle report at the end of the turn.\n 3234 \nNear the coast you see a cannon cursor. This allows the fleet to establish a site for a later landing of army forces. When you assign fleets to this mission, you are accepting the potential of automatic interceptions by enemies. Any enemy fleet that enters the sea zone or patrols in the sea zone can find and intercept your forces. You must be prepared to defeat these attacks. \n\nYou cannot move land forces on the turn the landing site is established. Land forces can be moved to the selected enemy province on any subsequent turns as long as you maintain the landing site by keeping ships in that sea zone.\n 3241 \nImproving the relationship between your Great Power and at least one Minor Nation eventually results in the reward of a Developer Unit. \n\nThe fastest route to improved relations with a Minor Nation is to establish a trade consulate, conduct frequent trades, build an embassy, offer a non-aggression pact, and offer grants to the Minor Nation s leaders. Since your wealth is limited concentrate on a few Minor Nations.\n\nLike other civilians, the Developer works on terrain tiles. However, his role is to purchase the tiles in other countries so that your other civilians can work there. \n\nEach Great Power may have only one Developer Unit at a time. 3242 \nAlthough the Developer can buy land in any Minor Nation where you establish an Embassy, it is generally best to purchase tiles in a country which considers your Great Power to be its favorite trading partner. \n\nUsing this strategy, the resources produced by the land your Developer purchases will be guaranteed to your Great Power in trade provided you enter a bid on that commodity.\n\nOn the other hand, if another Great Power, as favorite trading partner, buys the resources first you gain some money for the sale but do not increase your supply of resources for industry. 3243 \nYour Developer is able to purchase land which contains wool, cotton, hardwood timber, coal, iron, gold, or gems, and, eventually, oil. He cannot purchase land which produces only food.\n\nTo purchase a parcel of land with your selected Developer look for the money bags cursor, and click on the land you want. Once you see the asking price for the land you can confirm the purchase or change your mind.\n\nTo purchase terrain containing oil or minerals your Prospectors must first find the resources. Like Developers, Prospectors can go abroad only after you establish Embassies.\n\n 3244 \nOnce you purchase land with a Developer, your other civilians can build improvements on the land. These units work on terrain in Minor Nations just as they do in your own territory.\n\nAs you purchase new technology, you can send your civilians back to land you own in Minor Nations to further increase the resource output of the land.\n\nSince Minor Nations have their own transport networks, your Engineer never needs to work in a Minor Nation. 3245 \nOverseas profits are reported each turn on the Deal Book. You earn these profits for any resources produced on land you own in a Minor Nation that are sold by that Minor Nation during trade. \n\nIf your Great Power purchases the resources itself, the overseas profits are a refund of the money you paid for them. This refund can reach 100% if you obtain a Minor Nation as a colony.\n\nIf another Great Power buys the resources, the money you earn comes from the pockets of your foe. 3251 \nYou may set your preferences for sound, music, minister briefings, warnings, and combat resolution using this screen. Generally, if a button is dark that preference is turned off. \n\nFor sound and music, you can drag the dark region partly across the button to set volume to intermediate levels. 3252 \nBattles may be resolved tactically or strategically. With tactical battles on, you maneuver your individual regiments on a battlefield against the regiments of your enemies.\n\n 3253 \nMinister briefings may be set to arrive automatically when you go to a new screen. Some screens have several briefings which appear in sequence with each subsequent turn. You should turn this preference on if you re sure you want to read all the available help. 3261 Greetings, your Excellency. As the ruler of a burgeoning Empire you enjoy a vast amount of power over political, military, and economic affairs. These Briefings will be presented to help you learn the interfaces through which you issue your commands. 3262 You may reopen a Briefing, or reach the Imperialism help menu through the help and information button in the upper right corner of most screens. \n\nYou can take advantage of hot text messages on most screens by placing the cursor over objects or pictures. \n\nWhen you want to know more about something, right mouse click on it. Often, more information is available. 3263 \nThe world of Imperialism consists of provinces ruled by governors. To win you must obtain the support of a majority of governors. \n\nThe world-wide Council of Governors nominates two Great Powers for possible victory every 10 years. To be nominated your country must expand its industry and economic clout. Once there are two nominees all the governors in the world vote for one of the two, or abstain from voting.\n\nOwning, conquering or colonizing a province provides automatic support if your country is nominated to win. \n\nIf your country is nominated, governors in other countries may choose to support you due to your diplomatic or military successes. Generally, provinces owned by Great Powers consider military threat when deciding to vote. Minor Nation owned provinces, on the other hand, are more interested in the diplomatic prestige of the nominated Great Powers.\n\nYou might choose to play aggressively in one area of the world, and peacefully in another. A combination of military and diplomatic strategies will generally garner support the most quickly. 3264 The computer icon at the top of the toolbar on the map screen takes you to the game control menu. You should save your game every six turns or so. This menu also lets you enter the preferences screen. Here you set controls for animations, sound, music, tactical battles, and other options. 3265 As you give orders to your industry, traders, diplomats, civilian workers, and military, the rulers of other empires do the same. Your orders can be canceled at any time prior to clicking the End Turn button at the bottom of the toolbar on the map screen. When you click this button and the turn ends, the orders of all Great Powers are carried out simultaneously. 3271 \nDefend your coastline. An enemy fleet off a coastal province allows landings by enemy forces based elsewhere. A friendly navy automatically intercepts such attempts and can destroy the troops at sea.\n 3272 \nAs the game progresses, your focus shifts. Initially you are concerned with infrastructure. In the middle game you begin to focus on global relations. Toward the end you concentrate more on domination and global strategies.\n 3281 \nScroll around your country to find a good place for your capital city. The framed area around a potential site tells you what sort of terrain will be immediately available for use if you found your city there.\n\nIf you are curious about a potential city site, click on the tile. A pop-up window will inform you of the resources immediately available at that site. \n\nYou can still cancel your selection after considering this resource report. 3282 \nFood resources are the most important early in the game. The best city sites are adjacent to a mixture of grain (from farms and dry plains), meat (from seas, rivers and open range), and fruit (from orchards).\n\nYour industrial workers will consume two grain for every one meat and one fruit each turn. 3283 \nTimber is the most important industrial resource early in the game, so you should look for a site near to scrub or hardwood forest. \n\nIf the city site cannot be adjacent to forests, you should make sure that your country contains some forest within a few tiles of your city site.\n\nOther resources such as cotton or wool are not as critical to your early development as timber. 3284 \nYou should consider returning to the main menu and starting again if one or more of the following things is true:\n\n1. Your country lacks timber.\n2. Your country has a high proportion of deserts or tundra.\n3. Your country has very few hills or mountains.\n4. You cannot found a city with adequate food supplies to support at least seven workers maximum. 3285 \nClick on the large button with the curved arrow at the top of the toolbar to return to the Map Room. On this screen you have the choice of selecting a different country in this same world, or generating an entirely new world.\n\nThe first world generated as the globe spins will be the same one. Click on a different colored Great Power, and then on Start Game.\n\nClick on the globe again to create a new world. \n\n 3291 \nThe status screens provide comparisons between all the Great Powers in a variety of fields. The ratings on each screen go from top to bottom and the length of the colored bar shows how competitive the various Powers are in each category. \n\nWhen this screen first appears the two highest rated powers shown would be the nominees for victory by the council of governors if a meeting were held this turn.\n\nThe three tabs immediately below the Council Projection tab provide a breakdown of the three factors that lead to nomination by the Council and victory.\n\n 3292 \nClicking on top four tabs on the left side of the screen displays information on who is winning, first as a total, and then rated according to internal development, diplomatic success, and military power. \n\n"Interior Strength" combines elements including factory and mill capacity and actual output of goods to compare the productivity of the Great Powers economies.\n\n"Diplomatic Strength" is an average of each Great Power s relationships with all the other countries in the world.\n\n"Military Strength" is a comparison of the total armaments in each Great Power s army and navy. 3293 \nThe lowest tab on the left side labeled "Merchant Marine" compares the Powers total number of cargo holds in all merchant shipping.\n\n"World Exports" measures the total amount of items sold and delivered to other countries throughout the game so far.\n\n"Industry" is a measure of the total amount of goods (including arms) produced by each Power in the game.\n\n"Labor" compares the total labor available for industry.\n\n"Overseas Profits" measures the total amount earned through development and exploitation of Minor Nations (including colonies).\n\n"Internal Transport" is a comparison of the total transport capacity available to each Great Power on its transport ledger. 3301 You may reach the diplomacy screen from the main map by clicking on the scroll icon on the gold ribbon at the bottom of the screen. 3302 When you first bring up the diplomacy screen notice that the colored oval "i" button in the upper left is selected. This means that you are looking at the information panel of the diplomacy screen.\n\nIn the middle of the upper part of the screen you see four small vertical icons which allow you to see four different types of information while you are on this panel. As you click on these icons the map changes to display the type of information represented by each small icon.\n\nBy clicking on any country on the map you see the information about that particular country.\n 3303 The information panel can help you choose a minor nation to pursue. You could randomly select a country to try to trade with, but it is more efficient to consider what commodities it is trading.\n\nFirst make sure that you are on the information panel by clicking on the colored "i" oval. The letter i should be surrounded with white.\n\nNext, click on the lowest of the four vertical icons. This looks like a small coin.\n\nFinally, cycle through the six old world minor nations on the map (by clicking on each in turn). These nations are all colored different shades of gray. As you select each one, a list of the products it exports will appear above the map. Remember the name of the nation that seems best to you. You should consider selecting a nation with commodities currently in short supply.\n 3304 Offering a trade consulate is a diplomatic overture that increases the benefits of trading. Once you have a consulate in a minor nation, all trades with that nation improve your diplomatic relationship, and you can set helpful trade policies. Eventually, after many years of friendly trading, this nation can join your Empire peacefully.\n\nTo offer a trade consulate click on the green oval with the scroll near the top of the screen. This takes you to the overtures panel. \n\nClick on the large scroll labeled Trade Consulate. This selects the type of overture.\n\nClick on the country on the map you want to offer the consulate to. You see a coin appear over the nation on the map. Trade consulates are always accepted and cost $500.\n 3305 You cannot use the diplomacy screen to encourage trade with a country the same turn you offer the consulate. Once you have a consulate a helpful trade policy can be set.\n\nOn the diplomacy screen, click on the turquoise trade policies oval at the top of the screen. This takes you to the trade policies panel. \n\nSelect the percentage of trade subsidy you wish to grant. The larger the percentage, the more the other country will appreciate your Empire. Of course this reduces your profits and increases the cost of commodities you purchase.\n\nClick on the country on the map. A gold circle with the percentage amount appears on the screen. Trade subsidies take effect immediately.\n\nPower tip: hold the control key down while clicking on the country. The computer will automatically select the correct subsidy to place you in make you the selected countries most favored trade partner. 3311 You may reach the trade screen from the main map by clicking on the coins icon on the gold ribbon at the bottom of the screen. 3312 To buy commodities in trade you must enter a bid. You can enter bids on three or fewer commodities (research can allow you to increase that number). Bids do not guarantee that you will be able to buy what you want. By bidding you are letting the rest of the world know that you desire that commodity.\n\nTo enter a bid click on the "B" in the commodity row corresponding to the commodity you wan to buy.\n 3313 To sell commodities in trade you must enter an offer. You can enter offers on as many of your commodities as you wish. Offers do not guarantee that you will be able to sell the commodities. By offering you are letting the rest of the world know that you want to sell that commodity.\n\nTo enter an offer click on the "O" in the commodity row corresponding to the commodity you want to sell. A slider appears allowing you to set the quantity offered this turn. The quantity offered for sale cannot exceed the amount of ship cargo holds you have assigned to trade. You can see what this number is on the right side of the trade screen. 3314 When you end your turn the offers and bids of all countries in the game are compared. For commodities you bid on, you are presented with offer sheets listing the country offering the commodity, the price, and the maximum you can buy. \n\nTo accept an offer, click the accept seal. To accept a lesser amount than is offered, change the number in the gray box and then click the accept seal. \n\nTo stop seeing offers of a particular commodity, click in the No more offers of... box on the offer sheet. To reject any offer, click on the reject seal.\n\nAs you are responding to other countries' offers, those countries that bid on commodities you offered may be buying your items. You will not see an offer sheet for these deals, since it is always up to the bidder (not the offering nation) to finalize each deal.\n 3315 As each deal is finalized some of the cargo holds you have assigned to trade may be used to transport the commodities. You can keep track of how many cargo holds you have remaining by looking at the number under the ship on the right side of the screen. When the last cargo hold is used, you will receive no more offer sheets this turn. Each cargo hold can be used only once per turn.\n\nThe basic rule for pickup and delivery is that the nation who buys the commodities (the bidder) picks up the commodities in its own ships. Therefore on all deals in which you accept an offer, your Empire's cargo holds will be used up for the turn. \n\nIf the buyer is not a Great Power, they have no ships. This means that offers you (and the other Great powers) made that were purchased by tribes or minor nations require Great Power cargo holds for delivery.\n 3316 The deal summary may show that someone offered you a commodity, but you didn t ever see the offer sheet. \n\nWhen an offer is about to be made to you, the computer checks to see if you have any ships left to pickup the goods. If you don t, then you aren t shown the offer because you wouldn t be allowed to accept it. Sometimes you have fewer cargo holds than you expected because they were used to make deliveries of materials you sold to other nations. However, you are informed in the report that the country was willing to make the deal. That way you can plan to reserve ships next time if you want to. 3317 There are three reasons why you may not be seeing any trade offers: \n\n1. You haven t bid on anything. Go to the Trade Orders screen and make sure you have clicked on some buy bids.\n\n2. You don t have any ships available for picking up the goods. If that is the case, you need to free up some ships for trade. You could reduce your transport orders by ship. You could bring home an exploring ship and dock it in the capital harbor. You could build a new ship.\n\n3. No one is offering to sell the item you bid on. If that is case, bid on something else. Wool and timber are usually being offered for sale. You can check if anyone offered an item you bid on from the deal summary screen. Click on the icon of that item on the right to bring up the market summary for that item. The nations who offered it are shown on the left. 3321 Like the production and labor screens, the unit construction screen is considered part of Industry. From the main map you reach all three screens by clicking on the icon of a factory on the gold ribbon. Once you are within industry you can use all of the screens, alternating between them by using the three icons in the gold banner at the top of the screen. Labor is represented by a hammer, production is represented by a gear, and unit construction is represented by crossed flags. 3322 First, select the unit that you want to build by clicking on its picture in one of the panels on the right side of the screen. The selected type of unit appears in the large box on the left side of the screen, and the text provides details about the unit.\n\nIn the middle of this build panel are icons and numbers which tell you the cost of the unit. When you lack the necessary amount of a commodity it is shown with a red x superimposed. Above the costs you see two gold arrows and a small text box\n\nClick the right arrow to increase the number you are building, and the left arrow to decrease. The number you have ordered appears in the text box and near the unit picture on the right side of the screen. All units take one turn to build and are available for action next turn.\n\nAll military and naval units require a peasant laborer. Like workers in industry, each military or naval unit eats food each turn. If you build too many units too quickly, your industry will not have enough labor to continue to develop. 3323 First, select the unit that you want to build by clicking on its picture in one of the panels on the right side of the screen. The selected type of unit appears in the large box on the left side of the screen. All civilians cost 3 paper and $500. If you lack the required paper or money a red x will appear. \n\nClick the right arrow to increase the number you are building, and the left arrow to decrease. The number you have ordered appears in the text box and near the unit picture on the right side of the screen. All units take one turn to build and are available for action next turn. Unlike military and naval units civilian units do not require a peasant for construction, nor do they eat any food.\n\nNote that it is not possible to delegate unit construction to the computer.\n 3331 Building 3 new regiments of Pikemen requires 3 available Peasant workers. If you haven t recruited more Peasants than was required in the Labor episode, you will need to do so now. \n\nEven if you have recruited enough Peasants, you may still face a shortage if they are busy working on production orders. You can tell at a glance how many Peasants you have and how many are working: under the labor icon (hammer) in the left scroll, there are two numbers which show the available labor and the total labor. Each Peasant unit represents 1 unit of labor. \n\nTo free up working peasants, go the Production panel and decrease some production orders. 3341 Early in the game it is often best to attack a relatively poorly defended province. Therefore, avoid the capitals, and avoid the provinces whose army size is shown as three tents. Pick a province whose army size is shown as two tents. Info-click on the map if you aren t sure which is a capital and which isn t.\n\nIt s also a good idea to choose a province which contains some resources you would like to develop. \n\nAlthough wars in the Old World must be declared in advance, your Empire need not provide such a warning to a New World tribe.\n 3342 Fleets can carry an invasion force whose size is equal to the number of cargo holds in the fleet. Each of your carracks has three cargo holds. Therefore, one of your ships will be able to carry the three Pikemen you made in the last episode. \n\nThose three Pikemen are pretty tough, and have a good chance of success. However, they may be defeated and have to retreat back to your own land. If you decide to send a larger force, you will have to send more than one ship.\n\nRemember not to move the last ship out of your home fleet. Although you can de-emphasize trade while conducting your invasion, at least one ship should remain behind for sea transport and/or a minimal amount of trade.\n 3343 Once you know which ships are going to conduct the invasion order them to move (using the ship's wheel cursor) to any sea zone adjacent to the province you want to invade. This may take several turns.\n\nIf the ships for your invasion force are coming from different locations on the map--that's fine--have them meet in the same sea zone adjacent to the target province. They will combine into one fleet in the sea zone. 3344 First make sure that all ships are in the same sea zone and do not have any other missions. If some of the ships are patrolling or doing some other mission in the sea zone, cancel those orders first. (To cancel an unwanted mission click on the fleet icon when the question mark cursor is shown. A pop-up box appears informing you of the fleet's current mission. Click the Rescind button on the dialog box.)\n\nYou should select the invasion fleet and make sure all ships in the fleet are selected using the toolbar arrows. Remember that ships in a fleet are selected for a mission by increasing the number of ships shown in the gray box in the toolbar. Get those numbers as high as possible.\n\nThen click on the adjacent province to be invaded; the cursor should look like a cannon. The fleet icon moves near the coast and a small cannon icon appears near the fleet. \n\nEstablishing a beachhead takes one turn, so you cannot send in the troops yet. End your turn and the episode will end. In the next episode you will send the troops in.\n 3345 Your 3 Pikemen are waiting while the navy establishes a beachhead. When they come up in the cycle, just click the  No more Orders button, which tells the Pikemen you have no orders for this turn, but that you expect to see them come up in the unit cycle next turn.\n\nNext turn when they come up, after you have established the beachhead, you will give them the attack order. 3351 Military units are represented on the map by an encampment near the city or town in a province. Take a look at the area around your capital city. You see several small tents.\n\nMove the cursor near the tents until you see a flag & arrow cursor. With this cursor showing click on the tents. The units that make up this garrison are displayed in the toolbar.\n\nTo select a force for movement or attacking, use the small arrows in the toolbar. The arrows pointing up increase the number of units selected for action and the arrows pointing down decrease this number.\n 3352 To move (or deploy) units to a friendly province, make sure the proper units are selected and click on the province. A large green military arrow appears indicating that the force is on its way to that province. It will arrive next turn.\n\nThere is no need to deploy your units prior to attacking in this episode unless you have previously deployed some of them away from your capital. Your capital is the best place to launch the invasion because it is a port. 3353 To attack into an adjacent province, select the forces and click on the enemy province to invade with a crossed swords cursor. A red attack arrow appears on the map, confirming your orders. It is not possible to attack non-adjacent enemy provinces unless you first establish a beachhead.\n\nYou do not need to attack adjacent provinces to complete this episode since you are conducting an overseas invasion. 3354 In the last episode you used your fleet to establish a beachhead. You may select military units to invade up to the number of cargo holds in your invasion fleet.\n\nWith the proper sized force selected, scroll to the province on the map that contains your beachhead. A crossed swords cursor appears over the province. Click on the province. A red invasion arrow appears confirming your orders. 3355 When you end your turn the battle will be fought. Results are provided on a battle report screen that lists the forces involved on both sides and reports any eliminated units.\n\nYou can view details of a battle by clicking the large gold  I button in the upper center of the battle report screen.\n\nIf you failed to take the province, build up and try again. Your invasion remains on station until you reassign it or the invasion succeeds. 3361 You may reach the technology screen from the main map by clicking on the compass icon in the gold ribbon at the bottom of the screen.\n 3362 A new project is started by moving a listed "researchable" technology from the right side of the screen to one of the open available slots on the left side of the screen.\n\nFirst, to see a list of all your researchable technologies, make sure that the middle of the three gold medallions is highlighted in white. This medallion lists the technology currently available for research on the right side of the screen. Also make sure that the "show all" filter button above the listed technologies is selected. \n\nPick a technology to research from this list. Click on the compass button next to the text describing the technology. One of your available slots on the left side is filled with your selection.\n\nNow you may allocate additional cash to the project using the slider in that slot. The more cash spent, the faster you will gain the benefits of the new technology. 3363 Note: When a project is canceled all cash spent so far is lost. It is not applied to a newly selected project.\n\nClick on the skull button in the slot of the unwanted project. The slot becomes available. You will be asked to confirm. 3364 Turn control of research over to your computer advisor by clicking on the button in the gold ribbon on the top left part of the screen.\n\nIf you turn control of the technology screen over to the computer it will establish a long-term research goal for you and fill in all of your open slots. It will also allocate cash each turn.\n\nOne good way to play, especially for beginners is to allow the computer to pick the projects. Once this is done, you can take control back by clicking on the computer button. Now you have control of the cash to be spent on each project. 3365 Click on the third of the three medallions next to the scroll (nearest the bottom of the screen). \nThis lists all projects available as long-tern goals. From this list, choose a goal and click on its target icon. The technology will appear in the goal slot at the top left part of the screen.\n\nNext, click on the middle medallion. Technologies that lead to your goal are listed at the top highlighted with green text. You can now fill as many slots as desired with technologies that lead to your goal. Of course, sometimes only one technology is available that will lead to the goal you picked.\n\nUse the arrows in each research slot to allocate per turn spending to each of the selected projects. 3366 When other Great Powers already have a technology, a little flag with their country color appears in the description of that technology. You have an increased chance of learning a new technology that another country already knows about. In fact, when other countries have previously researched a technology successfully, you may put that technology in a research slot, put no money in, and still eventually learn the new technology.\n\nYour chances of stealing the knowledge of other nations in this way vastly increases if you have a spy in a country who has a technology you are researching. If you do place a spy, the flags will be marked with a tiny "s". \n\n 3371 You can tell when a unit is working because it animates. \n\nWhen the unit is finished working, the animation ends and the unit stands still. \n\nWhen a unit is selected, it appears with a flashing white outline. \n\nIf a unit appears grayed out, then it is not working, it is deploying to that tile (See  What does "deploying" mean? ). 3372 "Deploying" means a unit is moving to a new tile, but isn t doing any work immediately in that tile.\n\nYou may choose to deploy a unit to move it out of the way of another unit. \n\nIn the context of army units, "deploying" means to move to another one of your provinces. 3373 Yes, you can change your orders. \n\nClick on a busy (working or deploying) civilian unit (the question mark cursor will appear). A dialog pops up that tells you what the unit is doing and gives you an opportunity to confirm or rescind your orders. \n\nIn general, throughout Imperialism II, you can always change your orders until you have ended your turn. This will be true not just for unit orders, but for trade, diplomacy, industrial, transport, technology and other orders. 3374 Your country is made up of terrain tiles, which have the potential to produce different types of resources. Grain farms appear as yellow-gold planted fields. \n\nIf you are not sure what type of terrain you are looking at, place the mouse cursor over the tile and look at the text in the upper right portion of the screen. You can also info-click on the tile (right-click or shift-click) for more detailed information. \n 3375 Builders construct improvements on most types of terrain in the game. Each improvement built makes the tile more productive. \n\nFirst, confirm that the builder is selected. On the map he flashes with a white outline, and his picture appears in the toolbar on the right side of the screen. \n\nTo order the builder to improve a grain farm move the mouse over a farm and look for a hammer cursor. Click on the tile. The builder moves into that tile and begins working on the farm. This is confirmed by a working animation. \n\nThe Builder takes two turns to improve a farm.\n 3411 Engineers build roads from the tile where they begin the turn into the adjacent tile that you click. \n\nFirst, confirm that the engineer is selected. On the map he flashes with a white outline, and his picture appears in the toolbar on the left side of the screen. To make sure that you are giving an order to build a road, look for a road cursor (a wavy brown line) over terrain tiles adjacent to the selected engineer.\n\nWith the road cursor showing over the tile where you want the road to go, click on the map. The engineer moves into that tile and begins working on the road, confirmed by a working animation. \n\nIt may take several turns to build the road, depending on the terrain. Flat terrain takes only one turn. 3412 To complete this episode your newly built farm must be on or adjacent to an unbroken road that goes to the capital city of your nation. When this is achieved the farm is connected. This means that grain from the farm is automatically used each turn to feed your population.\n 3413 Being "connected" means that the resources produced in a tile can be transported back to the capital city.\n\nA tile is considered connected if it either has connected road in it, or if it is adjacent to connected road (there are six tiles adjacent to each other tile), or if it is adjacent to a port or capital. \n\nA road is considered connected if it continues back in an unbroken line to the capital city, or to another port (which your Engineer will learn to build in a later episode).\n\nLook at the help text in the top right to see if a tile is a connected. It shows the production amount and the connection level of the tile currently under the cursor. If the "Max Transport" is more than 0, the space is "connected". 3414 As you give orders to the currently selected unit, the next available unit automatically becomes selected. This is called the unit cycle.\n\nThere are three buttons which affect the unit cycle. These buttons each give orders to the currently selected unit. \n\nClick the button on the far right to put the unit to sleep. That means the unit will stay where it is, doing nothing (in the case of civilian units, for military and naval units, that button tells them to stay still and defend). This unit will not appear automatically again in the unit cycle. If you want to give orders to a sleeping unit, you need to click on it, or you could type  W to wake all the sleeping units. \n\nThe middle button tells the unit you have no orders for it this turn, but that you expect to see it appear in the cycle next turn.\n\nUse the left button when you want to give orders to this unit, but you want to wait until you ve had a chance to give orders to other units first (perhaps to get them out of the way). This button advances the unit cycle to the next unit, and puts the current unit at the back of the cycle. 3421 Your country may contain deposits of four different minerals: iron ore, copper, tin, and coal. The type of mineral that could be present depends on the type of terrain in the tile. Tin is found only in swamps. The other three are found in hills or mountains. \n\nIf you are not sure what type of terrain you are looking at, place the mouse cursor over the tile and look at the text in the upper right portion of the screen. You can also info-click on the tile (right-click or shift-click) for more detailed information. \n\nLater in the tutorial you will search other countries for additional types of minerals. \n 3422 First, confirm that the explorer is selected. On the map he flashes with a white outline, and his picture appears in the toolbar on the left side of the screen. When the explorer is selected terrain tiles you have unsuccessfully prospected are shown with a pick axe and red X icon.\n\nTo order the explorer to prospect (search for minerals) move the mouse over an unprospected hill, mountain, or swamp in your country and look for an eye cursor. Click on the tile. The explorer moves into that tile and begins prospecting, confirmed by a working animation. \n\nProspecting takes one turn. If you find a mineral this episode will end and a mineral icon will be shown in the prospected tile.\n 3431 Each turn all the terrain tiles with improvements on them produce resources. Your nation gains these resources only when they are connected to the capital city. A road connection is made when an unbroken road may be traced from a tile on or adjacent to the terrain tile all the way back to the capital city.\n 3432 Usually, you will be able to tell if an improved terrain tile is connected by looking at the map. If you are not sure, place the mouse cursor over the tile and look at the text in the upper right portion of the screen. You can also info-click on the tile (right-click or shift-click) for more detailed information. The dialog box that appears when you info-click allows you to compare production level (how many units of resources the tile is producing) with transport level (how many units are being moved to the capital each turn). \n\nA tile that is unconnected has a transport level of 0. At the beginning of the game your roads can move only one unit of resources from each tile, so your transport level for a connected tile is 1.\n 3441 You may reach the production screen from the main map by clicking on the small factory icon in the gold ribbon at the bottom of the screen.\n 3442 The blue banner at the top of the production screen is called the warehouse. It lists all the resources and commodities your nation has this turn. \n\nIf you are not sure which resource or material an icon represents, place the mouse over the icon and read the text on the gold banner in the upper right portion of the screen.\n\nWhen you end your turn, resources you have connected to your capital city on the map are moved into the warehouse for use on the next turn. Materials you make on this screen are added to the warehouse for next turn as well.\n 3443 Each of the production sliders uses different resources, but all sliders need two units of resources for every material produced.\n\nTo use a slider to make a material, click on the gold arrow at the right end of the slider. The slider bar changes color confirming the production order. You may also click within the slider bar to increase or decrease production. The resources are deducted when the orders are given, but the new material is not ready until the next turn. \n\nTo reduce an order for production click on the gold arrow to the left end of the slider. The resources are returned to the warehouse. You can change your mind about what to produce as often as you like. Production orders are not final until you end your turn.\n\nYou may choose to assign your production to the computer using the button at the top left of the screen. The sliders will be filled in automatically. There is no guarnatee that the computer will share all your short term goals (such as finishing this episode). \n 3444 The amount of any material you can produce is limited by the amount of resources you have on hand and by the amount of industrial labor available to make the materials.\n\nOn the left side of the production screen you see an icon of a peasant laborer with a number underneath him. That number tells you how many peasant laborers your industry has. Each peasant represents one unit of labor every turn.\n\nAbove the peasant laborers is an icon representing the total available labor for this turn. As you give production orders using the sliders this number goes down. Since it takes two units of labor to make one material, if this number reaches 0 or 1 you will be unable to make any more materials this turn.\n 3451 Like the production screen discussed in the last episode, the labor screen is considered part of Industry. From the main map you reach both these screens by clicking on the factory icon on the gold ribbon at the bottom of the screen. Once you are within industry you can use both screens, alternating between them by using the two icons in the gold banner at the top of the screen. Labor is represented by a hammer, while production is represented by a gear.\n\nNote that you cannot delegate the recruiting or training of labor to computer control.\n\nIn a later episode a third icon (and screen) will be added to this banner.\n 3452 On the labor screen peasants are recruited by spending the material fabric. Click on the arrow at the right end of the slider to recruit more peasants. Be cautious in the number of peasants you recruit. It is usually easy to find the fabric you need for recruiting, but each peasant eats one unit of food every turn (grain or meat) and if your population outpaces your food resources, the peasants will eventually starve.\n 3453 On the right side of both the production and labor screens you see icons representing grain and meat. Everyone in your population eats one grain or one meat every turn. Your population consists of each industrial worker, each unit in the army, and each naval unit. \n\nIn the lower left portion of the labor screen you see three boxes labeled population. The total population in these boxes equals the total amount of meat and grain eaten each turn. This food arrives from the farms and ranches you have been connecting on the main map.\n 3454 You can see on the labor screen that additional sliders will become available later in the game. These sliders are used for improving your work force through training. Peasants produce only one unit of labor per person but training increases this number, making your work force much more efficient.\n\nNew technologies are required to gain access to these training sliders. Special resources from the new world are needed each turn to keep your trained laborers productive.\n 3461 Scroll around your nation looking for flat terrain adjacent to ocean or on a river. You will want to choose one of these tiles with many other resource producing tiles around it. When constructed the port will gather developed resources from all the adjacent tiles. Remember that fish are gathered by a port from every adjacent ocean tile and every adjacent land tile containing a river.\n 3462 Engineers build ports in tiles on a river or adjacent to the sea. They cannot construct ports in hill or mountain terrain.\n\nFirst, confirm that the engineer is selected. If the engineer is not currently on the tile where you want the port built, you must deploy him to that tile. This takes one turn.\n\nTo deploy move the cursor over the tile where you want the port and look for a green arrow. This is the deployment cursor. Click on the tile. The engineer moves to the tile but does not animate. This is because no work is occurring this turn.\n\nOn the next turn a port can be ordered. With the engineer selected place the cursor in the same tile as the engineer. Click when you see a hammer cursor. A dialog appears giving construction options. Push the port button. The dialog disappears and the engineer begins to work on the port. \n 3463 First, check that your engineer is on a flat piece of terrain with a river or adjacent to the ocean. If not, deploy him to an eligible tile and build the port next turn.\n\nSecond, make sure that when you click the cursor it looks like a small hammer. It is easy to click with a question mark or an arrow cursor showing accidentally. Neither of these permit port construction. You will only be able to find the hammer cursor if the engineer is the selected unit.\n\nFinally, make sure that your warehouse contains at least five units of lumber and five units of cast iron. Ports are expensive.\n 3464 When your Empire is fully developed you will rely on numerous ports and roads to form a vast transport web. Eventually, you will establish ports on other continents and build more road networks out from these new ports.\n\nAt the beginning of the game, however, the choice of reaching a vital terrain tile with a road, or building a port nearby, can be difficult.\n\nSince ports cost the same as five tiles of road (five iron and five lumber), cost can give you a rough guideline when deciding what to do. Time is also an issue. It will take your engineer 2 turns to build a port and at least five turns to build five tiles of road. You should also consider the option of building a port near to a distant (inland) resource you need and then constructing a road from the new port to the resource. This can be less expensive and less time consuming than constructing a road all the way from your capital.\n 3471 You may reach the transport screen from the main map by clicking on the carriage icon on the gold ribbon at the bottom of the screen. 3472 The sliders on the transport screen are color coded green or blue. You need to give orders only for resources coded blue, which means they must be moved by water.\n\nGreen means that the resources represented by that slider are moved solely by land. Since land transport occurs automatically each turn there is no need for your intervention. The green (land) transport is included on the screen only so you can see how many units of each commodity you are receiving. \n\nCommodities that are moved by water at any portion of their journey to your capital are displayed as blue on this screen.\n\nTo increase or decrease your water transport click on the gold arrows to either side of a slider that has some blue on it. Alternatively you may click within the slider bar.\n 3473 To help you decide what to transport you can find out how much of a commodity your warehouse already has. Place the mouse cursor over an icon on this screen and read the text in the upper right part of the screen.\n 3474 As you change your transport orders look at the information under the ship icon on the right side of the transport screen. The ship represents the total number of cargo holds in all the ships your Empire owns. Each cargo hold can be used for only one item each turn.\n\nYou see that as transport orders are increased cargo holds are moved from the trade number and allocated to the transport number. If you reduce transport orders more cargo holds are allocated to trade. \n\nIf you run out of cargo holds you will not be able to transport more commodities by water and you will have to select those commodities you want to receive. \n\nLater episodes cover trade and building additional ships.\n 3475 You must transport enough grain and meat to feed your population. Of course, you may have a plentiful stockpile of these items in your warehouse, which means it is less urgent to transport food. The icons on the left side of the screen let you know how much food your population eats each turn. \n 3481 When being used on the main map, naval units are called fleets, even when only one ship is being ordered. \n\nFirst make sure a fleet is selected. You should see a fleet icon flashing white on the main map, and ship pictures in the toolbar. Using the arrows next to the ships in the toolbar you can change the make up of the selected fleet. Increasing the numbers between the gold arrows increases the size of the fleet you are about to give orders to.\n\nFleets move by sea zones which are separated by light blue lines on the map. Once you have used the toolbar to select the ship or ships you wish to move, clicking in a sea zone on the map will order the ships to move to that zone. However, ships can only move a certain number of zones each turn, so you must click in a sea zone where the mouse cursor looks like a ship's wheel. This means that the selected fleet can reach that sea zone during this turn.\n\nAll naval orders are easier on the zoomed out map. The magnifying glass button at the top of the toolbar takes you there.\n 3482 After you order a fleet to move into an unexplored area, you will not immediately see any changes on the map. This is because it takes the entire turn for the fleet to reach that sea zone and look around. After you end your turn, exploration takes place. Next turn the adjacent sea zones will be visible and available for naval movement. If the zone where you moved the fleet is next to the unexplored New World, coastal tiles will be revealed and you may receive a message about newly discovered resources.\n 3483 The ship's wheel cursor is used whenever you want to move a selected fleet to a new sea zone. There are four other things a fleet can do within the same sea zone where it starts its turn. These are called missions and each one is ordered using a different mouse cursor.\n\nClicking with a telescope cursor over the sea zone orders the fleet to patrol the sea zone, looking for enemy ships.\n\nClicking with a red X & ship icon over an enemy port orders the fleet to blockade the port.\n\nClicking with an anchor icon over a friendly port orders the fleet to anchor in the friendly port.\n\nClicking with a cannon icon over a land tile adjacent to the sea zone orders the fleet to establish a beachhead for an invasion next turn. This will be covered in a later episode.\n 3484 Like civilian units, ships are part of the unit cycle and will appear ready for orders during your turn. When a ship or ships is selected, a fleet icon flashes white on the main map, and ship pictures appear in the toolbar.\n\nSometimes a ship or a fleet may be assigned long term orders (like patrolling on station or being used for transport) which means it does not appear in the unit cycle automatically.\n\nTo select one of these fleets (allowing you to change its orders) you must place the mouse cursor over the icon of the fleet on the main map and click when the cursor appears as a pennant with an arrow or as a question mark. \n\nThe pennant and arrow immediately selects the fleet and you will see it in the toolbar. \n\nThe question mark appears when there is a need to first cancel the previous orders of the fleet. A dialog box appears allowing you to confirm or cancel the fleet's current orders. If you cancel, the fleet will be selected and ready for new orders.\n 3485 With a fleet selected click on the round button with a ship on it to open the Fleet Roster. On the open book that appears you can see each of the ships in the selected fleet. By clicking on the ship pictures you may select and unselect particular ships for orders. Although this method is slower than using the toolbar, it permits you to select particular ships.\n 3486 Use the F11 function key on the keyboard to open the Navy Roster which lists all the fleets owned by your Empire. By clicking on one of these fleets you can center the main map over that fleet and select it.\n 3491 First, confirm that the explorer is selected. On the map he flashes with a white outline, and his picture appears in the toolbar on the left side of the screen. \n\nIn Episode 3 the explorer was used to prospect. When used in the New World, he can both reveal hidden terrain tiles and prospect for mineral resources. \n\nMove the mouse cursor over New World terrain tiles already revealed. Over some tiles you will see the green arrow (deploy) cursor, and over other tiles you will see the eye (prospect) cursor. Regardless of which cursor is showing, if you click on a tile, the explorer moves there and reveals all the adjacent hidden tiles next turn. If the tile is one that can be prospected he will accomplish this at the same time.\n\nIdeally you want to choose tiles for exploration that are adjacent to lots of hidden terrain and could also contain minerals.\n\nProspecting and exploring both take one turn. Next turn all adjacent terrain tiles will be revealed. If you find a mineral an icon will be shown in the prospected tile. 3492 Large settlements of New world native people are called tribal capitals. The non-mineral resources adjacent to a tribal capital are already developed by the native population.\n\nIn order for your Empire to conduct peaceful trade and diplomacy with a tribe, the capital of the tribe must first be revealed. 3493 The four minerals found in the Old World (tin, copper, iron ore, and coal) are also plentiful in the New World. Additionally the New World contains silver (found in the hills) gold and gems (found in the mountains), and diamonds (found in the desert). Of these minerals, diamonds and gems are the most valuable.\n 3841 Terrain Map Briefing #1 3842 About Civilians 3843 Displayed Information 3844 Giving Orders 3845 What do different cursors mean? 3846 The unit cycle and selecting units 4005 Your excellency, I am pleased to report that thanks to our foreign policies, our country has produced a developer unit for overseas exploitation!\n\nYou may send your developer to buy land tiles in any Minor Nation where you have an embassy. Once you bought the land, you may send other civilians there to develop it. When the host nation sells resources you developed, you will receive a share of the profits (proportional to how good your relationship is). \n\nThe profits appear in the Deal Book as  Overseas Profits . 4016 Frog City Credits:\n\nExecutive Producer:\n Rachel Bernstein\n\nDesign Team:\n Bill Spieth\n Ted Spieth\n Ben Polk\n\nManual:\n Bill Spieth\n\nSound Effects: \n AudioSyncrasy\n \nMusic Composition:\n Victor Spiegel\n\nMusic Performance with Baroque Instruments:\n American Baroque\n\nMIDI Music Performance:\n Victor Spiegel\n\n 4017 \n\nOriginal Game Design:\n Bill Spieth\n Ted Spieth\n\nProgramming:\n Ben Polk\n Michael Mortimer\n Eric Fredricksen\n Rachel Bernstein\n \nCross-Platform Programming:\n Eric Fredricksen\nArt:\n Vadim Vahrameev\n Brian White\n Andre Salcido\n\nCinematic:\n Andre Salcido\n Vadim Vahrameev\n \nImperialism was written with Apple's MacApp© Application Framework, ported to Microsoft Foundation Classes 4018 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Credits:\n\nProducer: Alan Wasserman\n \nDirector of R&D: Jan Lindner\n \n\n\n\n 4019 \n\n 4481 Terrain Map Briefing #2 4482 About the Toolbar Buttons 4483 Civilian Units on the Map 4484 The four Unit buttons 4485 Visiting the Orders screens 4486 Shortcuts for moving on the map 5121 Industry Briefing #1 5122 About Industry 5123 Functions of Buildings 5124 Factory and Mill Production 5125 Trade School and Capitol 5126 Production Economies 5761 Introductory Briefing 5762 Welcome to Imperialism Demo 5763 Getting More Help 5764 7 Easy Goals 5765 7 Medium Goals 5766 12 Advanced Tips for Success 6401 Trade Briefing #1 6402 About Trade 6403 Displayed Information 6404 Giving Orders to Buy Commodities 6405 What determines who gets offers of commodities? 6406 What determines the World Prices? 7041 Trade Briefing #2 7042 Making a Profit 7043 Goods to Sell 7044 Using Offer sliders 7045 Merchant Marine 7681 Diplomacy Briefing #1 7682 About Diplomacy 7683 Obtaining Information 7684 Diplomatic Orders 7685 Benefits and Costs of Trade Consulates 7686 Benefits and Costs of Declaring Wars 8321 Investing in Technology 8322 About Technology Investment 8323 Viewing the Technologies 8324 Purchasing new Technology 8325 Timing your Purchases 8961 Tips on Infrastructure 8962 Industry and the Capital 8963 Gaining more Resources 8964 Growth of Villages 8965 New Technology 8966 Disbanding Civilians 9601 Foreign Policy Tips 9602 Diplomatic Policies 9603 Military Intelligence 9604 Obtaining Leaders 9605 Trade and Diplomacy 9606 Developing Minor Nations 10241 Diplomacy Briefing #2 10242 More about Diplomacy 10243 Other countries products 10244 Setting Trade Policies 10245 The Value of an Embassy 10246 Diplomatic Strategy 10881 Trade Offers Briefing 10882 About Deals for Commodities 10883 Using the Trade Book 10884 Getting Minister Advice 10885 Accepting an Offer 10886 Merchant Marine and Commodity Order 11521 Transport Ledger Briefing 11522 About the Transport Network 11523 Information on the Ledger 11524 Using Sliders 11525 Transport Extra Food 11526 Planning a Transport System 12161 Industry Briefing #2 12162 About Industrial Production 12163 Production Dialogs 12164 Giving Orders to Expand Industry 12165 The Railyard 12166 Saving Orders to Next Turn 12801 Industry Briefing #3 12802 About Unit Construction 12803 Cost of new Units 12804 Giving Orders to build Units 12805 How Many Units to Build? 12806 Watch for Warnings 13441 Diplomacy Offers Briefing 13442 About Diplomacy Offers 13443 Obtaining Information 13444 Consequences of Accepting 13445 Alliances and Pacts 13446 Intervention in Minor Nations 14081 Battle Reports Briefing 14082 About Battle Reports 14083 Displayed Information 14084 Giving Orders 14721 Tactical Battles Briefing 14722 About Tactical Battles 14723 Displayed Information 14724 Commanding your Regiments 14725 Using the Toolbar 14726 Tactics on the Battlefield 15361 Council of Governors Briefing 15362 About the Council of Governors 15363 Displayed Information 15364 Winning Votes 15365 Votes from Owned or Colonized Provinces 15366 Votes from Provinces in Other Countries 16641 Deal Summary Briefing 16642 About the Deal Summary 16643 Available Information 16644 Overseas Profits 16645 The Credit Limit 17281 Terrain Map Briefing #3 17282 Marshaling your armies 17283 How to deploy in friendly provinces 17284 How to attack an adjacent province 17285 How to invade from the sea 17286 Using the Garrison Book 17921 Terrain Map Briefing #4 17922 Ordering your fleets 17923 Moving to other seas 17924 Blockades and Patrols 17925 Establish a Landing 18561 Terrain Map Briefing #5 18562 How to get a Developer 18563 Where can the Developer Work? 18564 How to purchase Land 18565 Improving Land you Buy 18566 Overseas Profits 19201 Preferences Briefing 19202 Introduction 19203 Tactical or Strategic Battles? 19204 Minister Briefings 19841 Introductory Briefing 19842 Introductory Message 19843 Getting more help 19844 How to win 19845 Game settings and saving your game 19846 Taking your turn 20000 To purchase Imperialism visit your local software retailer or call (800) 234-3088 to order direct!\n\nFor more information visit the Imperialism website located at www.imperialism.com 20481 Long term planning 20482 Vulnerable coastline 20483 Course of the game 21121 City Site Selection Briefing 21122 Searching for the best site 21123 The need for food 21124 The value of timber 21125 Evaluating your country 21126 How to start again 21761 Status Screen Briefing 21762 About Status Screens 21763 Displayed Information 22401 Help for Episode 11: Diplomacy 22402 How do I get to the Diplomacy Orders Screen? 22403 Information Overlays 22404 Step 1: Choose a country to pursue 22405 Step 2: Establish a trade consulate 22406 Step 3: Give a trade subsidy 23041 Help for Episode 12: Trade 23042 How do I get to the Trade Orders screen? 23043 How do I buy? 23044 How do I sell? 23045 Responding to trade offers 23046 Pickup and Delivery 23047 Why does the summary report offers I didn t see? 23048 Why don t I get any offers? 23681 Help for Episode 13: Units 23682 Getting to the Unit Construction screen 23683 How to build a military or naval unit 23684 How to build a civilian unit 24321 Help for Episode 14: Building an Army 24322 Dealing with a shortage of Peasants 24961 Help for Episode 15: Establishing a Beachhead 24962 Choose a New World province to invade 24963 Choose an invasion fleet 24964 Get your fleet in the right position 24965 Establish the Beachhead 24966 What should I be doing with the Pikemen? 25601 Help for Episode 16: Attacking 25602 How do I select Military units? 25603 Moving Military units to friendly provinces 25604 Attacking adjacent provinces 25605 Attacking overseas 25606 Battle Results 26241 Help for Episode 17: Technology 26242 Getting to the Technology screen 26243 Starting a Project 26244 Canceling a Project 26245 Using your computer advisor 26246 Choosing a Goal and then Selecting Projects 26247 What do the little flags mean? 26881 Help for Episode 1: Building a Grain Farm 26882 How can I tell if a unit is working? 26883 What does "deploying" mean? 26884 Can I change my orders? 26885 How do I find a Grain Farm? 26886 How do I use the Builder? 29441 Help for Episode 2: Development 29442 How do I use the Engineer? 29443 How do I connect a Farm? 29444 When is a tile "connected"? 29445 How do I use the unit cycle buttons? 30081 Help for Episode 3: Prospecting 30082 Where are the minerals? 30083 How do I use the Explorer? 30721 Help for Episode 4: More Developments 30722 Gaining connected resources 30723 Is a development connected? 31361 Help for Episode 5: Production 31362 How do I get to the Production panel? 31363 The Warehouse 31364 Using Sliders 31365 Laborers and Resources 32001 Help for Episode 6: Labor 32002 How do I get to the Labor panel? 32003 How to Recruit Peasants 32004 How much food is the population eating? 32005 What are the faded sliders on the Labor panel? 32641 Help for Episode 7: Ports 32642 What is a good site for a port? 32643 Using the Engineer to build a port 32644 Troubleshooting Port Construction 32645 Comparing advantages of roads and ports 33281 Help for Episode 8: Transport 33282 Getting to the Transport screen 33283 Using the transport sliders 33284 How much do I have already? 33285 Limits on transport by ship 33286 Food Consumption 33921 Help for Episode 9: Discovering the New World 33922 How to order a selected Fleet to move 33923 Exploration 33924 Other orders you may give to a Fleet 33925 Selecting a fleet 33926 How do I select a particular ship in a Fleet? 33927 How can I see all my Fleets at once? 34561 Help for Episode10: Exploring the New World 34562 Using an Explorer to Explore 34563 Tribal Capitals 34564 New World Minerals 35201 Winter 35202 Spring 35203 Summer 35204 Fall 35265 Wool 35266 Timber 35267 Tin 35268 Copper 35269 Iron Ore 35270 Coal 35271 Cotton 35272 Sugar Cane 35273 Tobacco 35274 Fur 35275 Horses 35276 Fabric 35277 Lumber 35278 Paper 35279 Bronze 35280 Cast Iron 35281 Steel 35282 Refined Sugar 35283 Cigars 35284 Hats 35285 Grain 35286 Fish 35287 Livestock 35288 Spices 35289 Silver 35290 Gold 35291 Gems 35292 Diamonds 35295 Cotton Plantation 35296 Cattle Ranch 35297 Horse Ranch 35298 Grain Farm 35299 Spice Orchard 35300 Sheep Ranch 35303 Tin Mine 35306 Timber Camp 35308 Timber Camp 35309 Sugar Plantation 35310 Tobacco Plantation 35311 Fur Trading Post 35312 Copper Mine 35313 Iron Mine 35314 Coal Mine 35315 Silver Mine 35316 Gold Mine 35317 Gems Mine 35318 Diamond Mine 35329 Available 35330 Cancel Current Research Project 35331 Automatic Technology Research 35332 [1:num] turns 35333 Set New Technology Research Goal 35334 No Goal Selected 35335 Cancel Current Technology Research Goal 35336 Detailed Technology Info 35337 Start New Research Project 35338 Prerequisite for the Selected Technology Goal 35339 Estimated Turns to Completion 35340 Increase Investment 35341 Decrease Investment 35342 Current Research Projects 35343 Discoveries 35344 Researchable Technologies 35345 Technology Research Goals 35346 Currently limited to 3 Research Projects. 35347 Technology Research 35348 Current Research Goal 35349 Display [1:panel] Resource Gathering Technologies 35350 Display [1:panel] Industry Technologies 35351 Display [1:panel] Army Upgrade Technologies 35352 Display [1:panel] Navy Upgrade Technologies 35353 Display [1:panel] Finance Technologies 35354 Display All [1:panel] Technologies 35355 Gathering 35356 Industry 35357 Army 35358 Navy 35359 Finance 35360 Show All 35361 Discovered [1:date] 35362 Next Page 35363 Previous Page 35364 Show Discoveries 35365 Show Researchable Technologies 35366 Show Technology Goals 35367 Technology Currently Being Researched 35368 Other Great Powers that Know this Technology 35369 Base Investment Cost Per Level of Research Effort 35370 Canceling a research project loses all accumulated progress.\n\nAre you sure you want to cancel? 35371 Discovered 35372 Researchable 35373 Goal 35374 Date Discovered 35395 Alliances 35396 Non-Aggression Pacts 35397 Peace Treaty 35398 Member 35399 War 35457 Member of our Empire 35458 Ruler of our Empire 35459 Alliance 35460 Non-Aggression Pact 35461 Peace 35462 Member 35463 War 35521 France 35522 England 35523 Sweden 35524 Holland 35525 Portugal 35526 Spain 35527 Ireland 35528 Scotland 35529 Denmark 35530 Germany 35531 Italy 35532 Switzerland 35533 The Aztecs 35534 The Incas 35535 The Mayas 35536 The Taino 35537 The Iroquois 35538 The Sioux 35539 The Kwakiutl 35540 The Cherokee 35541 The Huron 35542 The Pueblo 35585 None 35586 Galleon 35587 Ship-of-the-Line 35588 Ironclad 35589 Sloop 35590 Frigate 35591 Raider 35592 Fluyte 35593 Indiaman 35594 Steamship 35595 Carrack 35596 Trader 35597 Clipper 35598 Heavy Warship 35599 Light Warship 35600 Large Merchant 35601 Small Merchant 35649 Peasant Levies 35650 Calivermen 35651 Skirmishers 35652 Sharpshooters 35653 Pikemen 35654 Halberdiers 35655 Regulars 35656 Rifle Infantry 35657 Arquebusiers 35658 Musketeers 35659 Grenadiers 35660 Guards 35661 Bowmen 35665 General 35669 Squires 35670 Cossacks 35671 Hussars 35672 Scouts 35673 Knights 35674 Lancers 35678 Harquebusiers 35679 Cuirassiers 35680 Carbine Cavalry 35682 Horse Artillery 35683 Light Artillery 35684 Field Artillery 35685 Culverin 35686 Royal Artillery 35687 Heavy Artillery 35688 Siege Guns 35713 Explorer 35714 Engineer 35715 Builder 35716 Spy 35717 Merchant 35718 Railroad Engineer 35777 Textile Mill 35778 Clothing Factory 35779 Steel Mill 35780 Metalworks 35781 Lumber Mill 35782 Furniture Factory 35783 Oil Refinery 35784 Shipyard 35785 Armory 35786 Trade School 35787 University 35788 Power Plant 35789 Food Processing 35790 Warehouse 35791 Railyard 35792 Capitol 35841 Noneses 35842 Galleons 35843 Ships-of-the-Line 35844 Ironclads 35845 Sloops 35846 Frigates 35847 Raiders 35848 Fluytes 35849 Indiamen 35850 Steamships 35851 Carracks 35852 Traders 35853 Clippers 35854 Heavy Warships 35855 Light Warships 35856 Large Merchants 35857 Small Merchants 35905 Peasant 35906 Apprentice 35907 Journeyman 35908 Master 35969 Firepower: 35970 Move: 35971 Range: 35972 Entrench: 35997 Firepower:\nMove:\nRange:\nEntrench: 35998 Cost: 35999 Available: 36000 Armory 36001 No 36002 Yes 36033 Raid 36034 Skirmish 36035 Engagement 36036 Combat 36037 Battle 36097 No Minerals 36098 Unexplored 36099 Max Transport = 36100 Undeveloped 36161 Foreign Minister 36162 Defense Minister 36163 Interior Minister 36164 Report from your\n[1:Foreign Minister] 36165 Request from your\n[1:Foreign Minister] 36166 Advice from your\n[1:Foreign Minister] 36167 Help from your\n[1:Foreign Minister] 36168 A Message From [1:country] 36169 Show Topics Again 36170 New units are reporting for duty 36171 I'm afraid we are no longer in power. Come back some time and note the accomplishments of your betters. 36172 Game Over 36173 Another ruler has won the election! We had better start groveling. 36174 Previous Briefing 36175 Next Briefing 36176 The man behind the face 36177 [1:Technology] Allows [2:benefit] 36178 Next Page 36179 Previous Page 36180 War Declared on [1:country] 36181 Our empire has declared war against the tyranical forces of [1:country]. 36182 [1:country] Declares War Against [2:country] 36183 The empire of [1:country] declared war against the holdings of [2:country]. 36184 [1:country] Experiences Shortage 36185 [1:country] is experiencing a shortage of [2:item]. 36186 Peace Treaty Rejected 36187 [1:country] has rejected our offer of peace and will continue their unjust war against our empire. 36188 [1:unitname] Discovers [2:resource] 36189 There are [1:number] news items of interest to report this turn. 36190 There are no news items to report this turn. 36191 Turn Summary for [1:season] [2:year] 36192 There is 1 item of interest to report this turn. 36193 Non-Aggression Pact Rejected 36194 [1:country] has rejected our pact of Non-Aggression. 36195 Alliance Rejected 36196 [1:country] has rejected the offer of an alliance with our empire. 36197 Annex Offer Rejected 36198 [1:country] has rejected the offer to become part of our great empire. 36199 Established Trade Consulate in [1:country] 36200 Now that we have a trade consulate, each trade with [1:country] will improve our relationship. 36201 Established Embassy in [1:country] 36202 Now that we have an embassy, we can offer Non-Aggression Pacts and invitations to join our Empire, and we can offer grants. We also can send in Merchants and Builders. 36203 Peace Treaty with [1:country] Signed 36204 A peace treaty with the empire of [1:country] has been signed. The war between our two nations is at an end. 36205 New Alliance with [1:country] 36206 We have formed a new alliance with the nation of [1:country] which will benefit both empires. 36207 Pact with [1:country] Signed 36208 Our empire has established a Non-Aggression Pact with the nation of [1:country]. 36209 [1:country] Joins Empire 36210 The nation of [1:country] has relinquished control of itself to join our magnificent empire. 36211 Alliance with [1:country] Broken 36212 Our alliance with [1:country] has been dissolved. 36213 Merchant Companies Closed 36214 Our merchant holdings in [1:country] have been lost. 36215 Colony [1:country] Lost 36216 Our colony of [1:country] has been lost. 36217 Researchers are Idle 36218 Given that at the lowest level, research is free, it seems a shame to waste a technology research slot. 36219 [1:unit] Discovers Capitol of [2:country] 36220 Diplomacy and trade with [1:country] is now possible since the capitol of [2:country] has been discovered in the province of [3:province]. 36221 News from Around the World 36222 [1:country] Establishes Consulate in [2:country] 36223 [1:country] Establishes Embassy in [2:country] 36224 [1:country] Establishes Alliance with [2:country] 36225 [1:country] Breaks Alliance with [2:country] 36226 [1:country] Signs Peace Treaty with [2:country] 36227 [1:country] Joins the Empire of [2:country] 36228 [1:country] Signs Pact with [2:country] 36229 [1:country] Establishes Consulate with [2:country] 36230 [1:country] Establishes Embassy with [2:country] 36231 Discovery of [1:resourcename] 36232 New Civilian Deployed 36233 New Civilians Deployed 36234 New Regiment Recruited 36235 New Regiments Recruited 36236 New Ship Launched 36237 New Ships Launched 36238 New Merchant Launched 36239 New Merchants Launched 36240 Territory Annex Adds to Population 36241 The addition of [1:country] to our empire has added to our population. Food could become scarce. 36242 QAZDAR ::: THIS IS ONLY A SEARCH TAG 36289 Famous 36290 Powerful 36291 Crack 36292 Glorious 36293 Veteran 36294 Elite 36353 Pathetic 36354 Evil 36355 Barbaric 36356 Paltry 36357 Villainous 36358 Depraved 36417 Explorer description not used 36418 Engineer description not used 36419 Improve output of: 36420 Spies assess province garrisons and may increase technology research success. 36421 Merchants purchase land tiles from tribes and neutral states. 36422 Improves roads to railroads 36426 University 36427 Cost: 36428 Available: 36429 Production Levels 36430 Level 1 36431 Level 2 36432 Level 3 36481 [1:unit name] in the province of [2:province] 36482 Laying track 36483 Building a road 36484 Building a port 36485 Searching for minerals 36486 Building [1:building] 36487 Building [1:mineral] and [2:mineral] mine 36488 Building [1:resource] to level [2:level] 36489 Redeploying 36490 Time to completion: [1:number] turns 36491 Building [1:mineral] mine 36492 Civilian Report 36493 Rescind Orders 36494 Confirm Orders 36495 Gathering spy information 36496 Building a fort 36497 Waiting for orders 36498 Sleeping 36499 Time to completion: [1:number] turn 36500 Exploring uncharted lands 36545 mine 36546 n/a 36547 farms 36548 logging 36549 n/a 36550 ranching 36551 fishing fleet 36552 company 36553 oil wells 36609 Light Infantry 36610 Regular Infantry 36611 Heavy Infantry 36612 Bowmen 36613 General 36614 Light Cavalry 36615 Spear Cavalry 36616 Heavy Cavalry 36617 Light Artillery 36618 Heavy Artillery 36619 unit of unknown type 36620 Light Infantry 36621 Regular Infantry 36622 Heavy Infantry 36623 Bowmen 36624 Generals 36625 Light Cavalry 36626 Spear Cavalry 36627 Heavy Cavalry 36628 Light Artillery 36629 Heavy Artillery 36630 units of unknown type 36673 Retreat 36674 Melee Charge 36675 Advanced Volley 36676 Fast Attack 36677 Bombardment 36678 Advanced Bombardment 36679 Ranged Attack 36680 Frontal Assault 36681 Defend 36682 Charge Artillery 36683 Shoot Artillery 36684 Attack Artillery 36685 Bombard & Shoot 36686 Bombard & Charge 36687 Ranged Defense 36688 Counter-Attack 36689 Tactic: [1]\nJob: [2] 36690 Defend Ranged 36691 Defend 36692 Melee Charge 36693 Draw Fire 36694 Advance Shoot 36695 Charge If Available 36696 Shoot If Available 36697 Bombard 36698 Cavalry Post Fire 36699 Rally 36700 Retreat 36737 Great Powers Cheater 36738 Treasury 36739 Merchant Capacity 36740 Transport Capacity 36741 Total Sales last turn 36742 Total purchases last turn 36801 [1:] has declared war on the minor nation of [2:]. Intervene and declare war on [3:]? 36802 [1:] has declared war on [2:]. Honor alliance with [3:] and declare war on [4:]? 36803 [1:] has declared war on [2:]. Honor alliance with [3:] and declare war on [4:]? 36804 The minor nation of [1:Morocco] is being attacked by your enemy, [2:France]. [3:Morocco] begs for your protection. Will you accept [4:Morocco] into your Empire? 36805 [1:] has declared war on the minor nation of [2:]. Intervene and declare war on [3:]?\n\nWarning: Accepting will force us into war with other Great Powers as well. 36806 [1:] has declared war on [2:]. Honor alliance with [3:] and declare war on [4:]?\n\nWarning: Accepting will force us into war with other Great Powers as well. 36807 [1:] has declared war on [2:]. Honor alliance with [3:] and declare war on [4:]?\n\nWarning: Accepting will force us into war with other Great Powers as well. 36808 The minor nation of [1:Morocco] is being attacked by your enemy, [2:France]. [3:Morocco] begs for your protection. Will you accept [4:Morocco] into your Empire?\n\nWarning: Accepting will force us into war with their enemies. 36865 [1:] City 36929 [1:] Colony 36993 Available 36994 Moving 36995 Defending 36996 Available 36997 Available 37057 unused 37058 Development 37059 Resources 37060 unused 37061 unused 37062 Search In: 37063 Can Build 37064 Depot 37065 Port 37066 Fort 37067 Cannot Build In 37068 Select Unit 37069 Improves roads to railroads 37070 Road 37071 I 37072 II 37073 III 37074 Select resource icons 37075 No improvable sites 37076 Center on Unit 37077 Center on next unexplored [1:] 37078 [1:] ([2:] unexplored) 37079 Cost to build [1:] 37080 level 1 fort 37081 level 2 fort 37082 level 3 fort 37083 Center on improvable [1:] 37084 town 37085 Available: 37086 Cost: 37121 Your excellency, we are wasting transport capacity. 37123 At the current transport levels, [1:number] workers will be sick, and [2:number] workers will starve to death. 37185 Workers need more [1:food] 37186 Workers do not need more [1:food] 37187 Workers require more refined sugar. 37188 Workers require more cigars. 37189 Workers require more fur hats. 37249 Game Controls 37250 not implemented 37251 Status & Reports 37252 Help 37253 Interior Minister 37254 Foreign Minister 37255 Defense Minister 37256 End Phase 37257 Year 37258 Treasury 37259 Next Page 37260 Previous Page 37261 Return to Map 37262 Close Deal and Market Summary 37263 Return to Map 37264 Return to Map 37265 Return to Map 37266 End Turn 37267 Season 37268 Give Trade Orders 37269 Give Diplomacy Orders 37270 Give Industry Orders 37271 Give Transport Orders 37272 Give Trade Orders (no new orders yet) 37273 Give Diplomacy Orders (no new orders yet) 37274 Give Industry Orders (no new orders yet) 37275 Give Transport Orders (no new orders yet) 37276 Give Trade Orders \n(current screen) 37277 Give Diplomacy Orders \n(current screen) 37278 Give Industry Orders \n(current screen) 37279 Give Transport Orders \n(current screen) 37281 Return to Map Room 37282 Close Book 37283 Give Technology Research Orders 37284 Give Technology Research Orders\n(current screen) 37285 Show Help Briefing 37286 Click to Center the Map 37287 Computer 37288 Control 37289 Human 37290 Control 37291 Click to turn off computer control of this screen 37292 Click to turn on computer control of this screen 37293 Computer control not available for recruiting labor or units 37294 Set Preferences 37313 Merchant Marine 37314 Industry needs [1: item] 37315 Toggle the  no more offers box 37316 Bid on [1: commodity] 37317 Offer [1: commodity] 37318 Decrease number of [1: commodity] offered 37319 Decrease standing offer of [1: commodity] 37320 Offer [1: commodity] 37321 Offer one [1: commodity] 37322 Number of [1: commodity] offered 37323 Number of [1: commodity] offered (& standing orders) 37324 Offer all available [1: commodity] 37325 Increase number of [1: commodity] offered 37326 Increase standing offer for [1: commodity] 37327 [1:itemName] \nTransporting: [2:number] / [3:total] 37328 More bids are not allowed 37329 Retract bid on [1: commodity] 37330 Withdraw offer of [1: commodity] 37331 Current market price of [1: commodity] 37332 Amount of [1: commodity] available in warehouse 37333 Trade 37334 Item 37335 Bid 37336 Offer 37337 Price 37338 Available 37339 Offer Amount 37377 Next Unit 37378 Sleep 37379 Defend 37380 Defend 37381 No orders this turn 37382 Zoom 37383 Zoom 37384 Show Garrison Details 37385 Show Fleet Details 37386 Behave Cautiously 37387 Behave Normally 37388 Behave Aggressively 37389 Invest in Technology 37390 Invest in Technology 37391 Selected Civilian Unit 37392 Disband Civilian 37393 Force Size: [1] 37394 Transport Size of Selected Armies 37395 Garrison 37396 Fleet 37441 Information: 37442 Provinces: 37443 Military Strength Rating: 37444 Industrial Production Rating: 37445 Greatest Influence: 37446 Minor Nation 37447 Peace 37448 War 37449 Trade Consulate 37450 Pact 37451 Alliance 37452 Empire 37453 Embassy 37454 [1: Zimm]: Influence 37455 Weak 37456 Strong 37457 Promised Grants: 37458 [1:Zimm]: Trade Policies 37459 Major Exports: 37460 Subsidy 37461 Boycott 37462 Colony Boycott 37463 Colony of [1:Zimm] 37464 Anarchy 37465 None 37466 Poor 37467 Fair 37468 Good 37469 Excellent 37470 Awesome 37471 Map Key 37472 [1:Zimm]: Diplomatic Status 37473 Diplomatic Overtures 37474 Foreign Grants 37475 Influence: 37476 Weak 37477 Strong 37478 Promised Grants: 37479 $1,000 37480 $3,000 37481 $5,000 37482 $10,000 37483 Trade Policies 37484 5% 37485 10% 37486 25% 37487 50% 37488 75% 37489 100% 37490 Subsidies 37491 Boycott 37492 Colony Boycott 37493 The Council of Governors has not yet convened. 37494 Results from the Council of Governors: [1:year] 37495 Abstaining: 37496 Invite a Minor Nation to Join Our Empire 37497 Offer an Alliance to another Great Power 37498 Offer a Non-Aggression Pact 37499 Offer a Peace Treaty 37500 Declare War 37501 Build a Trade Consulate 37502 Build an Embassy 37503 Grant $1,000 37504 Grant $1,000 Every Turn 37505 Grant $3,000 37506 Grant $3,000 Every Turn 37507 Grant $5,000 37508 Grant $5,000 Every Turn 37509 Grant $10,000 37510 Grant $10,000 Every Turn 37511 Give 5% Subsidy 37512 Give 10% Subsidy 37513 Give 25% Subsidy 37514 Give 50% Subsidy 37515 Give 75% Subsidy 37516 Give 100% Subsidy\n(Free Trade Goods) 37517 Boycott All Trade 37518 Direct Our Colonies to Boycott 37519 Political Map 37520 Treaties Map 37521 Foreign Grants Map 37522 Trade Map 37523 World Information 37524 Offer Treaties 37525 Influence Nations 37526 Set Trade Policies 37527 Show Who is Winning 37528 Grants: 37529 No Grants 37530 Controlled 37531 Colonies 37532 Other Great Powers 37533 Other Minor Nations 37534 Total Provinces 37535 Council of Governors 37536 Nominees: 37537 Total Boycott 37538 Most Favored 37539 Trading Nation: 37569 Increase Transport Orders 37570 Decrease Transport Orders 37571 Bidding 37572 Offering 37573 Transporting / Total Available 37574 Transport 37575 Green = Land Transport, Blue = Sea Transport, Red = Endangered Sea Transport 37576 [1:item name]\nWarehouse: [2:number] Trade: [3:Bidding] 37577 [1:item name]\nWarehouse: [2:number] 37578 [1:gold or gems]\nWorth: [2:$500] / unit 37579 Assigned Merchant Capacity / \nTotal Merchant Capacity 37580 [1:item name]\nRequired: [2:number] Warehouse: [3:number] 37581 Your Majesty, transport orders cannot be increased because we are already transporting all available [1:item]. 37582 Your Majesty, transport orders of [1:item] cannot be increased because we are already using the entire capacity of the ships assigned to the merchant marine. 37583 Your Majesty, there is never any reason to lower orders for transport by land.\n 37584 Your Majesty, transport orders cannot be decreased below zero. 37646 Shipyard 37647 Cost: 37648 Available: 37649 Firepower: 37650 Range: 37651 Armor: 37652 Hull: 37653 Speed: 37654 Cargo: 37697 Start New Game on Random Map 37698 Load Saved Game 37699 Multiplayer 37700 Show High Scores 37701 Play the Tutorial 37702 Host a game 37703 Join a game 37704 This is not a valid saved game. 37705 This save file is from an older version which is no longer supported. 37706 Quit 37707 Saved Game Screen 37708 Load Saved Game Screen 37709 Unused 37710 Introductory (25) 37711 Easy (50) 37712 Normal (100) 37713 Hard (200) 37714 Nigh-on Impossible (400) 37715 Custom ([1]) 37716 Return to Main Screen 37717 Start the Game With This Map 37718 Map of the World 37719 Game Difficulty Setting (and Rating) 37720 Start Demo With This Map 37721 Name of Multiplayer Game 37722 Your Country's Name 37723 National Flag 37724 National Coat of Arms 37725 Game Name 37726 Country 37727 Host New Game with Random Map 37728 Host New Scenario 37729 Host Saved Game 37730 Return to Main Screen 37731 Join a Game in Progress 37732 Select Connection Method 37733 Set Your Name 37734 Enter Name for Multiplayer Game 37735 You must enter a name to host a game. 37736 Unable to Start the Multiplayer Machine 37737 Start Demo 37738 Give up the reins of power? 37739 Are you done attempting to dominate this world? 37740 Previous 37741 Next 37742 Return to Main Multiplayer Screen 37743 As the host of this game, the other players can t continue without you. Are you sure you want to quit? 37744 Are you sure you want to drop out of the game? 37745 To be able to continue this game later, you must wait for the host to save and end the game. If you leave now, a newfangled machine will replace you as head of state. This process is irreversible! Are you sure you want to abdicate? 37746 The governing body of [1: country] has chosen to step down. Control of the country has unwisely been handed over to a steam-powered computing machine. 37747 Are you prepared to step down from the current game? 37748 In the interest of courtesy to the other players in this game, please quit the current game before loading another. Click the "Start New Game" button instead. 37749 Select the correct gender form for your country: 37750 Most humble apologies...a bad map has been generated. Please quit and restart. Players shouldn t ever see this message. 37751 Are you sure you wish to cancel this multiplayer game? It may be somewhat of a disappointment to other players who have joined. 37752 Generate a Random Map 37753 Customize Difficulty Settings 37754 Save file is not valid for the game you have joined. 37755 Play or resume the Tutorial 37761 2 Labor + 2 Wool \nmakes 1 Fabric 37762 2 Labor + 2 Cotton \nmakes 1 Fabric 37763 2 Labor + 2 Timber \nmakes 1 Lumber 37764 2 Labor + 2 Timber \nmakes 1 Paper 37765 2 Labor + 1 Copper + 1 Tin\n makes 1 Bronze 37766 2 Labor + 2 Iron Ore \nmakes 1 Cast Iron 37767 2 Labor + 1 Coal + 1 Iron Ore \nmakes 1 Steel 37768 2 Labor + 2 Sugar Cane \nmakes 1 Refined Sugar 37769 2 Labor + 2 Tobacco \nmakes 1 unit of Cigars 37770 2 Labor + 2 Fur \nmakes 1 unit of Fur Hats 37771 2 Cloth recruits 1 Peasant 37772 1 Paper + $100 trains 1 Peasant \nas an Apprentice 37773 5 Paper + $500 trains 1 Apprentice as a Journeyman 37774 10 Paper + $1000 trains 1 Journeyman as a Master 37777 Capacity: [1: number] 37778 -or- 37781 Cost to Build 37782 Unlimited 37783 Insufficient Funds 37784 Insufficient Materials 37788 Provinces 37789 [1: number] [2:commodity] 37790 ([1:number] Provinces) 37791 1 Peasant = 1 Unit of Labor 37792 1 Apprentice = 4 Units of Labor 37793 1 Journeyman = 6 Units of Labor 37794 1 Master = 8 Units of Labor 37795 Firepower: amount of ranged damage done 37796 Range: distance unit shoots 37797 Armor: amount of protection against damage 37798 Hull: amount of damage required to sink unit 37799 Speed: distance it can move 37800 Cargo: amount ship can carry 37801 Melee: damage done in combat with adjacent unit 37802 Defense: resistance to damage 37825 *** 37826 Our merchant capacity has increased to [1:] . 37827 [1:numberofships] of our ships have been made obsolete. The experienced crewmembers have been distributed among the fleet. 37828 [1:numberofships] of our ships have been made obsolete. Their inexperienced crewmembers have been discharged. 37953 The city cannot be placed in a foreign country. 37954 Cities must be built on flat terrain (no hills or mountains). Cities must be built on the coast or on a river. If on a river, your country must control the entire river from the city to the sea. 37955 The city must have uncontested access to water. 37956 The city must be founded on dry land, for practical reasons. 38017 Trading [1: six] [2: cotton] with [3: Devron] 38018 Merchants captured: 38019 Merchants sunk: 38020 Cargo seized: 38021 Piracy! 38022 Merchant Interception at Sea 38023 Pirates Defeated! 38024 Warships Defeated! 38025 Battle at Sea 38026 Victory at Sea! 38027 Under orders to [1: patrol] 38028 make sail to [1: the Sea of Cortez] 38029 dock at [1: the port of Zimm] 38030 patrol [1: the Sea of Cortez] 38031 swab the decks in [1: the Sea of Cortez] 38032 hold a beachhead in the Province of [1: provinceName] 38033 blockade [1: the Port of Calais] 38034 escort merchant shipping 38035 make all necessary repairs 38036 lie low in [1: the Sea of Cortez] 38037 patrol indefinitely in [1: the Sea of Cortez] 38038 (reserved) 38039 (reserved) 38040 Aggression level: [1: Cautious] 38041 Cautious 38042 Normal 38043 Aggressive 38044 SUNK 38045 CAPTURED 38046 Cargo Seized: [1] [2] 38047 Interrupted: Trade with [3] 38048 KIA 38049 DROWNED 38050 Cargo Lost: [1] [2] 38051 Privateers Defeated at Sea 38052 Merchant Interception at Sea 38053 Privateers Intercepted Merchants! 38081 Retreat this unit? 38082 Attack Failed! 38083 Province Changes Hands 38084 Province Taken! 38085 Province Lost! 38086 Defenders Hold 38087 Enemy Beaten Back! 38088 [1: provinceName], now a province of [2: countryName] 38089 Attacking force: 38090 Units defending: 38091 Commanded by General [1: Patton] 38092 killed 38093 Our forces are attacking the province of [1:Quebec], defended by the forces of [2:Canada]. Do you wish your troops to be deployed for you? 38094 Our garrison in [1:Quebec] is being attacked by the forces of [2:Mexico]. Do you wish your troops to be deployed for you? 38095 Deploy Troops 38096 all 38097 [1]: Units Attacking 38098 [1]: Defensive Muster 38099 No battles took place last turn. 38100 We are victorious! 38101 We have lost the battle! 38102 Attacking Forces 38103 Defensive Muster 38104 Location of Encounter 38105 Result 38106 Previous Encounter 38107 Next Encounter 38108 Detailed Information 38109 Dismiss Battle Report 38110 Help 38111 No battles to report yet- the game has just begun! 38112 Help on Tactical Battles 38113 List Units 38114 End Unit s Turn 38115 Retreat All Units 38116 Autoplay Current Unit 38117 [1:countryName]'s Casualties:\n[2:number] units lost 38118 [1:countryName]'s Casualties:\n1 unit lost 38119 [1:countryName]'s Casualties:\nno casualties 38120 Attack Preempted! 38121 Battle Preempted 38122 Foreign Attack Preempted 38123 Province Forfeit! 38124 Uncontested Takeover 38125 Unopposed Victory! 38126 Next Unit 38127 End Deployment 38128 Capital Province Taken!\n 38129 Capital Province Lost!\n 38130 \nConfirm retreat orders? 38131 FP:[1] Me:[2] Rg:[3] Df:[4] Sp:[5] 38132 Select Next Unit 38133 Lock-in Autoplay Mode 38134 Cancel Autoplay Mode 38135 End Player Turn 38136 Selected Unit... Firepower, Melee, Range, Defense, and Speed 38137 Autodeploy Current Unit 38138 Turn [1] of [2] 38139 Unit Status 38140 : 38141 Province Resources Seized 38142 New Technolgy Seized 38143 Province Treasury Seized: 38144 Spoils of War 38145 Close Detail 38146 [1: provinceName], still a province of [2: countryName] 38147 Autodeploy 38148 Deploy Manually 38149 Fort Reduced 38150 Fort Destroyed 38210 The planetary map generation key is "[1: Earth]" 38212 Select City Site 38213 Your capital city will be the hub of your transport network. It will draw in resources from the surrounding countryside. If it is conquered, you will lose. 38214 Local food can sustain [1] healthy population\n([2] maximum) 38215 Cancel Game 38216 Candidate City Site 38217 Return to Map Room 38273 Remaining Merchant Marine 38274 Open Trade Book 38275 Preferred Order of Bidders 38276 View Market 38277 Close Trade Book 38278 Reject Offer 38279 Accept Offer 38280 [1]: 1 unit 38281 [1]: [2] units 38282 Trade Book 38283 Waiting for offers. Current market: [1] 38284 One moment... 38285 [1:seller] offers\n[2:amount] units of [3:item]\n@ [4:price] / unit. 38286 Purchase 38287 units 38288 No more offers of [1:item] 38289 They are not offering us that much, excellency. 38290 We have only enough ships to carry [1] units, your excellency. 38291 Bought [1:amount] [2:item] from [3:seller] @ [4:price] / unit. 38292 Sold [1:amount] [2:item] to [3:buyer] @ [4:price] / unit. 38293 Bought [1:amount] [2:item] from [3:seller] 38294 Sold [1:amount] [2:item] to [3:buyer] 38295 [1:seller] offered to sell us [2:item] 38296 Bottom Line 38297 Sold 38298 Bought 38299 Overseas Profits 38300 Credit Limit: 38301 Interest ([1]%) 38302 Liquidated Riches 38303 Don t show any more offers this turn for current commodity 38304 Deal with [1:seller] disrupted at sea. 38305 Cargo returned. 38306 Cargo seized. 38307 No money lost. 38308 Money lost. 38309 Interest Rate: 38310 Credit Report 38311 [1:country] sold [2:item]. We received a cut of [3:amount]. 38312 Converted [1:number] units of [2:item] into [3:dollars]. 38313 Converted 1 unit of [1:item] into [2:dollars]. 38337 Deals 38338 Offering Nations 38339 Bidding Nations 38340 [1:steel] Market 38341 Market information not available\n(Traders not present) 38342 Return to Deal Pages 38343 Turn to Trade Pages 38345 No sales were made this trade period. 38346 No deals - there hasn t been a meeting of the World Trade Market yet. 38347 Markets 38348 Show current market for [1:item name] 38349 [1: commodity name] Market 38350 (order in which they favor the bidders) 38351 [1: country name] is bidding on [2: commodity name] 38352 Nothing was offered to our Empire this turn. 38401 Please wait while other rulers consider matters of utmost diplomatic importance... 38402 I m afraid you don t have the scenario for that game. 38403 Enter Your Multiplayer Name: 38404 Country Name 38405 Game to Join 38406 Player Status 38407 National Flag 38408 Player Name 38409 Cancel Game 38410 Start the Game With These Players 38411 The World 38412 Status 38413 Game Name 38414 Send a Message 38415 Your Country's Coat of Arms 38416 Waiting for players... 38417 Bail Out of Game 38418 Return to Game 38419 The game will be saved automatically at the beginning of every turn and each time the host player saves. 38420 You do not have the save file for that game. 38421 (no country assigned) 38422 You must choose a country before you will be allowed to exchange messages with other players. 38423 Game "[1: game name]" saved. 38424 Waiting for game data... 38425 I am afraid we ve lost our connection to the game. 38426 Shall we try to reconnect to the game? 38427 Do you wish to force the human playing [1: country] out of the game? If you do so, his control will be overthrown and replaced by a technocratic computerized government. This process is irreversible. 38428 The host player has opted to eject the governing body of [1: country] from the game. Control of the country has been handed over to a steam-powered computing machine. 38429 The host has chosen to quit the game so we ll have to quit as well. The game has been saved. 38430 The host has chosen to quit the game so we ll have to quit as well. The game can t be saved unless all players are connected. At the moment one or more players is not connected, so no save occurred. 38431 The human-governed and once mighty Great Power of [1: country] has been eliminated! 38432 Your country, the once mighty great power of [1: country], has been eliminated from the game! 38433 The host great power of [1: country] has been eliminated! One hopes he will remain in the game as a spectator, as the game cannot continue without him. 38434 You have been eliminated from the game! As the game's host, it is your duty to allow the game to continue, albeit solely as a spectator, for the continued enjoyment of the other players.\n 38435 The host player has opted to eject you from the game!! Control of [1: country] has been handed over to a technocratic puppet government! 38436 Just visiting... 38437 \n\nNetwork game name is [1:] 38438 You're Excellency! There's no going back in multiplayer! 38439 The host player has cancelled this game. 38440 The game can t be saved unless all players are connected. At the moment one or more players is not connected, so no save occurred. 38441 You have been eliminated from this game! 38442 Imperialism servers: 38443 Error joining game. 38444 Select a country 38445 Enter Port: 38446 Send 38447 Please enter the IP address of the game's host in numerical form. (i.e. 38448 IP Address is 38449 The IP address entered is invalid, please try again. 38465 IMPERIALISM 38466 Save Game 38467 Load Game 38468 Start New Game 38469 Show Difficulty Settings 38470 Credits 38471 Quit Game 38472 Cancel 38473 Preferences 38474 Return to Game 38475 !|Off/On 38476 :|Gameplay 38477 #|0|Army Battles|Resolve army battles automatically or on the tactical screen|Automatic/Manual 38478 #|40|Automatically Produce Materials|Controls whether to automatically allocate unused labor and resources to material production 38479 :|Information 38480 *#|7|Rewards|(not used) 38481 #|8|Warnings|Toggle warnings about things you might not have noticed 38482 #|10|Tutorial Briefings|Toggle tutorial briefings which guide inexperienced players through the game 38483 #P|14|Switch to Game resolution|Toggle automatic switch to game resolution when starting the game|Disable,AutoSwitch 38484 :|Audio 38485 -|2|Sound Effects Volume|Set volume for sound effects|Mute=0/Maximum=100 38486 -|3|Music Volume|Set volume for gameplay music|Mute=0/Maximum=255 38487 :|Animation 38488 #|5|Tactical Battle Animations|Toggle unit animations in tactical battles 38489 #|6|Civilian Animations|Toggle animations for working civilians 38490 :D|Debugging Aids 38491 #D|38|Turn Summary|Bring up the turn summary at the beginning of the turn|Skip It/Show It 38492 #D|39|Deal Book|Pause to look at the deal book every turn|Skip It/Show It 38493 :$|Gameplay 38494 #$|13|Map Options|Controls country names and choice of historical Europe map|Random Names/Historical Names/Europe Map 38495 #$|15|Select Your Own City Site|Select the site to build your city yourself, or have it done for you|Select=1/Automatic=0 38496 #$|42|Random Events|Check for random events each turns 38497 :$|Difficulty Settings 38498 #$|16|Food Economy|In a complex food economy you must provide a balanced diet for your workers|Simple/Complex 38499 #$|17|Luxury Economy|In a complex luxury economy your workers require specific luxuries|Simple/Complex 38500 !|Intro/Easy/Normal/Hard/Impossible 38501 #$|18|Diplomatic Head Start with Great Powers|Adjust diplomatic advantage with other Great Powers 38502 #$|19|Diplomatic Head Start with Old World Minors|Adjust diplomatic advantage with Old World minor nations 38503 #$|20|Diplomatic Head Start with New World Nations|Adjust initial diplomatic advantage with New World nations 38504 #$|21|Research Rate Advantage|Adjust advantage in rate of technology research 38505 #$|22|Tech Head Start, Food Gathering|Adjust initial advantage in state of food gathering technologies 38506 #$|23|Tech Head Start, Miscellaneous|Adjust initial advantage in state of various technologies 38507 #$|24|Military Head Start|Adjust advantage in quality of starting military units among Great Powers 38508 #$|26|Warehouse Head Start|Adjust advantage in quanties of items initially in Great Powers warehouses 38509 #$|25|Treasury Head Start|Adjust advantage in initial funds available to Great Powers 38510 #$|36|Credit Spending|Adjust generosity of player s lenders and initial interest rates for borrowing 38511 !|Off/On 38512 :$|Game Variants 38513 *|27|Initial Diplomacy Relationships|(unused)Adjust random variation in diplomatic relationships between countries at start of game|Normal/More Varied 38514 #$|45|Computer Player Personalities|Assign computer player personalities by country or randomly|By Country/Random 38515 #$|32|Foraging Rules|Enabling foraging means each province each Great Power owns feeds one unit or worker per turn for free|Off/On 38516 #$|28|Cost of Attacking|Change the cost of supplying troops on the attack|Cheap/Normal/Prohibitive 38517 #$|29|Old World Minors Military Strength|Size of military garrisons present in Old World Minor Nations|Weak/Normal/Strong 38518 #$|30|New World Military Strength|Size of military garrisons present in New World provinces|Weak/Normal/Strong 38519 #$|44|New World Cavalry Unit Timing|This determines how early New World units start changing into cavalry|Early=33/Middle=34/Late=35 38520 #$|31|Special AI Rules|Pick special rules for the AI to follow which affect the nature of the game|Development Game/None/Aggressive Game 38521 #$|41|Adjustment to Relationship Penalty for Human Getting Provinces |The relationship penalty for a Great Power getting an Old World province is modified for humans based on this setting| Minimized/Reduced/Not Modified/Increased/Maximized 38522 #$|43|Computer Player New World Exploration Advantage |This determines the size of the advantage the computer players have in their exploration of the New World| Some/Large/Maximum 38523 *|1|Navy Battles|(not used)|Automatic/Manual 38524 *|4|City Animations|(unused) 38525 *|11|Difficulty|(not set here)| / | 38526 *|12|Map Scrolling|Control speed of scrolling on the map screen|Fast/Smooth| 38527 ^|(*** end of pref list) 38528 Current Difficulty Settings 38529 Difficulty Settings are not available in the demo. 38593 Our internal transport network can only handle a force of size [1]. You have selected a force of size [2]. 38594 The ships in the landing zone will support a force of size [1]. You have selected a force of size [2]. 38595 Our ships in the landing zone will only support a force of size [1]. A force of size [2] is already scheduled, and you have selected a force of size [3]. 38596 We do not have the required materials for this upgrade. We lack: 38597 Armies cannot attack overseas unless a port is present in their province. 38598 No Port 38599 Our armies cannot move out of this province by sea because the port is blockaded. 38600 Blockaded Port 38601 We do not have the materials required for this improvement. We lack: 38602 Please place the Imperialism II CD-ROM in the drive. 38603 There are no longer enough ships to support the armies landing in this province. I have cancelled the orders of all armies invading by sea. 38604 We can not afford the [1] cost required to attack with these [2] units. 38605 Can Not Afford Attack 38606 Forces Unable to Attack Province 38607 This province contains land bought by another great power and can only be attacked by declaring war on that great power. 38608 Insufficient Cannon Strength to Attack 38609 This province has a fort with emplaced cannons, our forces need more cannons to destroy the fort. Do you wish to continue this attack? 38657 Rename Unit To: 38658 Rename Unit 38659 Experience Level 38660 Rename Ship To: 38661 Rename Ship 38662 Dismiss 38663 Damage Level 38664 Disbanding 38665 Disbanding military units reduces the food eaten each turn.\n\nConfirm disband orders? 38666 Civilian Units 38667 Army Units 38668 Navy Units 38669 Disband ship 38670 Cost: 38671 Select Ship 38672 Unselect ship 38673 Unselect Unit 38674 Select Unit 38675 Disband Unit 38676 Upgrade Unit 38677 Confirm Unit Disbanding 38678 Are you sure you want to disband the following units? 38680 Transport and Trade Ships 38681 Cargo Capacity: [1:ship carrying capacity] 38682 Awaiting Orders 38683 Merchant Duty 38684 Total Capacity: 38685 Assigned to Transport: 38686 This ship can not be issued new orders because its cargo capacity is being used for sea transport. The transport orders must be lowered before this ship can move out of the Trade and Transport Fleet. 38687 Awaiting Naval Orders: 38721 regiment of [1:Hussars] 38722 regiments of [1:Hussars] 38785 Explorers 38786 Engineers 38787 Builders 38788 Spies 38789 Merchants 38790 Railroad Engineers 38913 What an insult! [1:countryName] has had the nerve to invite our great nation into their empire. Are you going to accept this disgraceful proposal? \n\nThis would mean utter defeat! 38914 [1:countryName] seeks to enter into an alliance with our great Empire. Do you accept their offer? 38915 [1:countryName] would like to be on better terms with our great Empire. Will you accept their offer of a non-aggression pact? 38916 [1:countryName] has come groveling for an end to their war with our great Empire. Will you accept their offered peace treaty?\n 38917 [1:countryName] is eager to join our glorious Empire. However, they are at war with other Great Powers. Will you accept [2:countryName] into our Empire and declare war on their enemies? 38918 Show Diplomatic Offer 38919 Accept Offer 38920 Reject Offer 38921 [1:countryName] seeks to enter into an alliance with our great Empire. Do you accept their offer?\n\nWarning: Accepting will force us into war with their enemies. 38922 [1:countryName] has come groveling for an end to their war with our great Empire. Will you accept their offered peace treaty?\n\nWarning: Accepting will break our alliances with their enemies.\n 38977 The following items were sold for 38978 Due to our inability to pay off our debts, the bank has seized our income and assets to be auctioned off. 38979 The bank has warned us that we are over our credit limit. Unless we pay our debts within the next two turns, they will foreclose on our goods! 38980 Your Excellency, unless we pay off our debts by next season, the bank will auction off our goods! 38981 We don t have enough goods in the warehouse to satisfy our debt! The bank president has put his nephew in charge of our country. 39041 Clicking the treasure chest leads to the Load/Save screen in the full version. \n\nIn the demo, only the tutorial is available. Start or resume the tutorial by clicking the scrolls on the table. 39042 Clicking the statue of horsemen leads to the Multiplayer screen in the full version. \n\nIn the demo, only the single player tutorial is available. Start the tutorial by clicking the scrolls on the table. 39043 Clicking the decorated bust leads to the High Scores screen in the full version. \n\nIn the demo, the High Scores screen is not available. The only option from this screen currently is to start the tutorial, by clicking the scrolls on the table. 39044 Clicking that painting leads to the Preferences screen in the full version.\n\nThe Preferences screen is not available in the demo version. Start the tutorial by clicking the scrolls on the table. 39045 Thank you for playing the demo of Imperialism II: Age of Exploration. \n\nThe full version will be available in Spring 1999. \n\nFor updates and more information, see our web site www.imperialism2.com. 39046 Clicking the globe leads to starting a new game in the full version. \n\nIn the demo, only the tutorial is available. Start the tutorial by clicking the scrolls on the table. 39105 Purchase Land to Develop 39106 Your Excellency, the governor of [1] will sell us this land for [2], which will entitle us to develop it. Do you agree? 39107 Your Excellency, the governor of [1] has set the price of this land at [2], which we cannot afford. 39108 Disband Civilian 39109 Your Excellency, we may disband this unit but we will not recover the costs of creating it. Proceed? 39110 Your Excellency, this developer unit represents a group of private businessmen and will add nothing to the city if we disband them. I could trump up some charges against them if you wish. Proceed? 39111 [1] has decided to sell this land to [2]. Our money has been refunded. 39169 Discovery of [1: item] 39170 Level [2: level] [1: item] Gathering 39171 [3: Material] Production from Cotton 39172 [3: Material] Production 39173 Level [3: number] Forts 39174 [3: workers] Worker Training 39175 [3: number] Trade Bids 39176 Level [3: number] Deficit Spending 39177 [1: unit category]: [2: unit type] 39178 Research [3: pct]% More Efficiently 39179 Research [3: number] Technologies 39180 Troop Movements [3: pct]% More Efficient 39181 Roads Gather 2 Resources 39182 Rail through Flatlands 39183 Rail through Hills & Swamp 39184 Rail through Mountains 39185 Level [3: number] Diplomacy 39186 Merchant Unit 39187 Improved Naval Interception 39188 Town Growth 39189 Emplacement Battery is [3: unit type] 39190 Combat Stacking is [3: number] Units 39233 Purchased in [1:year] 39234 Requires [1:technology name] and [2:technology name] 39235 Requires [1:technology name] 39236 Purchasing 39237 Technologies 39238 Cost 39239 Benefits 39240 View Technology Details 39241 Purchase Technology 39242 Cancel Purchase 39297 Levies conscripted from the countryside on an emergency basis, these regiments are incapable of sustained military effort. 39298 Normally employed in skirmishes rather than in pitched battles, Calivermen are trained to take advantage of rough terrain. 39299 These men move rapidly across all terrain. They are taught to take cover and fight when not in formation. 39300 Unformed troops armed with long rifles, adept at using terrain for concealment. 39301 Armed with pikes and swords, these infantry fight in close order and are necessary to protect regiments with firearms until the invention of the bayonet. 39302 Halberdiers are more heavily armed and better trained pikemen. Use them to protect vulnerable troops. 39303 Regular infantry regiments carry muskets and bayonets. They fight best when fortified. 39304 New breechloading rifles allow these infantry to fire faster, and at longer ranges. 39305 Armed with an early version of the musket, these troops are deadly only at close range, and are vulnerable to cavalry if unprotected. 39306 Musketeers carry firearms of greater accuracy than those of earlier regiments, but require protection in a melee. 39307 Grenadier s weapons are similar to those of the regulars, but their training allows then to inflict more damage. 39308 Guard regiments recruit only the largest and strongest soldiers. 39309 Although the longbow and crossbow can inflict serious casualties, they will both be superseded by firearms. 39313 Generals are usually not physically fit, but tend to dress more nicely than other units. 39317 Lightly armed knights, squires perform scouting functions for the army but are nearly useless in battle. 39318 Cossacks, or steppe horsemen, may be recruited by rulers to scout, forage, and pillage for the main army. 39319 Hussars are the fastest scouts in the army but should not be used to attack formed troops. 39320 Scouts are lightly armed and fast horsemen adept at reporting on the enemy positions and escaping when sighted. 39321 Although protected by heavy body armor, knights can eventually be slain by bows or muskets. Best used against peasants or weakened forces as shock troops. 39322 Used as shock troops, Lancer regiments, recruited rrom the upper classes, inflict panic on their demoralized foes. 39326 Although the harquebus can be fired from horseback, it inflicts little damage due to its poor accuracy and the length of time it takes to reload. 39327 Cuirassiers spearhead attacks, but are most effective when attacking unentrenched and unsupported infantry. 39328 Armed with new rapid fire carbines, these cavalry regiments devastate their foes. 39330 The first mobile artillery, these units are able to move to a new area of the battlefield, unlimber, and fire their guns rapidly. 39331 Light Artillery can be risked closer to enemy lines in immediate support of an attack. 39332 With a rifled gun barrel these units are capable of firing at much longer range than earlier cannons. 39333 The poor mobility of these early cannons makes them useful mainly for defense and siege warfare. 39334 Powerful artillery that easily eliminates fortifications that have not been modernized. 39335 These artillery are heavier than previous artillery, the ideal piece for all types of defense. 39336 These guns, while extremely slow in the field, batter entrenchments, knock down walls, and disrupt the foe. 39337 Firepower:\nMove:\nRange:\nEntrench: 39338 Cost: 39339 Available: 39340 Armory 39341 No 39342 Yes 39343 Firepower: 39344 Melee: 39345 Range: 39346 Defense: 39347 Speed: 39348 Entrench: 39361 Explorers explore uncharted areas and search for minerals. 39362 Engineers build roads, ports and forts. 39363 Builders improve production in areas which have exploitable resources. 39364 Spies improve scouting reports, aid research, and counterspy. 39365 Merchants buy land for development. 39366 Railroad Engineers lay railroad track. 39370 University 39371 Cost: 39372 Available: 39373 Production Levels 39425 Huge, slow ships, galleons possess both cavernous cargo holds and impressive firepower. 39426 Bristling with up to 130 smoothbore cannons arranged on two or three gun decks, the most powerful vessels in the world until ironclads are developed. 39427 Ironclads resist the firepower of foes with armor, but carry fewer cannon than a Ship-of-the-Line. 39428 Ideal commerce raiders and escorts, sloops are able to flee from ships they cannot sink. 39429 Constructed with one deck of cannons, frigates are used as scouts, raiders, and escorts.\n 39430 These wooden vessels are fast scouts and commerce raiders. Their cannon are rifled breech loaders but they are too weak to fight in the line of battle.\n 39431 A large ship ideal for carrying cargo efficiently. 39432 These large ships are slow and incapable of defending themselves against a ship of the line or a frigate. \n 39433 Although faster than earlier sailing vessels, these early steamers cannot compete with a clipper for speed. 39434 Carracks are slow, defenseless, and have a small carrying capacity. Their one virtue is their extremely low price. 39435 A small low-cost ship, a trader represents a significant improvement over the outmoded carrack. 39436 Clippers are more likely than other ships to run a blockade or to escape from hostile fleets, due to their speed. 39438 Shipyard 39439 Cost: 39440 Available: 39441 Firepower: 39442 Range: 39443 Armor: 39444 Hull: 39445 Speed: 39446 Cargo: 39490 Sick workers 39491 No Illness 39492 Starved Workers 39493 No Starvation 39494 Workers demand refined sugar 39495 Workers do not demand refined sugar 39496 Workers demand cigars 39497 Workers do not demand cigars 39498 Workers demand hats 39499 Workers do not demand hats 39500 Available/Maximum labor 39502 Apprentices 39503 No Apprentices 39504 Journeymen 39505 No Journeymen 39506 Masters 39507 No Masters 39508 Peasant Laborers 39509 No Peasant Laborers 39510 Switch to Labor Scroll 39511 Switch to Production Scroll 39512 Switch to Units Scroll 39513 Labor 39514 Production 39515 Units 39519 [1:itemName] \nNeeded: [2:number] Transporting: [3:number] 39520 Meat 39521 [1:itemName] \nTransporting: [2:number] 39522 [1:itemName] \nTransporting: [2:number] / [3:total] 39523 Labor 39524 Textile Looms 39525 Cotton Weavers 39526 Lumber Mills 39527 Paper Mills 39528 Bronze Foundries 39529 Iron Smelters 39530 Steel Mills 39531 Sugar Refineries 39532 Cigar Factories 39533 Hat Factories 39534 Reduce Production of [1: factories] 39535 Increase Production of [1:factories] 39536 Cease Production in [1: factories] 39537 Maximize Production of [1: factories] 39538 Current Production in [1: factories] 39539 Toggle Priority Status for [1: factories] 39540 Recruiting 39541 Training 39542 Population 39543 Labor Value 39544 [1:total # sick] sick: [2:#sick from wrong food] wrong food, [3#sick from luxury lack] lacking luxury, [4:#sick from no food] no food 39545 Currently Displaying Labor Scroll 39546 Currently Displaying Production Scroll 39547 Currently Displaying Units Scroll 39548 No technology for [1:] 39549 Food required by [1:army/navy/workers]: [2:amount of food required] 39550 army 39551 navy 39552 workers 39553 Your Excellency, we must establish an embassy before we can propose such an elaborate treaty. 39554 Your Excellency, we are at war with this country. We must propose a peace treaty before we can hope for more advanced negotiations. 39555 Your Excellency, we can only offer alliances to other Great Powers. 39557 We are not at war with this country, so a peace treaty is unnecessary at this point. 39558 We are already in a state of war with this country. 39559 Your excellency, we must establish a trade consulate before we can propose complex trade agreements. 39560 We cannot boycott one of our allies, Your Excellency. 39561 We already have a trade consulate there, Your Excellency. 39562 We must build a trade consulate before we can establish a formal embassy. 39563 We already have an embassy there, Your Excellency. 39564 Your Excellency, we cannot make diplomatic overtures directly to a colony. We must approach its ruling Great Power. 39565 Your Excellency, that nation has lost its capital city and cannot conduct diplomacy any more. 39566 Your Excellency, there is no need to make a diplomatic overtures to ourselves. 39567 Your Excellency, we can only offer non-aggression pacts to Minor Nations. 39568 Your Excellency, we already have a non-aggression pact with that Minor Nation. 39569 Your Excellency, we already have an alliance with that Great Power. 39571 Your Excellency, we are already boycotting that country. 39572 Your Excellency, we must establish an embassy before we can grant foreign aid. 39573 Your Excellency, unfortunately we do not have the $1000 required to establish an embassy. 39574 Your Excellency, unfortunately we do not have the $500 required to establish a trade consulate. 39575 Unfortunately Your Excellency, we do not have enough money to offer so large a grant. 39576 Your Majesty, we do not need to bother with the formalities of a peace treaty with these savages. 39577 Your Majesty, there s no reason to honor these savages with a formal declaration of war. Come, let us take what we want. 39578 Your Majesty, that is our own colony. 39579 Your Majesty, that is our own vassal state. 39580 Your Majesty, we don t have the technology yet to offer Embassies. The button shouldn t even be on the screen yet. 39581 Your Majesty, we do not have the Imperial Administration technology required to invite another Great Power into our empire. 39617 Development\n 39618 Roads 39619 Prospecting 39620 More Developments 39621 Production 39622 Labor 39623 Building Ports 39624 Transport 39625 Exploration 39626 The New World 39627 Diplomacy 39628 Trade 39629 Units and Population 39630 Building an Army 39631 Invasions 39632 Battles 39633 Technology Research 39634 Feed the People 39635 Episode 19 39636 Episode 20\n 39637 Develop a grain farm.\n 39638 Connect a new Grain Farm to the capital city with a road. 39639 Find a new mineral deposit in your country. 39640 Connect two more developments to your capital city. 39641 Use the Production Orders screen to create Lumber and Cast Iron and Fabric. 39642 Recruit 2 peasants and create Lumber and Cast Iron and Fabric simultaneously. 39643 Use the Engineer to build a port in your own country. 39644 Transport four units of resources by ship. 39645 Find part of the New World. 39646 Discover a Tribal capital. 39647 Become the favorite trading partner of a Neutral State. 39648 Sell a material and buy a resource. 39649 Build a new military unit. 39650 Build 3 regiments of Pikemen. 39651 Use a fleet to establish a landing zone in the New World. 39652 Use land forces to take a province in the New World. 39653 Discover a new technology. 39654 avail 39655 Episode 19 39656 Episode 20\n 39745 Terrain Book 39746 Army Book 39747 Turn Summary 39748 Deal and Market Summary 39749 Battle Report 39750 Status 39751 Navy Book 39752 Civilian Book 39753 Overall Ranking 39754 Interior Strength 39755 Diplomatic Strength 39756 Military Strength 39757 Merchant Marine 39758 World Exports 39759 Industry 39760 Labor 39761 Overseas Profits 39762 Technological Advancement 39763 Game Information 39809 Enter Your Network Name 39810 Difficulty Level 39811 Names: 39812 Fixed 39813 Random 39814 Enter a Map Generation Key 39815 (generating world...) 39816 Scenario Library 39817 - Autosave - 39818 Flat 39819 Round 39820 Locate Province: 39821 Locate Sea Zone: 39822 There is no province named  [1:name] 39823 There is no sea zone named  [1:name] 39824 An error occured while loading the saved game. This save file may be corrupted. 39825 Select Autosave Game 39826 Select Saved Game 39827 Click to Select Country 39828 Load Saved Game 39829 Return to Game without Saving 39830 Select Slot for Saved Game 39831 Select a slot for your saved game. 39832 Click  Start seal to begin Tutorial. 39837 You must select a Great Power\n(shown in color) 39838 Select Usual Names\nor Random Names 39839 (Loading game...) 39840 (Starting game...) 39841 More... 39842 Difficulty Rating: 39843 Start Playing the Tutorial 39844 Start new Tutorial 39845 Resume Tutorial where you left off 39846 - Quicksave - 39847 Game saved. 39848 Do you wish to load the autosave game? 39849 Game loaded: 39850 Unable to quickload. No autosave game exists. 39873 ( computer ) 39874 I m afraid that Great Power has already been selected by another player. 39875 Begin Game 39876 I am afraid we've lost the connection to [1: country]. 39877 You have been eliminated from a game of which you are the host. The other players still need your computer to act as the host for them to be able to continue to play. 39878 I am afraid we ve lost our connection. 39879 Delete Save Files 39880 Do you wish to delete all save files for games you have joined in the past? If you do so, you will be unable to rejoin any saved multiplayer games. Saved games in which you were the host will be unaffected. 39881 [1: number] save files deleted. 39882 We have been rejoined by [1: country] 39883 Connection Lost! 39884 Save Failed 39885 Load Failed 39886 Leaving So Soon? 39937 [1] Lake 39938 [1] Lake 39939 Lake [1] 39940 Lake [1] 39941 [1] Bay 39942 [1] Gulf 39943 Bay of [1] 39944 Gulf of [1] 39945 [1] Channel 39946 [1] Narrows 39947 Strait of [1] 39948 Straits of [1] 39949 [1] Sea 39950 [1] Sea 39951 [1] Sea 39952 Sea of [1] 39953 [1] Ocean 39954 [1] Ocean 39955 [1] Ocean 39956 [1] Ocean 39957 Port of [1] 39958 Port of [1] 39959 Port [1] 39960 Port [1] 40001 Red 40002 Black 40003 Blue 40004 Green 40005 Wine-Dark 40006 Briny 40007 Atlantic 40008 Pacific 40009 Orestian 40010 Pelican 40011 Blood 40012 Dead 40013 Sand 40014 Cylon 40015 Good Hope 40016 Clytemnestra 40017 Coral 40018 Clamshell 40019 Pearl 40020 Ra 40021 Sorrow 40022 Poseidon 40023 Nautilus 40024 Yellow 40025 Octopus 40026 Oriental 40027 Tempest 40028 Anduin 40029 Frog 40030 Holy 40031 Occidental 40032 Huttick 40033 Aoki 40034 Underwood 40035 Baba 40036 Minnow 40037 Oleander 40065 Imperialism II 40066 Start Game 40067 OK 40068 Cancel 40069 Accept 40070 Reject 40071 End turn 40072 Bid 40073 Offer 40074 Imperial Times 40075 Age of Exploration 40076 Offer Sheet 40077 Save Game 40078 Load Game 40079 Reply 40080 Yes 40081 No 40129 Your Excellency, an alliance with [1:country] would force us into war with the following nations: 40130 If [1] accepts our offer, we will automatically declare war on them as well. Proceed? 40131 Eliminated 40132 [1: countryName] Wins! 40133 Your Excellency, bringing [1: country] into our Empire would force us into war with the following nations: 40134 Beware Entanglements 40135 You have been elected to be the ruler of the world! Do you accept the post? (Cancel will allow you to continue crushing your enemies.) 40136 Tribe 40137 Vassal State of [1:France] 40138 Top Trader Partner: 40139 Neutral State 40140 Country Colors 40141 Treaties and Embassies 40142 Influence and Grants 40143 Subsidies and Boycotts 40144 Grants \n(one turn only) 40145 Grants \n(every turn) 40146 Control of the Old World 40147 Victory Condition: [1:number] Old World Provinces 40148 [1:number of provinces] 40149 [1:number] ( originally [2:number of provinces] ) 40150 Vassal 40151 Ruling Empire 40152 Most Influence: 40193 Prime Rate: [1]% 40194 Market Watch: [1] 40195 Industrial Index: [1] 40196 Defense Index: [1] 40197 and 40198 Turn summary will become available after the end of the turn. 40257 [1:1]st 40258 [1:2]nd 40259 [1:3]rd 40260 [1:4]th 40321 GN 40322 SL 40323 IC 40324 SP 40325 FF 40326 RD 40327 FL 40328 IN 40329 ST 40330 CK 40331 TR 40332 CP 40385 Victory for [1]! 40386 Points for: 40387 Labor 40388 Transport 40389 Industry 40390 Provinces Controlled or Colonized 40391 Military 40392 Navy 40393 Diplomatic Relations 40394 Merchant Marine 40395 Year 40396 Subtotal 40397 Difficulty: [1] 40398 Total 40449 [1:admiralName] commanding 40450 Patrol the waters of the [1:seaName] 40451 Send in the troops. 40452 All hands to swab the decks. 40453 Prey only on the weak and infirm 40454 Catch as catch can 40455 If it floats and it doesn't say 'quack', sink it 40456 Task Force Report 40457 Force currently located in 40458 Composition 40459 Orders 40460 Make all speed for [1:seaZoneName] 40461 a democratically elected council of seamen 40462 [1:admiral name] of the [2: ship name] 40463 the Captain of the [1: ship name] 40464 anonymous phone call 40465 [1: country] s task force in [2: location] of one vessel, under orders to [4: orders] 40466 [1: country] s task force in [2: location] of [3: number more than one] vessels, under orders to [4: orders] 40467 swab the decks 40468 sail 40469 sail home 40470 patrol indefinitely 40471 patrol 40472 secure a beachhead 40473 blockade 40474 escort 40475 repair 40476 evade 40477 evade indefinitely 40478 Forces of unknown type, apparently few in number 40479 , 40480 , and 40481 [1: number] [2:ship type] 40482 one warship of unknown type 40483 [1: number more than one] warships of unknown type 40484 Um, not sure. I guess somewhere around [1: very poor estimate] 40485 In the ballpark of [1: poor estimate] 40486 Around about [1: fair estimate] 40487 Approximately [1: okay estimate] 40488 Not far from [1: good estimate] 40489 Precisely [1: very good estimate] 40490 Foreign Fleet Report 40491 Report on the naval forces of 40492 in the 40493 Foreign Shipping Observed 40494 as estimated by 40495 Enemy Beachhead Report 40496 Report on a fleet belonging to 40497 invading from the 40498 Enemy Shipping Involved 40499 as reported by 40500 Coastwatchers in [1: province] 40501 Enemy Blockade Report 40502 Report on a fleet belonging to 40503 blockading our home port from the 40504 Enemy Shipping Involved 40505 Blockade the [1: the Port of Calais] 40513 Play Imperialism 40514 Game Options 40515 Install Imperialism 40516 Install DirectX 3 40517 Uninstall Imperialism 40518 Quit 40519 Unable to automatically switch to 800x600 resolution, HighColor (16 bit color) display mode. Please do so manually. 40520 No language (.irg) files were found. Unable to start Imperialism. 40521 No games found to join. 40522 July 4, 1997 40523 Beta v. 0.9.7b4g 40524 This interactive demo is based on a beta version of Imperialism. Many features of the game have been disabled. 40525 Copyright (c) 1997 SSI, a Mindscape Company 40526 Developer: Frog City 40527 Select a Game to Join 40528 Language 40529 Switch to game resolution when starting the game 40530 OK 40531 Imperialism Setup 40532 Imperialism Demo 40533 Imperialism Options 40534 Enabled 40535 Disabled 40536 Switch to Game Resolution When Starting the Game 40537 You are low on free disk space ([1:number] MB free). Unless there is at least 25 MB of free space on the Windows drive, the game may not run correctly, and may not be able to save your game. Do wish to play anyway? 40577 Purchase Recommended\n\n 40578 We have an Embassy with [1: countryName], thus each trade improves our relationship with them.\n\n 40579 We have a Consulate with [1: countryName], thus each trade improves our relationship with them.\n\n 40580 Industry needs more [1:item]. 40581 Industry does not need more [1:item]. A purchase of merely one unit will provide the diplomatic benefits of a trade deal. 40582 Purchase Not Recommended\n\n 40583 We have no consulate with [1:countryName], thus trade serves no diplomatic purpose.\n\n 40584 Industry does not need more [1:item]. 40585 [1:countryName] is a Great Power.\n\n 40586 [1:countryName] is a Minor Nation. Their favorite trade partner is [2:countryName].\n\n 40587 We have an Embassy with [1: countryName].\n\n 40588 We have a Consulate with [1: countryName].\n\n 40589 We have no Consulate with [1: countryName].\n\n 40590 [1:]\nIndustrial Need: [3:number]\nWarehouse: [2:number]\nTransport: [4: number]\nAlready Purchased: [5:number] 40591 [1:countryName] is a Minor Nation. \nWe are their favorite trade partner.\n\n 40592 [1:countryName] is our Colony.\n\n 40593 [1:countryName] is our colony, thus we do not need to seek better relations through trade.\n\n 40594 Advice From Foreign Minister 40595 [1:]\nWarehouse: [2:number]\nTransport: [4: number]\nAlready Purchased: [5:number] 40596 Great Power 40597 Neutral State 40598 Tribe 40599 Favorite Trade Partner: 40600 (us) 40601 Colony\n(thus we do not need to seek better relations through trade).\n\n 40602 Embassy \n(thus each trade improves our relationship with them) 40603 Consulate\n(thus each trade improves our relationship with them)\n\n 40604 Warehouse: 40605 Transportable: 40606 Already Purchased: 40607 None 40608 No Consulate\n(thus trade serves no diplomatic purpose)\n\n 40609 This is an excellent deal.\n\n[1:countryname] are willing to sell us the [2:itemName] at $[3:number]/unit.\nAs soon as the riches reach home, the [4:itemName] will be converted to cash at $[5:number]/unit. 40610 We will make a profit on the deal of $[1:number] / unit. 40641 IMPERIALISM 40769 A port here allows the maximum level of transportation from adjacent developed resources. It also brings in fish. 40770 A Port does not require connecting road, and provides additional fish 40771 A level one fort here will protect army units. 40772 A level two fort will increase protection of armies in this province 40773 A level three fort provides maximum protection for your troops 40774 Construction Options 40775 Forts must be built in towns or cities 40776 Current fort construction technology does not allow improvement of this fort 40777 Ports must be constructed in flat terrain next to water 40833 Paris 40834 Normandy 40835 Provence 40836 Gascony 40837 Brittany 40838 Picardy 40839 Bordeaux 40840 Loire 40841 Lorraine 40842 Champagne 40843 Languedoc 40844 Dauphine 40845 Berry 40846 Burgundy 40847 Auvergne 40897 London 40898 Wales 40899 Devon 40900 Cornwall 40901 East Anglia 40902 Kent 40903 Northumberland 40904 Yorkshire 40905 Sussex 40906 Cumberland 40907 Somerset 40908 Middlesex 40909 Derbyshire 40961 Stockholm 40962 Smaland 40963 Angermanland 40964 Akershus 40965 Bergenhus 40966 Trondhjem 40967 Jamtland 40968 Uppland 40969 Southern Norway 40970 Halland 40971 Central Norway 40972 Vasterbotten 40973 Ingria 41025 Amsterdam 41026 Overijssel 41027 Utrecht 41028 Zeeland 41029 Friesland 41030 Groningen 41031 Ryswick 41032 Nimwegen 41033 Haarlem 41089 Lisbon 41090 Oporto 41091 Braganza 41092 Alentejo 41093 Algarve 41094 Tras Os Montes 41095 Duro 41096 Braga 41097 Estremadura 41153 Madrid 41154 Aragon 41155 Catalonia 41156 Granada 41157 Castile 41158 Gallicia 41159 Asturias 41160 Andalusia 41161 Valencia 41162 Murcia 41163 Sardinia 41164 Antwerp 41165 Brabant 41166 Liege 41167 Leon 41168 Navarre 41217 Dublin 41218 Ulster 41219 The Pale 41220 Munster 41221 Connaught 41222 Limerick 41223 Galway 41224 Kerry 41225 Kilkenny 41281 Edinburg 41282 Ayr 41283 Highlands 41284 Ross 41285 Stirling 41286 Inverness 41287 Perth 41288 Dumfries 41345 Copenhagen 41346 Jutland 41347 Schleswig 41348 Holstein 41349 Roskilde 41350 Kiel 41351 Heligoland 41352 Lubeck 41409 Hamburg 41410 Brunswick 41411 Rhineland 41412 Saxony 41413 Bavaria 41414 Bremen 41415 Oldenburg 41416 Wurttemburg 41473 Florence 41474 Milan 41475 Genoa 41476 Corsica 41477 Savoy 41478 Parma 41479 Tuscany 41480 Pisa 41537 Bern 41538 Zurich 41539 Basel 41540 Aargau 41541 Glaurus 41542 Unterwalden 41543 Lucerne 41601 Tenochitlan 41602 Texcoco 41603 Amecameca 41604 Tlaxcala 41605 Cholula 41606 Baja California 41607 Guadalajara 41608 Monterrey 41609 Oaxaca 41610 Veracruz 41611 Cancun 41612 Mexico 41665 Cuzco 41666 Pachacamac 41667 Jauja 41668 Huancayo 41669 Ayacucha 41670 Caracas 41671 Titicaca 41672 Venezuela 41673 Panama 41674 Nicaragua 41675 Sierra Madre 41729 Mayapan 41730 Copan 41731 Tipu 41732 Lamanai 41733 Ichpaatun 41734 Popocatepetl 41735 Ixtacihuatl 41736 Xela 41737 Quatzaltenango 41738 Utila 41739 Tguchigalpas 41740 Tela 41793 Arawak 41794 Cuba 41795 Kenniwick 41796 Pasco 41797 Bellevue 41798 Bahamas 41799 Bermuda 41800 Key West 41801 Grenada 41802 Havana 41857 Iroquios 41858 Amir 41859 Uri 41860 Elon 41861 Yosi 41862 Mohawk 41863 Lenai Lenape 41864 Middlesex 41865 Princeton 41866 Trenton 41867 Ticonderoga 41868 Manhattan 41921 Sioux 41922 Ginosar 41923 Galon 41924 Eingev 41925 Gazit 41926 Running Bear 41927 Crazy Horse 41928 Sitting Bull 41929 Kentuky 41930 Tennessee 41931 Mississippi 41932 Missouri 41985 Jacksonville 41986 Hobart 41987 Brisbane 41988 Peabody 41989 Taz 41990 Tampa 41991 Miami 41992 Boca Raton 41993 Key Largo 41994 Daytona 41995 Galveston 41996 Ft. Lauderdale 42049 Cherokee 42050 Nyack 42051 Haverstraw 42052 Tappan 42053 Ridgemont 42054 Bronco 42055 Wounded Knee 42056 Brazo 42057 Finestere 42058 Oklahoma 42059 Wichita 42060 Texas 42113 Detroit 42114 Penthar 42115 Osnot 42116 Thurston 42117 Mul 42118 Ottowa 42119 Toronto 42120 Montreal 42121 Quebec 42122 Ohio 42123 Minneapolis 42124 Saskatchewan 42177 Caribbia 42178 Braemar 42179 Ballater 42180 Abmear 42181 Harmear 42182 Guadalupe 42183 St. Croix 42184 St. John 42185 Typee 42186 Omoo 42187 Bermuda 42241 Sindel City 42242 Vershire 42243 Putney 42244 Barnard 42245 Chelsea 42305 Goody 42306 Baker 42307 Nelson 42308 Jackson 42309 Ball 42310 Ballarat 42311 Fielder 42312 Gardner 42313 Kalamaz 42314 Cooke 42315 Balrog 42316 Barnes 42317 Basilisk 42318 Akbarre 42319 Holmes 42320 Wickham 42321 Austen 42322 Brownstone 42323 Simon 42324 Beck 42325 Peck 42326 Green 42327 Sansing 42328 Vierra 42329 Ferrari 42330 Bennet 42331 Buscemi 42332 Dorrn 42333 Doty 42334 Horney 42335 Forester 42336 O'Brien 42337 Simpson 42338 Eskew 42339 Scully 42340 Mulder 42341 Lewis 42342 Clark 42343 Stevens 42344 Darren 42345 Benedict 42346 Equinox 42347 Gross 42348 Murdoch 42349 Fredrickson 42350 Smith 42351 Jones 42352 Johnson 42353 Niven 42354 Cherry 42355 Peach 42356 Daniel 42357 McCarthy 42358 Lister 42359 Rimmer 42360 Juvet 42361 Klein 42362 Fletcher 42363 Curry 42364 Crumlish 42365 Bligh 42366 Andrews 42367 Lawes 42368 Nicolas 42369 North 42370 Reifel 42371 Poindexter 42372 MacDonald 42373 Scotty 42374 Kirk 42375 Sweeny 42376 McCoy 42377 Emmerich 42378 Chamberlain 42379 Norman 42380 Saxon 42381 Roman 42382 Martin 42383 Noakes 42384 Collins 42385 Wimsey 42386 Vane 42387 Pratt 42388 Aubrey 42389 Ragusa 42390 Radcliffe 42391 Anderson 42392 Gunder 42393 Guano 42394 Mooney 42395 Sooner 42396 Samford 42397 Watson 42398 Fisher 42399 Bankes 42400 Beresford 42401 Tachner 42402 Ryan 42403 Ritter 42404 Bedeau 42405 Cox 42406 Matthews 42407 Francis 42408 Scudder 42409 Bradbury 42410 Strand 42411 Stone 42412 Peel 42413 Ashley 42414 Janes 42415 Houston 42416 Thatcher 42417 Albrecht 42418 Justin 42419 Frankel 42420 Danger 42421 Markes 42422 Spotson 42423 Yikes 42424 Flushing 42425 McGrath 42426 Huddles 42427 Grant 42428 Lee 42429 Pike 42430 Blaise 42431 Kay 42432 Arthur 42433 Alfred 42434 Allen 42435 Katz 42436 Royston 42437 Dullard 42438 Samms 42439 Beach 42440 Richardson 42441 Stout 42442 Zenon 42443 Young 42444 Zeller 42445 Woods 42446 Zorbu 42447 Taylor 42448 Eldridge 42449 Cleaver 42450 Tang 42451 Ming 42452 Sung 42453 Bernstein 42454 Merl 42455 Holzer 42456 Bollinger 42457 Gamoran 42458 Sherin 42459 Majeski 42460 Faley 42461 Conway 42462 Heinonen 42463 Ackerman 42464 Wolff 42465 LaSala 42466 Waltman 42467 Quatrano 42468 Lopes 42469 Bak 42470 Basnayake 42471 Namenuk 42472 Hillegas 42497 Open Terrain 42498 Rough Terrain\nx2 move cost\n25% cover for light infantry 42499 Swamp\nx3 move cost\n25% cover for light infantry 42500 Desert\nx1.5 move cost\n 42501 Impassible Terrain 42502 Foxhole\n20% cover 42503 Wood Fort\n30% cover 42504 Stone Fort\n40% cover 42505 Concrete Fort\n50% cover 42506 Ready 42507 Broken 42508 Retreated 42509 Dead 42561 [1:provinceName], Great Power of [2:countryName] 42562 [1:provinceName], Neutral State of [2:countryName] 42563 [1:provinceName], Tribe of [2:countryName] 42564 (originally a province of [1:countryName]) 42565 Ocean 42566 Plains 42567 Cotton Plantation 42568 Open Range 42569 Horse Ranch 42570 Grain Farm 42571 Spice Orchard 42572 Fertile Hills 42573 Barren Hills 42574 Mountains 42575 Swamp 42576 Desert 42577 Barren Tundra 42578 Hardwood Forest 42579 Town 42580 Scrub Forest 42581 Sugar Plantation 42582 Tobacco Plantation 42583 Furry Tundra 42584 New World Hills 42585 New World Mountains 42586 Capital 42587 Province Border 42588 National Border 42589 Road 42590 Port 42591 River 42592 Level One Wool 42593 Level Two Wool 42594 Level Three Wool 42595 Level Four Wool 42596 Level One Timber 42597 Level Two Timber 42598 Level Three Timber 42599 Level Four Timber 42600 Level One Tin 42601 Level Two Tin 42602 Level Three Tin 42603 Level Four Tin 42604 Level One Copper 42605 Level Two Copper 42606 Level Three Copper 42607 Level Four Copper 42608 Level One Iron 42609 Level Two Iron 42610 Level Three Iron 42611 Level Four Iron 42612 Level One Coal 42613 Level Two Coal 42614 Level Three Coal 42615 Level Four Coal 42616 Level One Cotton 42617 Level Two Cotton 42618 Level Three Cotton 42619 Level Four Cotton 42620 Level One Sugar 42621 Level Two Sugar 42622 Level Three Sugar 42623 Level Four Sugar 42624 Level One Tobacco 42625 Level Two Tobacco 42626 Level Three Tobacco 42627 Level Four Tobacco 42628 Level One Fur 42629 Level Two Fur 42630 Level Three Fur 42631 Level Four Fur 42632 Level One Grain 42633 Level Two Grain 42634 Level Three Grain 42635 Level Four Grain 42636 Level One Cattle 42637 Level Two Cattle 42638 Level Three Cattle 42639 Level Four Cattle 42640 Level One Spices 42641 Level Two Spices 42642 Level Three Spices 42643 Level Four Spices 42644 Level One Silver 42645 Level Two Silver 42646 Level Three Silver 42647 Level Four Silver 42648 Level One Gold 42649 Level Two Gold 42650 Level Three Gold 42651 Level Four Gold 42652 Level One Gems 42653 Level Two Gems 42654 Level Three Gems 42655 Level Four Gems 42656 Level One Diamonds 42657 Level Two Diamonds 42658 Level Three Diamonds 42659 Level Four Diamonds 42660 Purchase Flag 42661 One Tent 42662 Two Tents 42663 Three Tents 42664 Four Tents 42665 Explorer 42666 Engineer 42667 Builder 42668 Spy 42669 Merchant 42670 Railroad Engineer 42674 Army Movement 42675 Blockading Fleet 42676 Docks and Lighthouse 42677 Moving Fleet 42678 Patrolling Fleet 42679 Invading Fleet 42680 Docked Fleet 42681 Fleet 42682 Sea Zone Border 42683 Terra Incognita 42684 Fortifications 42685 Fort 42686 Large Fortress 42687 Pickaxe 42688 Tin 42689 Copper 42690 Iron Ore 42691 Coal 42692 Silver 42693 Gold 42694 Gems 42695 Diamonds 42696 Production Summary 42697 Development level exceeds transport connection level. A port or road is needed. 42698 Development level exceeds transport connection level. A railroad is needed. 42699 Transport connection level exceeds development level. A production upgrade is needed. 42700 Development level exceeds transport connection level. A port is needed. 42701 Development and transport connection levels are fine. No upgrade is needed at this time. 42702 (max = [1:maxDevelopmentLevel]) 42703 Province of [1:provinceName] 42704 This province has no developments. 42705 Production Level: [1:numitem] [2:itemname] 42706 Transport Connection Level: [1:level] 42707 Zoom to Province 42708 Zoom to Tile 42709 Developments Roster 42710 Transport Connection 42711 Production 42712 Transport by Land 42713 Transport by Sea 42714 Hills 42757 Valuable only for the production of fish. 42758 Flat country, not fertile enough for agriculture. 42759 Ideal climate and soil for the production of cotton, found only in the New World. 42760 Flat terrain with good grazing for livestock. 42761 Blue grass country, ideal for raising horses. 42762 Plentiful grain may be grown in this rich topsoil.\n 42763 New World Orchards produce a variety of spices not found in the Old World. 42764 Fertile rolling country, ideal for raising sheep and producing wool. 42765 Too barren for agriculture, hills in the Old World may conceal iron, coal, and copper. 42766 High country often covered by ice and snow. Iron, coal, and copper may be found in the mountains of the Old World. 42767 These wetlands may conceal tin deposits. 42768 Dry country, valueless except for the possibility of diamonds.\n 42769 Icy plains impossible for agriculture. 42770 These dense woodlands offer plentiful hardwoods, perfect for logging operations.\n 42771 The population center of a province, a town may eventually develop industries depending on the resources present in the province. 42772 Woodlands with little valuable timber. 42773 Sugar cane grows well in this fertile country, found only in the New World. 42774 Ideal land for the growing of tobacco, found only in the New World. 42775 Tundra densely populated by fur-bearing animals found only in the New World. 42776 Hills in the New World may conceal deposits of iron, coal, copper, and silver. 42777 Mountains in the New world may conceal deposits of iron, coal, copper, gems, and gold. 42778 The center of government and industry, as well as the main port for trade. No nation can survive the loss of its capital city. 42779 White lines represent the borders between provinces of the same nation. 42780 Wide borders represent the frontier between two nations. Each nation s color appears on its side of the border. 42781 If connected to the capital city or a port, a road gathers commodities in its own tile and in adjacent tiles, and makes them available for transport to industry. 42782 A port gathers all resources from its own terrain tile, adjacent tiles, and from adjacent water tiles. If the port is blockaded, the trasport of resources is endangered. 42783 Rivers connect ports built in any tile on the river. Each river tile supplies one unit of fish to an adjacent port.\n 42784 The barn indicates that this tile is producing one unit of wool per turn.\n 42785 The two barns indicate that this tile is producing two units of wool per turn. 42786 The three barns indicate that this tile is producing three units of wool per turn. 42787 The four barns indicate that this tile is producing four units of wool per turn. 42788 The log indicates that this tile is producing one unit of timber per turn.\n 42789 The two logs indicate that this tile is producing two units of timber per turn. 42790 The three logs indicate that this tile is producing three units of timber per turn. 42791 The four logs indicate that this tile is producing four units of timber per turn. 42792 The pile of mined tin indicates that this tile is producing one unit of tin per turn.\n 42793 The two piles of mined tin indicate that this tile is producing two units of tin per turn.\n 42794 The three piles of mined tin indicate that this tile is producing three units of tin per turn.\n 42795 The four piles of mined tin indicate that this tile is producing four units of tin per turn.\n 42796 The pile of mined copper indicates that this tile is producing one unit of copper per turn.\n 42797 The two piles of mined copper indicate that this tile is producing two units of copper per turn.\n 42798 The three piles of mined copper indicate that this tile is producing three units of copper per turn.\n 42799 The four piles of mined copper indicate that this tile is producing four units of copper per turn.\n 42800 The pile of mined iron indicates that this tile is producing one unit of iron per turn.\n 42801 The two piles of mined iron indicate that this tile is producing two units of iron per turn.\n 42802 The three piles of mined iron indicate that this tile is producing three units of iron per turn.\n 42803 The four piles of mined iron indicate that this tile is producing four units of iron per turn.\n 42804 The pile of mined coal indicates that this tile is producing one unit of coal per turn.\n 42805 The two piles of mined coal indicate that this tile is producing two units of coal per turn.\n 42806 The three piles of mined coal indicate that this tile is producing three units of coal per turn.\n 42807 The four piles of mined coal indicate that this tile is producing four units of coal per turn.\n 42808 \nThe bale of cotton indicates that this tile is producing one unit of cotton per turn.\n 42809 The two bales of cotton indicate that this tile is producing two units of cotton per turn.\n 42810 The three bales of cotton indicate that this tile is producing three units of cotton per turn.\n 42811 The four bales of cotton indicate that this tile is producing four units of cotton per turn.\n 42812 The pile of sugar cane indicates that this tile is producing one unit of sugar cane per turn.\n 42813 The two piles of sugar cane indicate that this tile is producing two units of sugar cane per turn.\n 42814 The three piles of sugar cane indicate that this tile is producing three units of sugar cane per turn.\n 42815 The four piles of sugar cane indicate that this tile is producing four units of sugar cane per turn.\n 42816 The bale of tobacco indicates that this tile is producing one unit of tobacco per turn.\n 42817 The two bales of tobacco indicate that this tile is producing two units of tobacco per turn.\n 42818 The three bales of tobacco indicate that this tile is producing three units of tobacco per turn.\n 42819 The four bales of tobacco indicate that this tile is producing four units of tobacco per turn.\n 42820 The hanging pelt indicates that this tile is producing one unit of fur per turn.\n 42821 The two hanging pelts indicate that this tile is producing two units of fur per turn.\n 42822 The three hanging pelts indicate that this tile is producing three units of fur per turn.\n 42823 The four hanging pelts indicate that this tile is producing four units of fur per turn.\n 42824 The silo indicates that this tile is producing one unit of grain per turn.\n 42825 The two silos indicate that this tile is producing two units of grain per turn.\n 42826 The three silos indicate that this tile is producing three units of grain per turn.\n 42827 The four silos indicate that this tile is producing four units of grain per turn.\n 42828 The barn indicates that this tile is producing one unit of livestock per turn.\n 42829 The two barns indicate that this tile is producing two units of livestock per turn. 42830 The three barns indicate that this tile is producing three units of livestock per turn. 42831 The four barns indicate that this tile is producing four units of livestock per turn. 42832 The bin of spices indicates that this tile is producing one unit of spice per turn.\n 42833 The two bins of spice indicate that this tile is producing two units of spice per turn.\n 42834 The three bins of spice indicate that this tile is producing three units of spice per turn.\n 42835 The four bins of spice indicate that this tile is producing four units of spice per turn.\n 42836 The pile of mined silver indicates that this tile is producing one unit of silver per turn.\n 42837 The two piles of mined silver indicate that this tile is producing two units of silver per turn.\n 42838 The three piles of mined silver indicate that this tile is producing three units of silver per turn.\n 42839 The four piles of mined silver indicate that this tile is producing four units of silver per turn.\n 42840 The pile of mined gold indicates that this tile is producing one unit of gold per turn.\n 42841 The two piles of mined gold indicate that this tile is producing two units of gold per turn.\n 42842 The three piles of mined gold indicate that this tile is producing three units of gold per turn.\n 42843 The four piles of mined gold indicate that this tile is producing four units of gold per turn.\n 42844 The pile of mined gems indicates that this tile is producing one unit of gems per turn.\n 42845 The two piles of mined gems indicate that this tile is producing two units of gems per turn.\n 42846 The three piles of mined gems indicate that this tile is producing three units of gems per turn.\n 42847 The four piles of mined gems indicate that this tile is producing four units of gems per turn.\n 42848 The pile of mined diamonds indicates that this tile is producing one unit of diamonds per turn.\n 42849 The two piles of mined diamonds indicate that this tile is producing two units of diamonds per turn.\n 42850 The three piles of mined diamonds indicate that this tile is producing three units of diamonds per turn.\n 42851 The four piles of mined diamonds indicate that this tile is producing four units of diamonds per turn.\n 42852 The flag indicates purchase of this land by a Great Power. 42853 A small military encampment. A garrison here of 1-3 regiments defends the entire province. 42854 A medium-sized military encampment garrisoned by 4-7 regiments. 42855 The largest size possible without a general, the three tent encampment indicates the presence of 8-10 regiments. 42856 The very large troop complement indicates the presence of a general. 42857 The Explorer maps uncharted lands and searches for minerals in hills, mountains, swamp and desert. Successful prospecting is necessary before builders can work in these areas. 42858 The Engineer builds roads and ports, and builds or improves forts. 42859 The Builder improves production in areas which contain exploitable resources. 42860 The Spy speeds research of technologies which other countries have already discovered, and can accurately determine the composition of enemy forces in a province. The spy can also counter enemy spies. 42861 The Merchant purchases land in Minor Nations, readying them for exploitation. 42862 The Railroad Engineer lays railroad track. 42866 A Military arrow pointing into a province indicates that armies are moving into that province. Green arrows indicate friendly deployment. Red arrows indicate attack. 42867 A Fleet on blockade duty attempts to intercept any hostile ships that enter or leave the port. 42868 Docks and a lighthouse show the location of the country s capital city port, through which all trade is conducted. 42869 A Fleet displaying a ship s wheel is assigned to sail to a new sea zone or port. 42870 A Fleet ordered to patrol a sea zone attempts to intercept all hostile ships in, or moving through, the zone. 42871 A Fleet ordered to establish a landing site displays a cannon. Troops may be landed the turn after the site is established. 42872 Docked Fleets are available for assignment. If left in the home port these ships serve as escorts and merchants for trade , or to transport commodities. 42873 A Fleet displaying no icon is available for assignment in its sea zone, or movement to another zone. 42874 Light blue lines represent the borders between sea zones. 42875 Unexplored frontier, which may be revealed by exploring with land or sea expeditions. 42876 Even these light fortifications are equipped with one emplaced artillery regiment and provide some protection for defenders. 42877 A medium-sized fort provides substantial protection and two regiments of emplaced artillery. 42878 A large fortress provides top notch protection and three regiments of emplaced artillery. 42879 A pickaxe indicates that this tile has been prospected by an Explorer, and no minerals were found. 42880 An Explorer has discovered Tin in this tile, but no mine has been built yet by a Builder. 42881 An Explorer has discovered Copper in this tile, but no mine has been built yet by a Builder. 42882 An Explorer has discovered Iron Ore in this tile, but no mine has been built yet by a Builder. 42883 An Explorer has discovered Coal in this tile, but no mine has been built yet by a Builder. 42884 An Explorer has discovered Silver in this tile, but no mine has been built yet by a Builder. 42885 An Explorer has discovered Gold in this tile, but no mine has been built yet by a Builder. 42886 An Explorer has discovered Gems in this tile, but no mine has been built yet by a Builder. 42887 An Explorer has discovered Diamonds in this tile, but no mine has been built yet by a Builder. 42945 Dreadnought 42946 Victory 42947 Constitution 42948 Constellation 42949 Superb 42950 Vanguard 42951 Neptune 42952 Colossus 42953 Orion 42954 Conqueror 42955 Monarch 42956 Emperor 42957 Thunderer 42958 Centurion 42959 Nautilus 42960 Warspite 42961 Lion 42962 Tiger 42963 Valiant 42964 Invincible 42965 Atropos 42966 Temeraire 42967 Warrior 42968 Courageous 42969 Excalibur 42970 Perseus 42971 Heracles 42972 Enterprise 42973 Hornet 42974 Wasp 42975 Indomitable 42976 Inflexible 42977 Glory 42978 Captain 42979 Cyclops 42980 Scorpion 42981 Dolphin 42982 Furious 42983 Shark 42984 Revenge 42985 Jupiter 42986 Redwing 42987 Flower 42988 Columbia 42989 Terrible 42990 Perilous 42991 Rattler 42992 Vixen 42993 Wolf 42994 Indefatigable 42995 Splendid 42996 Ogre 42997 Meteor 42998 Comet 42999 Whale 43000 Argus 43001 Sea Lion 43002 Walrus 43003 Octopus 43004 Dragon 43005 Defender 43006 Speedy 43007 Leopard 43008 Repulse 43009 Judith 43010 Golden Hind 43011 Bounty 43012 Achilles 43013 Hector 43014 Ajax 43015 Ascendant 43016 Cleopatra 43017 Julius Caesar 43018 Swordfish 43019 Hammerhead 43020 Ivory 43021 Asta 43022 Polar 43023 Artic 43024 Nuda 43025 Bipsiger 43026 Valsalva 43027 Surf 43028 Storm 43029 Gale 43030 Hurricane 43031 Ironsides 43032 Grasper 43033 Nero 43034 Caligula 43035 Gripper 43036 Claudius 43037 Augustus 43038 Octavian 43039 Tiberius 43040 Toadvine 43041 Andromeda 43042 Xanadu 43043 Oberon 43044 Ambit 43045 Duchess 43046 Duke 43047 Surprise 43048 Pegasus 43049 Theseus 43050 Romulus 43051 Remus 43052 Pecky 43053 Snidely 43054 Rachel 43055 Brandonia 43056 Carliana 43057 Average 43058 Nanday 43059 Conure 43060 Parrot 43061 Plummage 43062 Jenday 43063 Gull 43064 Pelican 43065 Condor 43066 Roland 43067 Eclectus 43068 Vampire 43069 Beast 43070 Phantom 43071 Spirit 43072 Defiant 43073 Voyager 43074 Intrepid 43075 Mercury 43076 Venus 43077 Saturn 43078 Pluto 43079 Rebel 43080 Endeavor 43081 Stag 43082 Buffalo 43083 Peachy 43084 Harrier 43085 Stonewall 43086 Legionaire 43087 Bargeman 43088 Salute 43089 Musketeer 43090 Moth 43091 Mothball 43092 Lioness 43093 Tigress 43094 Risk 43095 Brute 43096 Brisk 43097 Butterfly 43098 Imperium 43099 Spider 43100 Insect 43101 Aratinga 43102 Anteater 43103 Profiteer 43104 Falcon 43105 Hawk 43106 Legend 43107 Virago 43108 Capricorn 43109 Leo 43110 Crab 43111 Barracuda 43112 Reliant 43113 Quest 43114 Trophy 43115 Triumph 43116 Pinnacle 43117 Macaw 43118 Albatross 43119 Alligator 43120 Crocadile 43121 Manatee 43122 Porpoise 43123 Jester 43124 Noble 43125 Baron 43126 Baroness 43127 Knight 43128 Gemini 43129 Scout 43130 Ionia 43131 Saber 43132 Sword 43133 Lancer 43134 Sea Urchin 43135 Porcupine 43136 Cobra 43137 Constrictor 43138 Python 43139 Viking 43140 Paradise 43141 Tormentor 43142 Mist 43143 Active 43144 Last Chance 43145 Giant 43146 Faithful 43147 Grand 43148 Fountain 43149 Thistle 43150 Cornucopia 43151 Plentiful 43152 William 43153 Xena 43154 Horrible 43155 Prince 43156 Princess 43157 Muskrat 43158 Hound 43159 Nova 43160 Galaxy 43161 Pole Star 43162 Antares 43163 Betelguese 43164 Rigel 43165 Sirius 43166 Pilot 43167 Landfall 43168 Squid 43169 Lucky 43170 Manta 43171 Plucky 43172 Pequod 43173 Ocean 43174 Seaspray 43175 Select 43176 Lilith 43177 Rose 43178 Karina 43179 Royal Oak 43180 Minotaur 43181 Maria 43182 Tracey 43183 Andrea 43184 King Arthur 43185 Fortress 43186 Sparrow 43187 Thrush 43188 Raven 43189 Lively 43190 Zelda 43191 Rascal 43192 Nemo 43193 Frog 43194 Viceroy 43201 Build transport capacity 43202 Your Excellency. I m sure you will be galled to learn that the Great Power of [1: countryName] has more than twice our transport capacity!\n\nI respectfully remind you to make use of the Railyard. 43203 Build merchant ships 43204 Your Excellency. The Great Power of [1:countryName] has more than twice our merchant cargo space.\n\nI respectfully urge you to build more merchant ships in the Shipyard. 43205 Increase Labor Supply 43206 Your Excellency. The Great Power of [1:countryName] can muster more than twice the industrial labor we can.\n\nI respectfully suggest you recruit fresh workers using the Capitol, and improve the quality of our work force using the Trade School. 43207 A resource shortage resulted in idle workers. You need to get more [1:item] before they will work again. 43209 Expand the Steel Mill 43210 Your Excellency. The Great Power of [1:countryName] has a steel mill industry with a capacity more than double ours. \n\nPlease consider expanding the capacity of our steel mill industry. 43211 Expand the Lumber Mill 43212 Your Excellency. The Great Power of [1:countryName] has a lumber industry with a capacity more than double ours. \n\nPlease consider expanding the capacity of our lumber mill. 43219 Strengthen the Army 43220 Your Excellency. The Great Power of [1:countryName] has an army more than twice as strong as ours. \n\nIt is a dangerous state of affairs. I strongly urge you to build army units. 43221 Strengthen the Navy 43222 Your Excellency. The Great Power of [1:countryName] has a navy more than twice as strong as ours. \n\nIt is a dangerous state of affairs. I strongly urge you to build naval units. 43223 Workers Idled by Resource Shortage 43224 A resource shortage resulted in idle workers. There are three possible causes:\n1. Workers had to eat the wrong type of food.\n2. Advanced workers did not get their luxury materials.\n3. Workers had no food at all but foraged for food this turn. 43225 Invest in Technology 43226 Your Excellency, exciting new technologies are available from which we could benefit with merely a small investment. You consider investing in technology. 43227 Diplomatic Lead Overthrown! 43228 Our influence over the Minor Nation of [1: name] has been usurped by the Great Power of [2: name].\n 43229 Prepare for Battle 43230 Your Excellency, the Great Power of [1: countryname] declared war on us!\n\nYou and the Defense Minister must mobilize the army and navy and defend the capitol city at all costs. Diplomacy has failed. 43231 Slipping behind in battle for markets 43232 Your Excellency, the Great Power of [1: countryName] has become the most favored trade partner with the minor nation of [2: countryName].\n\nSubsidies and frequent trade deals would help us regain our former lead. 43233 Feed the Workers 43234 Your Excellency, food stocks have run dangerously low. Under your current orders, valuable workers will starve!\n\nI urge you to reconsider your trade and transport orders. 43235 Update Transport Orders 43236 Your Excellency, I beg you never to leave freight cars or barges idle. \n\nValuable transport capacity is going to waste. Please give me updated transport orders. 43237 Provide Diplomatic Orders 43238 Your Excellency, the foreign ministers of the world are about to exchange diplomatic proposals, as they do every 3 months. \n\nI have not yet received any orders from you. Please give me instructions using the diplomacy screen. 43239 Use Diplomacy Wisely 43240 Your Excellency, perhaps we could use some of our funds to gain influence in other countries. 43241 Capitol in Danger! 43242 Your Excellency, hostile forces stronger than our defending armies now border the Capitol City. \n\nThe situation is dire. I leave tonight for my country estate. 43243 Capitol in Danger! 43244 Your Excellency, at least one fleet stronger than our defending navy has established a beach head off our Capitol City. Enemy troops could arrive at any time. 43245 Build a Miner 43246 Congratulations upon your successful prospecting. To make these minerals available for transport, you need to send a miner to this spot to work.\n\nIf you don t already have one, I suggest training a miner in the university (in the Industry screen). 43247 Build a Depot 43248 Your Excellency, it is frequently a good idea to consider ordering the engineer to build a depot once he has laid enough track to get beyond the radius of the city. \n\nThe depot would allow you to transport in resources the city can t reach. 43249 Transport Resources 43250 Your Excellency, I remind you that now that this worker has finished his job, you need to give transport orders to benefit from the additional resources. 43251 Connect all Depots 43252 Congratulations upon the completion of a new depot. \n\nNotice the signal next to the building. If it is green, the depot is connected to the city and you can give transport orders to bring in new resources (click the transport button under the mini-map). 43253 Transport Resources 43254 Congratulations upon the completion of a new port. I remind you to set new transport orders to take advantage of the resources it makes available.\n\nBecause ports do not need to be connected by rail, you can set new orders right away. 43255 Increase Transport Capacity 43256 We now have more resources available than we can transport in one turn. This is an excellent sign of growth.\n\nI suggest building more transport capacity from the Railyard in the Industry screen. 43257 Prospecting Hint 43258 Your prospecting was unsuccessful. \n\nIf you want to see a hint about where to find some minerals, scroll down.\n\n\n\n\n\nHint #1: Iron can be found in the isolated hills 3 spaces North-East of the capital. 43259 Your prospecting was unsuccessful. \n\nIf you want to see a second hint about where to find some minerals, scroll down.\n\n\n\n\n\nHint #2: Coal can be found in the hills 1 space North and 2 spaces West of your capital. 43260 Your prospecting was unsuccessful. \n\nIf you want to see a third hint about where to find some minerals, scroll down. \n\n\n\nHint #3: Gold can be found in the mountains 2 spaces North and 3 spaces West of your capital. 43261 Look to the Seas! 43262 Your Excellency, there are hostile forces cruising at will in the seas off our coast. I call your attention to:\n 43263 Defend the Empire! 43264 Your Excellency, you have left a province adjacent to enemy forces undefended. I beg you to reconsider your military deployments. 43265 Upgrade the Troops 43266 Your Excellency, we must support the troops with the best new weapons. It is imperative that our military be upgraded, lest our forces be outmatched. 43267 Defend Coastal Sea Zones! 43268 Ports are being blockaded and cut off from the transport network. You should send our fleet to drive the enemy away. 43269 Consider the Competition... 43270 Your Excellency, that Minor Nation is too deeply under the influence of another Great Power for our grants to be effective. 43271 Provide Industrial Orders 43272 Your Excellency, idle workers could be gainfully employed.\n\nI have not yet received any orders from you. Please give me instructions using the industry screen. 43273 Military food supply problem! 43274 Your Excellency, our military units have been damaged by desertion as a result of food supply problems. 43275 Trade and Transport Capacity Warning 43276 Your Excellency, you are ordering the last ships in our home port to move away. Ships stationed in our home port conduct all trade and transport. We will be unable to trade goods, and unable to transport by sea unless you cancel these orders. 43277 Your Excellency, you are moving one or more ships that are in use for transporting goods. This will result in a sea transport capacity deficit of [1: ]. If you confirm these movement orders transport will be reduced. 43278 Spy in [1:] Lost 43279 Our spy who was operating in the country of [1:] was captured by their forces. 43280 Spy from [1:] Eliminated 43281 A spy from the country of [1:] was captured while spying in our country. 43282 Starving Workers Lost 43283 Workers in the labor force were lost due to lack of food. 43284 Enemy forces are invading! 43285 Your Excellency, the enemy is invading our coast into the following provinces:\n 43329 Sugar Cane 43330 Tobacco 43331 Furs 43332 Gold or Silver 43333 Gems or Diamonds 43334 Cotton 43335 Spices 43336 Mine Engineering 43337 Land Enclosure 43338 Saw Mill 43339 Superior Hull Design 43340 Crop Rotation 43341 Diplomatic Expertise 43342 Sugar Refining 43343 Sugar Planting 43344 Cigar Production 43345 Tobacco Planting 43346 Hat Production 43347 Improved Trapping Techniques 43348 Improved Sea Routes 43349 Cotton Weaving 43350 Cotton Planting 43351 Merchant Companies 43352 Apprentice Workers 43353 Large Sugar Plantations 43354 Trade Fairs 43355 Seed Drill 43356 Organized Regiments 43357 Large Cotton Plantations 43358 Coal Mining 43359 Iron Mining 43360 Copper and Tin Mining 43361 Precious Metals Mining 43362 Precious Stone Mining 43363 Navigation 43364 Printing Press 43365 Wind Saw Mill 43366 Recruit Steppe Horsemen 43367 Animal Husbandry 43368 Sheep Ranching 43369 Convoying 43370 Money Lending 43371 Trained Journeymen 43372 Sugar Industry 43373 Large Tobacco Plantations 43374 Road Construction 43375 Moldboard Plow 43376 Improved Iron Weapons 43377 Weapon Craftmanship 43378 Square Set Timbering 43379 Improved Infantry Tactics 43380 Steam in Mining 43381 Large Copper and Tin Mines 43382 Siege Engineering 43383 Privateering Companies 43384 Large Spice Plantations 43385 University 43386 Improved Cavalry Tactics 43387 Large Hulls 43388 Horse Artillery 43389 National Bureaucracy 43390 Improved Sail Design 43391 Master Artisans 43392 Cotton Gin 43393 Heavy Emplaced Artillery 43394 Early Steam Engine 43395 Crucible Process 43396 Large Coal Mines 43397 Modern Fortifications 43398 Ship of the Line 43399 Extraction of Precious Metals 43400 Large Precious Stone Mines 43401 Circular Saw 43402 Industrial Machinery 43403 Hussars 43404 Scientific Cattle Breeding 43405 Scientific Sheep Breeding 43406 Advanced Hull Design 43407 Propaganda 43408 Banking 43409 Riverboats 43410 Later Steam Engine 43411 Bayonet 43412 Explosives 43413 Early Rifles 43414 Heavy Artillery 43415 Industrial Funding of Research 43416 Efficient Extraction of Copper & Tin 43417 Improved Cavalry Weapons 43418 Improved Food Preservation 43419 Light Artillery Tactics 43420 Paddlewheels 43421 Spinning Jenny 43422 Tobacco Industry 43423 Clipper Ships 43424 Nationalism 43425 Dynamite 43426 Emplaced Siege Guns 43427 Merchant Steamships 43428 Excessive Fur Harvesting 43429 Needle Guns 43430 Modern Military Funding 43431 Advanced Iron Working 43432 Scouting 43433 Repeating Cavalry Carbine 43434 Empire Building 43435 Elite Military Training 43436 Long Range Rifles 43437 High Grade Steel 43438 Field Artillery Tactics 43439 Industrial Iron Mining 43440 Safety Lamp 43441 Amalgamation Process 43442 Geological Prospecting 43443 ERROR: NONAME TECH 43457 Sugar Cane can be used to produce Refined Sugar which is much prized by Apprentice Workers. 43458 Tobacco can be used to produce Cigars which are much prized by Journeyman Workers. 43459 Furs can be used to produce Hats which are much prized by Master Artisans. 43460 Silver and Gold can be converted to cash ($100 and $200/unit) once they are transported back to our capital. 43461 Gems and Diamonds can be converted to cash ($300 and $400/unit) once they are transported back to our capital. 43462 Cotton can be used to produce Fabric. 43463 Spices can be converted to cash ($50/unit) once they are transported back to our capital. 43464 Mine Engineering allows Engineers to upgrade our fortifications to level 2 . This advance also leads to improved mining technology. 43465 Land Enclosure makes efficient farms possible. Builders may increase grain output to two units per turn. This change in our society permits later military advances and reorganization. 43466 This technology permits builders to construct saw mills on forested land increasing output to two units per turn. Increasing availability of wood products leads to research opportunities in education and naval technology. 43467 Hull design advances permit construction of fluytes. These large merchant vessels have a larger cargo capacity than the carrack but poor armament for fighting. 43468 Crop Rotation allows growth of fodder crops that permit builders to improve our cattle herds . This leads to further advances in sheep and cattle herding as well as the military uses of horse herds. 43469 Diplomatic Expertise permits diplomats to offer embassies to Minor Nations. Once embassies exist, treaties and grants may be made, and Merchants, Engineers, and Builders may work in the Minor Nation. 43470 This advance permits production of refined sugar. This luxury is consumed each turn by Apprentice Workers. 43471 Sugar Plantations increase the productivity of sugar farms. Builders may develop sugar farms to produce 2 units of sugar cane per turn. 43472 This advance permits production of cigars from tobacco. This luxury is consumed each turn by journeymen workers. 43473 Tobacco Plantations increase the productivity of tobacco farms. Builders may develop tobacco farms to produce 2 units of tobacco per turn. 43474 This advance allows production of hats from furs. This luxury is consumed each turn by master artisans. 43475 Fur Trapping technology allows builders to develop trapping grounds to produce 2 units of furs per turn. 43476 With this knowledge of sea routes reducing spoilage, more spices from upgraded spice farms become available. This development leads to improvements in naval technology as well. 43477 This technology allows production of fabric from cotton. This fabric may be used interchangeably with fabric produced from wool. 43478 Cotton Plantations increase the productivity of cotton farms. Builders may develop cotton farms to produce 2 units of cotton per turn. 43479 Merchant companies permit construction of merchant units, which buy land in Minor Nations. This paves the way for development by our builders and ultimately overseas profits. 43480 Apprentice workers produce four times as much labor as an untrained peasant. Each turn, an apprentice worker consumes refined sugar. 43481 Large sugar plantations increase the productivity of sugar farms. Builders may develop sugar farms to produce 3 units of sugar cane per turn. 43482 Trade Fairs permit our traders to enter bids on up to six different commodities each turn. This development leads to banking and increased funding for the military. 43483 The Seed drill permits builders to improve grain farms to produce 3 units of grain per turn. 43484 The new regimental system permits the construction of Lancer units and the upgrading of Knights to Lancers. This development also leads to both new weapons and new tactics. 43485 Large Cotton Plantations increase the productivity of cotton farms. Builders may develop cotton farms to produce 3 units of cotton per turn. 43486 Coal mining knowledge allows builders to construct mines producing one unit of coal per turn. Coal mining eventually leads to the development of the crucible process for steel making. 43487 Improved mining of iron permits builders to upgrade iron mines to produce 2 units per turn. Iron mining leads to the production of steel, a key element for the growth of military and transportation technology. 43488 Improved copper and tin mine technology permits builders to upgrade mines. Copper and tin are used to create bronze; a critical material for construction of artillery, ships, and fortifications until the development of steel. 43489 Improved mining of silver and gold permits builders to upgrade precious metal mines to produce 2 units per turn. These metals convert directly to cash for our empire. 43490 Improved mining of diamonds and gems permits builders to upgrade precious stone mines to produce 2 units per turn. These gem stones convert directly to cash for our empire. 43491 New abilities in the field of navigation permit our shipwrights to construct small fast sloops ideal for privateering. This development leads to improved naval technologies. 43492 The printing press increases the efficiency of all technological research and leads to later developments in military tactics, education, and labor. 43493 The wind saw mill permits our builders to upgrade timber camps to produce 3 units of timber per turn. This increased timber output leads to improvements in naval technology such as the construction of larger ships. 43494 Improvements in organization and the growth of our herds permits recruiting and training of steppe horsemen. These fast cossack units are used for scouting and disrupting our foes. Later light cavalary units will develop from these forces. 43495 Advances in animal husbandry permit builders to improve cattle ranches to produce 3 units of meat per turn. This development eventually leads to new uses of horses to pull artillery, and to superior cavalry tactics. 43496 Advancements in sheep ranching allow builders to improve sheep farms to produce 2 wool per turn. 43497 The convoying advance allows construction of galleons. Although slow, these powerful, large vessels are ideal for convoying products from the new world. 43498 With the development of money lending, our empire can borrow more money and pay interest at a lower rate. This advance leads to superior bureaucratic organization and, eventually, to upgrades in provincial artillery forces. 43499 This technology permits training of journeymen who produce six times as much labor as an untrained peasant. Each turn, a journeyman worker consumes a cigar. 43500 Development of a sugar growing industry allows builders to upgrade sugar farms to produce 4 units of sugar per turn. 43501 Large tobacco plantations increase the productivity of tobacco farms. Builders may develop tobacco farms to produce 3 units of tobacco per turn. 43502 Improvements to the land transport system permit our roads to move 2 units of commodities from each connected mine, farm, or ranch. This development leads to railroads. 43503 With the development of the moldboard plow, our builders may improve grain farms to produce 4 units of grain per turn. 43504 Improved casting and forging of iron weapons permits the recruiting of Halberdiers. Pikemen may be upgraded to this new type of unit. This advance leads to the bayonet and other military knowledge. 43505 Improved weapon craftsmanship permits the recruiting and equipping of musketeer regiments and the upgrading of the outdated arquebusiers. These skills lead to advances in explosives and other weapon technology. 43506 Square-set timbering permits the construction of deeper coal mines and allows builders to upgrade our mines to produce 2 units of coal per turn. Coal mining leads to large-scale industrial developments. 43507 Our increasing understanding of infantry tactics permits the recruitment of Calivermen, and the upgrading of peasant levies. These new regiments are adept at drawing enemy fire and using terrain for concealment. 43508 Early developments using steam power permit deeper more efficient iron mines. Builders can upgrade mines to produce 3 units of iron per turn. This development leads to steel making. 43509 Increasing knowledge of metallurgy and mining permits builders to upgrade copper and tin mines to produce 3 units per turn. This development leads to new ship classes equipped with larger bronze cannons. 43510 Improved understanding of siege engineering permits the construction of royal artillery regiments and the upgrading of the outdated culverin. This developments leads to improvements in emplaced and heavy artillery, and fort construction. 43511 The growth and funding of privateering companies improves the chances of naval interception and leads to later development of advanced ship classes. 43512 Large spice plantations increase the productivity of spice farms. Builders may develop spice farms to produce 3 units of spices per turn. 43513 The university permits funding of a fourth research project and leads to advances in military, naval, and industrial technologies. 43514 Our increasing understanding of cavalry tactics permits the recruitment of harquebusiers. These new regiments are the first to use firearms in the saddle and lead to later heavy cavalry. 43515 This technology allows construction of a new large cargo vessel, the indiaman, which carries 25% more cargo than a galleon. This development leads to large-hulled warships. 43516 Improving horse breeds and lighter cannons allow our generals to recruit horse-drawn artillery that can be fired and relocated rapidly on the battlefield. 43517 With the growth of national bureaucracy, our builders may upgrade provincial towns. An upgraded town produces materials for transport consistent with the types of developed resources in its province. 43518 Improvements in sail design have led our shipwrights to a fast light merchant vessel, the trader. These sails will later be useful for faster warships as well. 43519 This advance permits training of master artisans, who produce 8 times as much labor as an untrained peasant. Master artisans demand the luxury of a fur hat every turn. 43520 The invention of the cotton gin permits builders to upgrade cotton plantations to produce 4 units of cotton per turn. 43521 With this development the emplaced royal artillery in all of our empire s forts is automatically upgraded to heavy artillery. 43522 Railroads can be constructed by the rail builder unit in any flat terrain which includes a road. Railroads can transport up to 4 commodities from a single farm, mine, timber camp, or ranch. 43523 The crucible process allows steel to be made from coal and iron. Steel is used to construct the most advanced types of military and naval forces. 43524 Large coal mines can be constructed by a builder. These mines produce 3 units of coal per turn. 43525 The development of modern forts allows our Engineers to upgrade our fortifications to level 3 . This advance also leads to improved types of heavy artillery. 43526 Improvements in hull design and bronze metallurgy permit shipwrights to construct ships of the line. 43527 Improved extraction of silver and gold permits builders to upgrade precious metal mines to produce 3 units per turn. These metals convert directly to cash for our empire. 43528 Improved mining of diamonds and gems permits builders to upgrade precious stone mines to produce 3 units per turn. These gem stones convert directly to cash for our empire. 43529 Invention of the circular saw permits builders to upgrade timber camps to produce 4 timber per turn. 43530 New industrial machinery decreases the cost of military attack by 25%. This development later leads to weapon advances and industrial funding of research. 43531 Improved training facilities and new horse breeds allow the recruiting of hussars and the upgrading of cossacks. Hussar regiments are very fast and exceptionally difficult to destroy. 43532 The development of scientific cattle breeding permits builders to upgrade cattle ranches to produce 4 units of meat per turn. 43533 The development of scientific sheep breeding permits builders to upgrade sheep ranches to produce 3 units of wool per turn. 43534 Developments in hull and sail design permit the construction of frigates. Frigates are fast, powerful warships ideal for privateering and interception. 43535 Propaganda decreases the diplomatic penalties suffered when our empire declares war. This development leads to the growth of nationalism. 43536 Banking decreases the interest rate when we borrow money and permits negative spending of larger sums. It later leads to improved military funding. 43537 Steam powered riverboats permit greater exploitation of fur bearing animals. Builders can upgrade trapper camps to produce three units per turn. 43538 With improved steam engines our rail builder may now construct rail through hills and swamps. 43539 The development of the bayonet permits recruiting of regulars and upgrading of halberdiers. Regulars are the first infantry adept at both melee and ranged combat. 43540 Improvement of explosives allows recruiting of grenadiers and upgrading of musketeers. 43541 The new rifled gun barrel permits slow and accurate fire, ideal for the new skirmisher regiments. Calivermen may be upgraded. 43542 Powerful heavy artillery made of steel can now be built. Royal artillery upgrades to this new type of regiment. 43543 The growth of business and industry creates new sources for research funding, increasing the efficiency of all research. This leads to improved military and naval technology. 43544 Improved extraction of copper and tin permits builders to upgrade mines to produce 4 units per turn. 43545 Improved cavalry weapons allow the recruiting of cuirassiers and the upgrading of harquebusiers. 43546 Improvements in food preservation allow builders to upgrade spice farms to produce 4 units of spices per turn. 43547 New tactics for light artillery combined with steel construction permit recruiting of Light artillery regiments and upgrading horse artillery. 43548 Steam driven paddlewheels for ocean-going vessles permit shipwrights to construct the raider, a fast destructive privateering ship. 43549 The invention of the spinning jenny allows builders to upgrade sheep farms to produce 4 units of wool per turn. 43550 Development of tobacco industry permits builders to upgrade tobacco farms to produce 4 tobacco per turn. 43551 This development permits shipwrights to construct clipper ships, relatively small merchant sailing vessels with exceptional speed. 43552 Nationalism permits larger attack and defense forces in each province. The limit is now 12 regiments. The presence of a general allows a further increase. 43553 Dynamite permits the construction of railroads through mountainous terrain. This development leads to further advances in mining technology as well. 43554 With this discovery our siege engineers automatically upgrade all our emplaced artillery to siege guns, the most powerful artillery that can be constructed. 43555 This development allows shipwrights to build a huge new merchant steamship with vast cargo capacity. 43556 New trapping and hunting techniques allow our builders to upgrade fur trading posts to produce 4 units of fur per turn. 43557 The invention of the breechloading needle gun permits rifle infantry to be recruited. Our musket-bearing regular infantry may be upgraded. 43558 Modern military funding allows less expensive attack movements by our land forces. This development later leads to the most powerful types of regiments. 43559 Advanced ironworking knowledge permits shipwrights to construct the ironclad; a heavily armored warship capable of inflicting damage at long ranges. 43560 Superior equipment and training of light cavalry forces permits the recruiting of scout regiments and the upgrading of hussars. 43561 Development of a seven shot repeating carbine allows the recruiting of carbine cavalry and the upgrading of cuirassier units. 43562 Greater understanding of foreign cultures and improved training of diplomats permits requests to other Great Powers to join the empire peacefully. Acceptance depends on the economic and military might of the asking empire. 43563 New training techniques permit the recruiting of elite infantry regiments called guards. Grenadiers may be upgraded. 43564 The invention of the long range target rifle permits the recruiting of sharpshooter regiments and the upgrading of skirmishers. 43565 New high grade steel permits the construction of a mobile siege gun. Although slow, these gigantic guns can batter the strongest fortifications and are especially effective on defense. Heavy artillery may be upgraded. 43566 New tactical know-how and superior metallurgy permits construction of field artillery, the ideal unit for taking fortifications. Our light artillery may be upgraded. 43567 Advances in explosives and industry allow builders to upgrade iron mines to produce 4 units of iron per turn 43568 The safety lamp permits coal miners to dig deeper, allowing builders to upgrade coal mines to produce 4 units of coal per turn. 43569 With the amalgamation process, builders can upgrade all precious metals mines to produce 4 gold or silver per turn. 43570 Geological prospecting permits all precious stone mines to become more productive. Builders may upgrade mines to produce 4 gems or diamonds per turn. 43571 ERROR: NONAME TECH DESCRIPTION 43585 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43586 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43587 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43588 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43589 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43590 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43591 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43592 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43593 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43594 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43595 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43596 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43597 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43598 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43599 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43600 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43601 Detailed Description Unavailable at this 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43696 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43697 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43698 Detailed Description Unavailable at this time. 43699 ERROR: NONAME TECH DESCRIPTION 43713 Royal Wedding with [1:Country] 43714 Diplomatic Crisis with [1:Country] 43715 Rats Destroy Grain Store 43716 Goods Lost in Transportation Disaster 43717 Earthquake Damages Mines 43718 Immigration Adds to Labor Force 43719 [1:country] Joins Empire 43720 Plague Spoils Recruiting Efforts 43721 Military Victories Strengthen New Units 43722 New Flagship Joins Fleet 43723 Enemy Capitol s Fortifications Brought Home 43724 Capital of [1:] Conquered 43725 Conquest Reveals Existence of [1:country] 43726 Privateer Ship Joins the Fleet 43727 discover NW capitol - not used 43728 Spy from [1:] Chooses to Join Our Forces 43729 New General Appointed Due to Army Growth 43777 The relationship with [1:] has been improved as a result of a wedding joining the royal families. 43778 Our relationship with [1:] has been damaged by our ambassador s blundering use of the canape fork during desert at a royal fete. 43779 Half of our stored grain has been devoured by rats. 43780 An unfortunate series of road accidents have reduced by 1 the amount of each resource received by land transport. 43781 An earthquake has damaged mines in the province of [1:]. All the mines at level 2 or higher have been reduced by one level. 43782 Immigration has added two peasants to the workforce in our city. 43783 The country of [1:] has contributed two trading ships to our merchant fleet as a gesture showing their gratitude for being allowed to join our empire. 43784 Our recruiting efforts were spoiled by a plague. The fabric expended was lost. 43785 Military conquest has spread enthusiasm for the army thought the population, improving the quality of the raw recruits. All new army units start with one medal of experience. 43786 Commercial marine interests protected by our fleet have contributed a new flag ship to show their appreciation for the growing power of the navy. 43787 The fortifications which previously ringed the conquered capital of [1:] have been broken down, brought home, and used to increase the fortifications around our home city. 43788 After conquering the capital of [1:], a large number of their men volunteered to join our army, and have been formed into a new infantry regiment. 43789 During our conquest of a New World capital, information was received which reveals the existence of the previously unknown nation of [1 :]. 43790 The goods taken in a series of privateering raids have inspired a wealthy citizen to fund a new privateering ship, which has now joined our navy. 43791 not used 43792 An enemy spy from [1:] was detected and captured. He has chosen to join our forces. 43793 To handle the ever increasing forces in the army, a new general has been appointed. 43841 Your excellency, the foreign ministers of the world are about to exchange diplomatic proposals. I have not yet received any orders from you. 43842 Your excellency, perhaps we could use some of our funds to gain influence in other countries 43843 Your majesty, if we attack we will lose our embassy and void our Non-Aggression Pact. Is the attack ok, or should we cancel it? 43844 Your majesty, if we attack we will lose our embassy. Is the attack ok, or should we cancel it? 43845 Your majesty, if we attack we will lose our consulate. Is the attack ok, or should we cancel it? 43846 Your Majesty, granting money to a colony will foment rebellion against their ruler. Proceed with the grant? 43847 Your Majesty, granting money to a vassal state will foment rebellion against their ruler. Proceed with the grant? 43848 Insufficient Labor 43849 Your Majesty. Constructing additional peacetime forces should not take precedence over expanding our labor supply. Industry needs more labor. Consider recruiting more workers before you build these forces.\nDo you still wish to recruit this unit? 43850 Insufficient Food Supply 43851 Your Majesty. Our transport system is unable to supply enough food to feed these new recruits. Our food stockpiles will not last forever. Consider expanding our food supply before you recruit more workers. \nDo you still wish to recruit this worker? 43905 This is the Main Map screen, turn # [1:number].\n(For help with Episode [2:number], click the question mark button in the lower right of the screen.) 43906 This is the Trade Orders Screen. 43907 This is the Industry Orders screen. As you move the mouse, look at the help text in the top right; it identifies the item under the cursor. 43908 This is the Deal Summary screen.\nPurchases appear on the right, sales on the left. \n\nOffers that weren t presented because there wasn t any ship capacity left are also listed on the right. 43909 This is the Transport Orders screen. 43910 There are two ways to approach technology research:\n1. rely on computer control\n2. manually select which technologies to research. \nFor beginners, computer control is recommended. 43911 This tutorial trains you to take full command of a Great Power in the early 1500s. As you accomplish the goals in each of a series of episodes, you will be gradually entrusted with control of more and more of the Empire. 43912 [1: unit type] awaiting orders 43913 Click the exclamation point button in the lower right of the screen to end your turn. 43914 Builder developing [1:grain farm]. 43915 Feedback:\n 43916 Prompter:\n 43917 Engineer building road. 43918 Engineer building port. 43919 Engineer building fort. 43921 End of turn [1:2]. 43922 [1: unit type] orders delayed. 43923 [1: unit type] done for this turn. 43924 [1: unit type] going to sleep. 43925 [1: unit type] disbanding. 43926 [1: unit type] deploying. 43927 Explorer searching for minerals. 43928 Current tile is not explored. 43929 Current tile has been explored, but contains no minerals (as indicated by the pickaxe and red  x ). 43930 Current tile has been explored, and contains [1:mineral name] (as indicated by the mineral icon). A Builder could make a mine here. 43931 Episode [1:number]:\n 43932 Goal: 43933 Background 43934 Tips 43935 Show information about next Episode 43936 Save and Quit 43937 Click here to review goals 43938 Civilians : [1: number] ordered\nShips : [2:number] ordered\nRegiments : [3:number] ordered 43939 [1: unit type] selected for possible construction. 43940 Ordering construction of [1:unit type]. 43941 Reducing number of units constructed 43942 Red X's indicate a shortage which prevents additional construction. 43943 Click a military, civilian or ship to select for possible construction orders.\n\nThen click gold construction arrow under unit s picture on the left to increase or decrease construction. 43944 No more construction of [1:unit type] is possible due to shortages as indicated by the red x (s). \n\nSelect another type of unit or change panels or return to Main Map. 43945 Necessary ingredients are shown under the word  Cost on the left.\n\nClick gold arrows to change construction orders, or select a different type of unit. 43946 The invasion fleet cannot carry more army units than the total cargo capacity of the ships in that fleet. \n\nEither add some ships to the invasion fleet or remove some army units from the attack force. 43947 Click on a seal to accept or reject this trade deal. \n\nTo learn more about other deals you may be offered this turn, click on a commodity icon on the right hand scroll. 43948 Bought [1: commodity name] from [2:country name]. \n\nEach purchase takes up cargo space in our ships. Remaining merchant marine capacity: [3: number]\n\nNow being offered a new deal. \n 43949 Rejected [1: commodity name] from [2:country name]. \n\nNow being offered a new deal.\nRemaining merchant marine capacity: [3: number] 43950 After the end of each turn, there is a round of trading. Other countries decide if they want to buy the items you offered. \n\nMeanwhile, you use this screen to buy items other countries offer to you. 43951 Cancelled orders for [1: unit name]. 43952 Confirmed orders for [1: unit name]. 43953 WARNING: Your Explorer is exploring in another country. You will not be able to extract any minerals found here unless you conquer the province. 43954 Your Explorer is exploring the New World. While you cannot transport resources belonging to a Tribe, you can develop them and receive a share of the profits when they are sold. 43955 Builder developing [1:grain farm] to level [2:number]. 43956 This is the Main Map screen. 43957 Sorry, the saved game file for the tutorial is corrupted. Resuming your tutorial in progress is impossible. 43958 All units have orders. 43959 Click the Transport button in the toolbar to go to the Transport Orders screen. (It s the button with a carriage on it.) 43960 Click the Trade button in the toolbar to go to the Trade Orders screen. (It s the button with coins on it.) 43961 Click the Diplomacy button in the toolbar to go to the Diplomacy Orders screen. (It s the button with a scroll on it.) 43962 Click the Technology button in the ribbon toolbar to go to the Technology Orders screen. (It s the button with a compass on it.) 43963 Tally: [1: number] units of labor are being used to produce [2:number] units of materials. 43964 Increasing production of [1:material name]. 43965 Decreasing production of [1:material name]. 43966 This is the Industry Orders screen with the Production panel selected. 43967 This is the Industry Orders screen with the Labor panel selected. 43968 This is the Units panel on the Industry Orders screen. 43969 All labor is assigned. Either reassign labor -or- 43970 No more resources are available. 43971 Click the gold arrow on the upper left scroll knob to return to the Main Map. 43972 Click on gold production arrows to assign labor and resources to production. 43973 This is the Main Map screen. 43974 Your tutorial game will be saved now. You will be able to continue this tutorial or start a new one the next time to you play by clicking on the scrolls in the startup screen. 43975 Click on arrows near top of the scroll to recruit new peasants. 43976 Cannot recruit due to shortage of fabric. 43977 Increasing recruiting of peasants 43978 Decreasing recruiting of peasants 43979 Switch to another panel (icons at top center of screen), or return to the Main Map ( gold arrow on the upper left scroll knob). 43980 Market information for this year for [1:commodity name].\n\nClick the question mark button at the top of the right hand scroll for strategy tips on using market information to plan ahead and decide which offers to accept or reject.\n 43981 Click a colored commodity icon on the right hand scroll to view a different market. \n\nClick the leather tab on the left to close the scroll and return to the current Trade Offer Sheet. 43982 Click a colored commodity icon on the right hand scroll to view a different market. \n\nClick the leather tab on the left to close the scroll and return to the Deal Summary. 43983 Click the return arrow on the left scroll knob to continue.\n\nTo review who was buying and selling a given commodity this turn, click a colored commodity icon on the right hand scroll. 43984 This is the Battle Report.\nCurrently showing results of the battle in the province of [1: province name]. You won! 43985 This is the Battle Report.\nCurrently showing results of the battle in the [1: sea zone name]. You won! 43986 Click on the arrows next to the "I" button to look at reports of other battles. 43987 Click the "I" button for details on the battle (reports on injuries to the units or possibly spoils of war). 43988 Click the return arrow at the upper left to continue. 43989 Details of the battle in the province of [1:province name] 43990 Details of the battle in the [1:sea zone name] 43991 Click the close box in the medallion at the top to close the detail and return to the main Battle Report view. 43992 Army deploying to province of [1:province name] 43993 Army attacking province of [1:province name]. Cost of the attack: [2:cost] 43994 Army defending. 43995 Army orders delayed. 43996 Army done for this turn. 43997 Click to show Background 43998 Click to show Tips 43999 avail 44000 Units by ship: [1: number]\nUnits by land: [2: number]\nTotal transport orders: [3:number] 44001 Increasing ship transport of [1: item] 44002 Decreasing ship transport of [1: item] 44003 Use arrows to increase or decrease transport by ship. Click the gold arrow on the upper left scroll knob to return to the Main Map. 44004 Orders screens not visited: 44005 Fleet awaiting orders 44006 Army in the province of [1:province name] awaiting orders.\n\n(To identify types of units in the garrison, place cursor over units in toolbar & read help text at top right of the screen.) 44007 Fleet ordered to remain on station 44008 Home Fleet ordered to conduct trade and transport 44011 Fleet patrolling in [1: sea zone name] 44012 Fleet docking in [1: sea zone name] 44013 Fleet ordered to blockade [1: country name] 44014 Fleet ordered to blockade transport port in [1: country name] 44015 Fleet sailing to [1: sea zone name] 44016 Fleet establishing landing site in the province of [1: province name] 44017 Fleet orders confirmed 44018 Fleet orders cancelled 44019 Fleet done for this turn 44020 Fleet orders delayed 44023 Clicking on a country will invite them to join your Empire 44024 Clicking on a Great Power will offer them an alliance 44025 Clicking on a Tribe or Neutral State will give them a Non-Aggression Pact 44026 Clicking on a country with whom you are at war will offer peace. 44027 Clicking on an Old World nation will declare war. \n(Formal war declarations are not required in the New World.) 44028 Clicking on a country with whom you have an embassy will give a grant.\n\nTip: Control-clicking will automatically select the subsidy which will make you the most favored trading partner, if possible. 44029 Clicking on a country with whom you have an embassy will give a grant every turn. 44030 Clicking on a country will give them a trade subsidy. \nThis makes you more likely to become their favored trade partner, to whom they offer the commodities first. 44032 Clicking on a country will place a boycott, which prevents your traders from selling to them. 44033 Clicking on a country will place a colony boycott, which prevents your colonies from trading with them. 44035 Clicking on a country will create a Trade Consulate. \nBenefits: Each subsequent trade improves your relationship; you gain the ability to offer trade subsidies and to create an Embassy.\nCosts: $500. 44036 Clicking on a country with whom we have a consul will create an Embassy. \nBenefits: Gain the right to send in Merchant unit, to offer treaties and to grant money.\nCosts: $1000. 44039 [1: country name] will be invited to join your Empire during the next round of diplomacy (after the end of the turn). Their reply will appear in the Turn Summary. 44040 [1: country name] will be invited to join in an Alliance with your Empire during the next round of diplomacy council (after the end of the turn). Their reply will appear in the Turn Summary. 44041 [1: country name] will be given a Non-Aggression Pact during the next round of diplomacy (after the end of the turn). 44042 [1: country name] will be offered peace during the next round of diplomacy (after the end of the turn). Their reply will appear in the Turn Summary. 44043 We will declare war on [1: country name] during the next round of diplomacy (after the end of the turn). 44044 We will give a grant to [1: country name] during the next round of diplomacy (after the end of the turn). 44045 We will give a grant to [1: country name] during the every subsequent round of diplomacy. 44046 We will establish a trade subsidy with [1: country name] during the next round of diplomacy (after the end of the turn). 44048 Our boycott on [1:country name] will become effective before the next round of trade (after the end of the turn). 44049 Our boycott on [1:country name] will become effective before the next round of trade (after the end of the turn). 44051 We will establish a Trade Consul with [1: country name] during the next round of diplomacy (after the end of the turn). 44052 We will establish an Embassy with [1: country name] during the next round of diplomacy (after the end of the turn). 44055 Invitation to join Empire withdrawn 44056 Offer of alliance withdrawn 44057 Offer of Non-Aggression Pact withdrawn 44058 Offer of peace withdrawn 44059 Declaration of war withdrawn 44060 Plan to give grant rescinded 44061 Plan to give grant rescinded 44062 Plan to give subsidy rescinded 44064 Plan to place boycott rescinded 44065 Plan to place boycott rescinded 44067 Plan to create Trade Consul rescinded 44068 Plan to create Embassy rescinded 44069 This is the Information panel on the Diplomacy Orders screen. The horizontal row of oval buttons is for setting different kinds of orders. The vertical row of buttons if for getting different kinds of information. 44070 This is the Overtures panel. Each button puts the cursor into a mode where the clicking on a country on the map offers the selected overture. 44071 This is the Grants panel. Each button puts the cursor into a mode where the clicking on a country on the map offers the selected grant. 44072 This is the Trade Policy panel. Each button puts the cursor into a mode where the clicking on a country on the map offers the selected subsidy . 44073 This is the Victory panel. It shows how many Old World provinces each Great Power controls. No actions are possible here. 44074 Click on the map to get information about specific countries. 44075 Click on a country to see its international influence. The grants shown are those of the selected country. 44076 Click on a country to see what it exports. Tip: it s a good idea to attempt to become influential with a couple of Minor Nations, especially ones which export items you need. \n\nClick on a Great Power to see its subsidies. 44078 Click on a country to see its treaties. The Consulates and Embassies shown are those of the selected country. 44079 Click on a "B" to enter a bid to buy.\nClick on an "O" to enter an offer to sell.\nClick the gold return arrow to return to the Main Map or click an icon at the bottom to go to a different Orders screen. 44080 Three is the maximum number of bids.\nClick on an "O" to enter an offer to sell.\nClick the gold return arrow to return to the Main Map. 44081 Offering [1:number] units of [2: commodity name] for sale.\n\nAfter the turn there is a round of trading. If other nations are bidding on [3:commodity name], it may be sold. 44082 Reduced offer of [1:commodity name] to [2:units] 44083 Increased offer of [1:commodity name] to [2:units] 44084 Removed offer to sell [1:commodity name] 44085 Bidding on [1:commodity name].\n\nAfter the turn there is a round of trading. If other nations are offering to sell [2:commodity name], we may get a chance to buy some. 44086 Removed offer to buy [1:commodity name] 44087 Industry 44088 Transport 44089 Diplomacy 44090 Trade 44091 Technology 44092 End turn or go to an Orders screen 44093 Viewing technologies we have discovered.\nClick the category labels at the top of the scroll to filter which types of technologies are shown. 44094 Viewing technologies we can research (when a slot is available).\nClick the category labels at the top of the scroll to filter which types of technologies are shown. 44095 Viewing technologies we can establish as a long-term goal.\n\nClick the category labels at the top of the scroll to filter which types of technologies are shown. 44096 Increasing spending on [1:tech name] 44097 Decreasing spending on [1:tech name] 44098 Selecting [1:tech name] as a goal.\nResearchable technologies which move you closer to the selected goal are now marked with a small round gold icon. 44099 Selecting [1:tech name] as a research project. When the project is completed, the benefit will be the new availability of [2:benefit name]. 44100 Canceling research project . 44101 Click the gold arrow at the top left of the screen to return to the Main Map. 44102 Click on the gold arrows in each slot to set the amount of money that will be spent each turn on that project. 44103 Canceling goal 44104 Final food requirements:\nArmy requires: [1: number]\nNavy requires: [2: number]\nWorkers require: [3: number]\nTotal required: [4: number] 44105 Final food transport orders:\nGrain: [1: number]\nLivestock: [2: number]\nFish: [3: number]\nTotal food supply: [4: number] 44106 At this rate, your workers will starve. \nYou should probably play the tutorial again and focus more on developing food resources throughout the game. 44107 Congratulations, you have balanced your food needs and supply. You have completed all the goals of the tutorial. You are truly ready to play a full game of Imperialism II. 44108 Click here for more information. 44109 It s 1650:\nthe Tutorial is over 44110 Review 44111 What s next 44112 The tutorial game ends in 1650. \nClick the scrolls in the main startup screen to start a new tutorial, or click the globe to start a new regular game. 44113 Currently showing Background 44114 Currently showing Tips 44115 Click to open Goals Window 44116 Clicking the globe again will start a new game. However, it is recommended that you start with the tutorial.\n\nClick the scrolls on the table to play the tutorial. 44117 Clicking the statue of horsemen again will bring you to multiplayer setup. However, it is recommended that you start with the tutorial.\n\nClick the scrolls on the table to play the tutorial. 44118 Clicking the chest again will bring you to the load saved game screen. However, you have no saved games to load, and it is recommended that you start with the tutorial.\n\nClick the scrolls on the table to play the tutorial. 44119  Tutor preference controls this window. 44120 This is the Battle Report.\nCurrently showing results of the battle in the province of [1: province name]. You lost! 44121 This is the Battle Report.\nCurrently showing results of the battle in the [1: sea zone name]. You lost! 44122 Be advised, the demo cannot run past the year 1650. You may need to play again to complete the tutorial within the time limit. \n\nIn the full version, there is no time limit. 44161 Discovered in the province of [1:province], a province of [2:country], Sugar Cane can be used to produce Refined Sugar which is much prized by Apprentice Workers. 44162 Discovered in the province of [1:province], a province of [2:country], Tobacco can be used to produce Cigars which are much prized by Journeyman Workers. 44163 Discovered in the province of [1:province], a province of [2:country], Furs can be used to produce Hats which are much prized by Master Artisans. 44164 Discovered in the province of [1:province], a province of [2:country], Silver and Gold can be converted to cash ($100 and $200/unit) once they are transported back to our capital. 44165 Discovered in the province of [1:province], a province of [2:country], Gems and Diamonds can be converted to cash ($300 and $400/unit) once they are transported back to our capital. 44166 Discovered in the province of [1:province], a province of [2:country], Cotton can be used to produce Fabric. 44167 Discovered in the province of [1:province], a province of [2:country], Spices can be converted to cash ($50/unit) once they are transported back to our capital. 44289 General 44290 Garrison Commander of 44291 Admiral 44292 Captain of the 44293 Scouting Report 44294 Report on the army forces of 44295 in the province of 44296 as estimated by 44297 We cannot scout this province without a nearby ship or neighboring armies. 44298 No forces are present 44299 Deploying to province: [1:provinceName] 44300 Army Report 44301 Composition 44302 Orders 44303 Attacking province: [1:province] 44304 Our expert spy